Thursday, February 27, 2020

I'm 336 lbs. and my left foot is in constant pain because I'm morbidly obese. I need help.

Hello everyone. I've hit a point in my life where I'm asking the kind folks of Reddit for weight loss advice. I'm currently 336 pounds, 5'8", and 37 years old. I was just diagnosed with a Jones Fracture in my left foot due to many years of extended stress and pressure. I need to lose weight to alleviate the pain, but nothing I've ever tried seems to work. I'll provide some backstory:

I've been overweight since I started first grade. I ballooned up at age 5 and it's been that way ever since.

Both of my parents smoked. My mom smoked while she was pregnant with me. I have severe asthma and my lungs have the capacity of a 9-10 year old boy. I get winded very easily. I've never smoked and I don't hang around smokers. Exercise is very hard for me, especially cardio or anything involving me getting on the floor.

By 2013, I was 30 years old and 343 pounds.

Between 2013 and 2016, I exercised over 2 hours each day and ate less than a 1000 calories. I did this for four years straight. I lost 102 pounds, but I was miserable. I stayed cold and often couldn't think straight.

In late Fall of 2016, I caught severe chronic Bronchitis. I was sick for 18 months, coughing constantly. Of course, my weight immediately came back because I couldn't exercise at the same level.

Since the summer of 2018, my weight has crept even higher, right back to where I am now. I watch what I eat, count calories, avoid carbs, and use dumbell weights to exercise with. My left foot gradually got worse over time, though.

Today, the Jones Fracture causes severe pain on the outer edge of my left foot. I also have plantar fasciitis in that same foot. My arches are very high and I have a very hard time finding shoes that fit me. As if I didn't already have enough problems, I have kyphosis in my back and my left arm has a nerve issue which causes me severe pain when I raise it above the nipple line.

My blood work is solid. I don't have high blood sugar. I'm not pre-diabetic. I have low cholesterol. If not for being morbidly obese and an asthmatic, I'd be relatively healthy.

Can anybody help me? I don't know what to do. Any guidance would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/JaredUnzipped
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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