Monday, March 30, 2020

How do I lose weight during this quarantine?

I’ve always had struggle losing weight but past November I just said fuck it and tried my hardest. Never have I ever lost weight the healthy way before. It’s been a slow weight loss but I’m still proud of myself for doing the best I can. I changed my eating habits entirely instead of going on some crazy diet. I’m in this for the long haul.

I’ve struggled with an eating disorder for as long as I could remember. Therapy helped me get over it even though every now and then (like maybe 2x a year or less) I give in. Because of that, my metabolism is pretty low and I gain weight really easily. Doesn’t help that I’m also pretty short so the weight gain shows up pretty loudly. Lol.

We’ve been hit pretty hard with COVID cases and my anxiety is making it worse. I don’t want to leave home and I’m doing all my physical activities from home. I have some weights, ankle weights, resistance bands, a jump rope, and a yoga mat. How do I continue to burn calories in this situation? Please tell me any and every advice you could think of. I’m willing to listen to everything!

TLDR: I want to learn how to stay fit in captivity. I’m not leaving my house during quarantine and I have some weights that I could work with. What’s the best diet and exercise to make sure I can burn the most calories and come out of this quarantine fitter than before?

Sex: F Height: short Age: 20-30 SW: 154 CW: 134 GW: 120

submitted by /u/MitsuNietzsche
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help with my Motivation/Discipline/Determination

I need help. I am so disappointed in myself, I have absolutely zero determination, discipline or motivation to lose weight, despite having a deep desire to be thinner.

I know what I want I even know how to get there eat less move more, CICO etc... I just can’t force my self to carry on with this sort of thing for more than a day.

This lack of will is present in everything I do but especially prevalent in what I eat and how I take care of myself. For example I so want to eat less meat and eventually go vegan 100% but after doing it for a few days what ever was driving me on breaks down and I end up right back where I started, and it’s he same with weight loss.

I have maybe a few good days at most and then go completely off the rails. I have tried reminding myself that I have to act soon or risk losing my life or wasting it but even that is not enough to spur me into action. Now I’m sitting here afraid to go to sleep having just wasted another week of fruitless attempts at losing weight because I have binged so much I keep thinking that I might not wake up. But I’ve been in this position before and I know how it ends with me eventually drifting to sleep and finishing tomorrow with another binge fest even now I know there a big bar of dairy milk in my bag just waiting to be eaten and while I have the strength to resist tonight by midday tomorrow I will have eaten it completely.

If you’ve been in my position how did you manage to break this cycle?

Those of you who haven’t been here what keeps you going to the gym or making the right food choices?

submitted by /u/TotalWasteofLife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weird stall in week two, push through it or change habits?

Ok so I'm coming up on week 2 of taking my weight loss journey seriously, and I've already come to a weird wall and have a question. Just for context I'm 30, male, and started at 450 pounds.

So week one started two Thursdays ago, and I was off to the races with a great plan. Had pre-packed meals for work, planned on a diet of mostly just meat vegetables and fruit, with very little carbs. Admittedly, I had some missteps in week one, stopped by Jack in the Box and Taco Bell once each, bought candy about 3 of the 7 days, and generally had a fairly bad bagel and pop tarts cheat late into day 6 after I'd reached my meal goal for the day.

Still, at 450 any small change is a leap, I walked into week two at 440, and happy about that. Even the little bit that's been done my feet are already feeling much better (been having some heel problems like plantar fasciitis or something.) So I commit to doing better in week two, buckling down harder, and cheating less. Of course this has lead to fairly long stretches of being hungry at work, where my meal is prepared ahead of time and I refuse to buy anything while I'm out. It also means that I've been forcing myself to come to terms with going to bed at night hungry rather than having something before bed like usual.

I'm currently on day 5 of the second week and the scale is stuck at about 436. Four pounds is nothing to scoff at, but a sharp decline from last week's gains. I don't let it discourage me but rather encourage me to work even harder in week 3, but it was rather perplexing that it pretty much stayed 439 for like 3 or 4 days.

My question is do I push through this like it doesn't exist? Keep doing what I'm doing and it'll go back to normal when my body adjusts? Or do I make some sort of change to kickstart the loss back into gear?

submitted by /u/CptArchon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost control today. It turned out to be a positive experience.

Sharing an experience I had today in hopes that it provides perhaps a sense of peace or positivity to some of you. Because even though it started negative it ultimately did for me.

Background: M/30/5’9 SW: 415 CW: 245.

Today I absolutely lost control.

Like many others I’m working from home. I took a break for lunch. I had leftover pizza. I intended to have 2 slices. Before I realized I had eaten all 4. Then, even though not being hungry anymore, I made a sandwich. And of course while eating that sandwich I had some tortilla chips and dip to go with it. I just kept going.

It felt like an out of body experience. I’m watching myself eat and I’m not even enjoying it. I’m full, quickly approaching discomfort but kept eating. It started to bring back waves of those old feelings of fear and despair.

This vicious binge eating/lack of control to be a regular, practically daily occurrence in my past. When I finally stopped, I was scared. The intensity of my emotions immediately after were shocking. Usually these binges were followed by guilt, shame, self deprecation. But I just paused. And reflected. I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed when I went to go eat lunch but I suspect underneath the surface there’s the anxiety many of us are experiencing with COVID-19. My fears/anxieties are primarily over losing my job.

Ultimately I came to realize I haven’t lost control like that in over a year. I routinely go over caloric budget, but willingly as life is balance. I’m now very mindful of what I eat. And that reflection of this brought peace.

Mindfulness and coming to terms with my anxieties that I ignored have been the keys to steady, sustainable weight loss success. I’ve come to accept that this is who I am. For rest of my life I will have to be mindful about my complicated relationship to food & my emotions.

I hope that doesn’t sound scary to some, especially if you’re just starting out. Because when I first started the notion of “I will have to be vigilant my whole life?” would have left me dejected because it felt so hard at the time. But it been the missing puzzle piece. The thing that after years and years of failure has brought me control & balance. And that control has given me an indescribable amount of peace the past few years. I don’t beat myself when I stumble anymore. I’m just so appreciative of how much I’ve grown.

Be Well.

submitted by /u/dustinkdkl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

To anybody with loose skin, has it improved with time?

Hi all,

From December 2018 to January 2020, I lost 70lbs. I went from 250 to 180 (5'4/F/27). My weight loss rate was very inconsistent throughout that time period. I started at a stable 1lb a week, jumped to 3lbs a week, maintained for 4 months and then back to 1lb a week.

Once the new year started, I got a burst of motivation and decided I would work really hard to lose the last 50lbs (my GW is 130l). As I mentioned, I was 70lbs down by this stage but had NO loose skin... I felt super lucky and happy about this.

From January 1st, I have lost 25lbs, I am now 155. The paper towel effect is starting to happen for me, I can't believe how big the visual difference has been with this 25lb loss - 4 inches from my waist! The majority of this weight has come off my face, arms, breasts and stomach. However, I went to having no loose skin to a moderate amount on my breasts within 12 weeks. I have minimal loose skin on my lower stomach and inner thighs, it doesn't bother me as it isn't noticeable.

However, my breasts have sagged and when I pull up my bra, the skin gathers and it is very unattractive looking. When I was very overweight, they were the only thing I liked about my body because they were even and perky despite being so big. I am kinda bummed out about it. Especially because I have another 25lbs to go!

I guess what I am wondering is, to anyone who has had this issue - did it improve with time? I have started dry brushing, applying vitamin E oil, taking collagen supplements and drinking more water. Any other tips?

I always thought surgery may need to be an option when I reach my GW, though it was always an issue that seemed so far away. Weird to think it's getting close to that stage!

submitted by /u/Stellaxbo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cold hands and feet after 13+ months of weight loss

Hey all,

Hopefully someone has experienced something similar, and can shed some light. For the last month or so, I've had really cold hands and feet, especially after a workout. I've never experienced this before, and I went ahead and scheduled a physical for next week, but it may be cancelled due to the global pandemic and wanted to see if anyone had any insight.

More info about me: male, age 27. Since Feb 2019, I've gone from about 260 lbs to 170 lbs. I've done this mainly through changing diet and picking up running (my current daily run is 6-10 miles @ 8-8:15min pace).

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or insight!

submitted by /u/Heikki_the_Finn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - April Sign Ups!

Hello lovely losers!

A new month is starting which means a new Daily Accountability Challenge!

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month.

There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals.

At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything!

If you miss the sign up post, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine! You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals, subject to mild tweaks as needed:

Weight by end of month (200 lbs, preferably trend weight): Striving again kids. I’m buckling down this month. I want to see onederland instead of treading water & maintaining!

Stay within calorie range (1500 ish): In it to win it kids. Gotta do better here. I’m going to shave some calories off my meal prepped lunches & see if that can get me going in a good direction.

Exercise 5 days a week: This is habitual but I’d like to be doing more strength & HIIT. X/X days.

Self-care time (journaling, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing, fancy coffee out no more than 3 times a week X/13): Always important!

Try a new recipe once a week: I want to keep building the kitchen skills & recipe book! X/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: Gonna keep at it! X/50 pages.

Drawing prompt every day: Creative output! X/X days.

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: It’ll change day to day but it keeps my head space right.

Now your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat