Monday, February 24, 2020

Down 30 lbs/13.5 kg in 2 months; advice and ramblings on what works for those starting

- Keto, etc are fine but what really matters is food that KEEPS you full. Especially on 1 meal a day, high quality protein and fat matters. Most carbs barely count at all at keeping you full. If you are hungry all the time, your diet will be that much harder and you will cheat.

- Keto, high meat diets are great for OMAD/IF. It takes at least 1 week to adjust to OMAD. The first few days suck, no getting around it. Keto is the most efficient way to lose weight but is more expensive/socially tough.

- Its easier to switch to keto from OMAD because your body has spent a lot of time in ketosis. For IF, the best method I’ve found is to eat 25-30% of your calories in the first meal and make it high protein, high fat to keep you full. 8 hours later, eat the rest of your calories.

- I find that my natural hunger starts to come back around 8 hours. On OMAD, my hunger spikes at 8 hours and 12 hours. For some reason, I’m actually less hungry after waking up, and can last 4+ hours with way less grief than before bed. But you should still eat within 4-6 hours of bedtime, otherwise you won’t sleep as well.

- I think a large reason people report extra energy during/after weight loss is that it’s just hard to take naps or sleep more than 6-8 hours without eating a lot. I was able to take so many depression naps while at my fattest because I was always recovering from a meal.

-Your tastes and favorite foods will probably change. I always heard people say they can take or leave or even don’t like sugar, desert anymore. Maybe part of it is the hungrier you are, the less picky you are. I grew up probably in the top slice of picky eaters. Nuggets, pizza, fries. But vegetables are on the menu now. I don’t like ALL of them now, but I definitely actually enjoy them more than before.

- Fiber is really important, your bowel movements will be less crazy and you will be less hungry. I supplement a lot of fiber with Metamucil.

- Salt helps a lot. If you are doing OMAD or alternate day, especially at a pretty high deficit, you need more salt than you think. I have electrolyte pills from amazon but I will also just weigh out some salt crystals and take that. I add about 1g of salt a day, for myself I’m shooting for 5000mg sodium.

- I don't cook anymore to save time and energy. I basically only eat foods I can get a calorie count on, and shoot for 1800 a day. I eat almost exclusively value menu fast food to save money. I get burritos from taco bell etc. If I had more money I'd splurge on higher protein, higher quality prepared food. Stuff like Halal Guys, Raising Cane's, In n Out is high protein and does a good job of keeping me full.

- Drink a lot of fluid. But the more you drink the more salt you need. I can't keep enough plain water down so I buy Diet Peach Snapple Tea mixes from amazon and drink a shitload of that. My pee is always clear and I drink close to a gallon a day. If aspartame etc spikes your insulin, I'm not too concerned - I like the flavor and I'm happy with my weight loss.

Other things I do but can’t say if it helps or not:

  • Apple cider vinegar before meals
  • Decent quality liquid organic multivitamin
  • I don’t exercise, I walk maybe 2.5-5k steps a day max.
  • Ashwagandha
  • fish oil, 2 tsp/day
submitted by /u/adambombchannel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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