Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rave for my SO: nonstop weight loss support

When we started dating about 6 months ago, I was (and still am) at a higher weight than I wanted to be when I got back on the dreaded dating apps. However, I met this really fantastic guy. He's fantastic for many reasons, but two of them are relevant here. 1) He thinks I'm attractive at my current weight and makes that very clear to me all the time, but 2) when I said I wanted to drop some weight and get in better shape his response wasn't to tell me that I didn't need to do it. I mean, he said he thinks I'm pretty as I am, but if I want to trim down to myself, he's happy to support that.

And supportive he's been.

He's never had a problem with weight and eats 3 cheeseburgers a week plus uncounted dates with Chik-fil-A, but he's been making changes to support my weight loss goals. He's learning to cook at home so he can make me healthy things I can portion out. He keeps foods around that I won't feel guilty about eating (like low-fat, low-sugar granola for my plain yogurt for breakfast). He doesn't make frustrated comments when I log my food or say I'm not having another beer because I need to stay within my calories. He encourages me to take walks during my day at work and will get up and walk with me for an hour both weekend days when we're together. We just started going to the gym together once a week.

And the best part: he says he does this just because that's what a good partner does. You know, that IS what a good partner does; I've just never had one like that before. I hope all of you on this sub find or have partners who are as supportive of your weight loss journeys as mine is!

submitted by /u/skeedilybop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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