Saturday, June 20, 2020

Why am I so worried people will judge me? I arrived at a trail planning to walk 5k and then turned around and went home after seeing a few people.

Hi, this is my first time posting. I’ve been lurking r/loseit for months. This community has some amazing supporters! I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.

I’m working from home during this pandemic and I’d really like to lose 70lbs to start. I’m 30 years old weighing 250lbs at 5’5. My blood pressure has started going up and my M.D is worried. My brother told me about C25K and I would like to start walking daily before trying that challenge.

How the hell can I accomplish a weight loss journey if I can’t simply walk alone? I’m so worried people will see me breathing heavy or just see how fat I am in my workout clothing.

I always thought I was a tough person. At work I’m confident and generally I don’t care what others think. Yesterday going to the trail, getting out of my car and then turning around and going home... actually crushed my spirits.

I need to get out of my head. If anyone has any advice I’d appreciate!

submitted by /u/nocamelmilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(5’1F) 19 yrs 141.4 Struggling with plateau already?


I’ll just cut to the chase. I started my journey at 147 about 2 months ago by doing Chloe Ting’s 2 week an shred. I cleaned up my diet a lot but didn’t track calories. I didn’t weigh myself, but I had my mom do that and not tell me take a progress pic. It was 147 then btw,

About a month ago, I finally worked up the courage to weigh myself and was 145. At 5’1, that’s obviously not good, but I’ve never been in very good shape (always picked last in gym, lol), and one time a guy called me fat, and I’ve had issues with looking in the mirror and photos since then.

So, I took another progress pick (haven’t looked at them yet), and I downloaded MyFitnessPal and have been hovering around 1200-1350 everyday. Even when I cheat, I’m within my calories.

I saw consistent weight loss for the first few weeks, but everyday that I’ve weighed myself this week, I’ve stayed at 140 to 141.4. 141 was my weight LAST week. And I’m like???? Thermodynamics????

The only slip up I can think of is using butter to cook my eggs instead of cooking spay for a few days bc I was out of cooking spray and didn’t track it. Oops. I’m using cooking spray now though and only spraying for a second!

I’ve been using a food scale too!!

I’ve also started a weight training program 4 days a week and get in 5,000 to 10,000 steps everyday. So maybe I’m retaining water or something that way? Or is that a my 600 pound life excuse?

Idk. I’ve just been so frustrated, and I’m starting to think I’ll just never be in shape and always the chubby girl with a bubble butt. :(

submitted by /u/AveryAxis
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Just a quick reminder that feeling good is just as important as losing weight.

I’ve been working out and eating healthy pretty consistently for about a month. I’ve only lost about 3lbs, but I feel so much better. I feel so much more in control of my life and my body. I have a very long way to go, but I’m glad that I’ve finally started. I slipped up and ate unhealthily all day yesterday and I’m paying the price for it today. I’m realizing how detrimental eating unhealthy actually is for the body. I have felt physically sick all day today. My stomach is upset and I’ve felt sluggish all day. I’m vowing to only eat healthy from now on and have a small cheat every once in a while and not a whole day. I just wanted to remind myself and others that eating healthy and working out is just as important for weight loss as it is for feeling good and healthy.

submitted by /u/nml003
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How do motivate my boyfriend to practice a healthier lifestyle?

How do I motivate my boyfriend to practice a healthier lifestyle?

I (20F/ 5ft/ 140lb) have been dating my boyfriend (20M/ 5ft 11\ 278lb) for quite a bit. I love to run and since I have a dog (lab) that needs a lot of exercises, my dog helps me stay active. My Bf got me another dog so that would be more exercise for me. I also like to go to the gym to lift weights at night when I can. My diet is also mostly clean with the occasional splurge and I only eat twice a day. I am still not at my goal weight but little by little I will get there.

My Bf used to take the gym and his diet seriously. Going to the gym 2x a day and taking his protein shakes, etc. But now it seems like he doesn’t care. I’m not asking him to be in a strict diet like he used to, but to where he feels confident and comfortable. All he eats now is take out, mainly fast food, all the time and drinking so much soda. I worry about his health and I want him to join me in my runs and when I go to the gym, I want to share that with him but its like he puts putting it off. He doesn’t stop me from me doing my workouts or eating healthy but he kind of influences me to eat more junk food than I would normally would eat, making me get off track of my weight loss journey. Apart from eating just junk food, he eats it like 5x a day. I have tried to encourage him to go the gym but all he answers is “I don’t wanna be skinny” and I understand that but I’m more concerned for his health. He has trouble sleeping at night and is always so tired. How can I influence to be healthier?

submitted by /u/Its_maz3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 25 pounds during quarantine/COVID nursing and it has done WONDERS for my mental health

I remember the day before I started my diet so perfectly. 107 days ago, I was so miserable. I felt like garbage after a night of drinking that ended with stuffing my face with taco bell. My boyfriend wanted to get dressed up and go out to a nice dinner for our anniversary. None of my nice clothes fit. I tried to go shopping but had a breakdown over how big I had become. We ordered pizza and watched a movie instead.

I've gained 50 pounds since meeting him 4 years ago. I asked if it bothered him and he said something like, "I know how you are, you let things get out of hand until you just buckle down and fix it." He was right.

The next day I weighed myself at work I was the heaviest I had ever been at 174. I vented to my coworkers and soon everyone was complaining about their weight and talking about how they were going to lose it- keto, weight watchers, jogging, ect. I tried to get them to get the loseit! app with me so we could all do it one else was on board, saying it sounded too tedious. (Spoiler alert: they all regret that now)

Sticking to my calorie limit was definitely a struggle at first. Talk of the virus was stressing me out and I was eating my feelings. I was grabbing handfuls of whatever from the pantry/fridge and not really tracking it. I was still going out drinking with my friends, not only consuming too many calories from alcohol, but inevitably wanting fast food at the end of the night.

But about a week later, COVID-19 hit my hospital HARD. As soon as I started caring for even suspected cases, it was work and home and nowhere else. No one could tempt me with an invitation to a bar or restaurant. Suddenly a ton of overtime became available, I took as much as I could, and I was on my feet working up to 60 hours a week (and sweating like a pig in all that PPE). Work became so stressful, and terrifying, even traumatic at times...but being able to hyper-focus on my calories, macros, steps and meal planning gave me something I could control during a crazy time. Going to work wasn't ALL bad because it meant getting to weigh myself and not have to use my willpower against pigging out in front of the TV all day. Seeing a lower number on that scale gave me a sort of high that would help me get through the day. And, no surprise, working out became a great outlet for my stress.
Normalcy is returning and my hospital is almost COVID-free, but this has kickstarted what I think is a lifelong journey of health&fitness as a means to mental wellness. I was forced to meet the greatest stress of my life with some of the healthiest coping mechanisms I've ever had. Like if I have a lot on my mind I go on a walk to get my steps in and talk it out in my head instead of trying to eat it away. Tracking/planning calories occupies brain space that use to house needless anxiety. And of course all the compliments I'm getting from those friends I didn't see all this time is a big confidence boost.

Happy to have found this community. How has quarantine been for all of you in terms of your weight loss journey, and how has it affected your mental state?

submitted by /u/xkatniss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need weight loss advice!

First post here! I am a 20 year old man of height 6’0’’, and I currently weigh 280 lbs. Of course, I am around 100 pounds overweight currently, and I have struggled with weight loss for a very long time. I grew up as an incredibly picky eater. Chips, pizza, chicken tenders, fries, and the like. I have tried diets before where I simply cut back on caloric intake, and I actually was down to 204 pounds. However, after getting into a relationship and falling into old habits, one year later, here I am at 280 again. I didn’t change my diet: just the amount I eat.

I try to think of inspirational words or phrases, such as “You know you’ll live longer if you change” and “You’ve done it before, you can do it again”, and this method works for me for a while. After a few weeks or even over a month, I have some sort of relapse. I think my major problems are that I am constantly bored, so I resort to unnecessary snacking, as well as still being a very, very picky eater. To those of you who have ever been in a similar situation or have advice that I should hone in on, what do you think? I really do want to lose weight, but honestly I’m not sure I know how to transition away from my current lifestyle to be able to. I’m home for the summer currently and will be returning to my college city soon with a job to occupy my time—within three weeks, hopefully. But, for now, what can I do?


submitted by /u/jman486
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 61lbs and I'm now officially a healthy BMI 😊 . People asked how I did it and I wrote a post that seemed to be appreciated, so I thought I would share it here too (F/5'7/27) 🖤

I started on 5th September 2018 so almost 2 years in total. "Slow and steady wins the race" for sure, in the long run.

To start, I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Cardio is key. I've never been the gym, but I did go to a 'ladies only' swim at my local pool for an hour once a week. (Never let your self consciousness stop you, find a way around 🙂). (Same with the gym, I was low on cash and felt too self conscious to go, so I found an alternative, and worked out at home.) Look up a channel like fitness blender on YouTube, or a plan online. I found 'koboko fitness, 30 day plan' after a quick google. it's free and it doesn't require equipment. I might start going the gym to do weights now my confidence is up, but that's only cuz i don't have them at home anymore ( i travel a lot now) other than that, just make smart choices.

For me, When it stopped being about vanity and started being about health it was really easy to do. In the past I would diet to look good and then never follow through cuz the reasoning was fickle, I think. Now I kinda eat what I want, but I'm smart about it. If I've had a good, hard day of working out, then I won't feel bad about having some pizza. If I've barely moved all day then I will cook myself a super healthy something or other. (Looking good in the cute lil clothes I once felt too stupid just to try on is the bonus, not the goal. unless of course that's a motivation that works for you)

Myfitpal is awesome for keeping track of how much you're taking in, as of course, you need to be in a caloric deficit, but I wouldn't recommend being more than 700cal in deficit, you may be hurting your weight loss if you go over. This Of course, this depends on your own weight and bmr so make sure you look that up. There are plenty of calculators for this online. I also keep a personal journal for the more emotional 'you can do it' stuff. And to track my time of the month (cuz you get bloated then) they are both such good tools for keeping track of food/keeping you in a motivational headspace.

(Side note on tools: I also have a Fitbit to keep track of my steps. I have the versa 2, though that's just for the luxury of a coloured screen, a cheaper alternative is the charge 3 that I had before, it's the exact same just without colour and it's very good for keeping an eye on your steps, your sleep, (good night's sleep is also very important for letting your body repair, sleep burns Cals too!!) and tracking your swims, cuz it's waterproof. It's one of the things I would actually recommend someone spend their money on if they like to walk, I wear mine every day)

As a last thing, I also took up drinking green tea. The taste kinda sucks at first 😅 but you get used to it, ( you can also mix it with fruit tea/honey) and it's got great health benefits. Not only does it help brain function and lower the risk of all sorts of horrid stuff, but because it's a natural, low source of caffeine it's technically an natural fat burner, and it fills you up. I will have a cup before my dinner and i will for sure wanna eat less. If your tolerance for caffeine is low, I recommend decaf in the evening as it's still caffeine and you don't want to be bouncing around at night!

Hope this is good advice, and helps you out. I'm not a dietitian or a trainer. I'm 100% Self taught so... 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's Whatever works for you personally, I guess 😁 Good Luck To you, and keep fighting the good fight, you're not alone in it 🖤

submitted by /u/Azura_BlackHeart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat