Saturday, June 20, 2020

I lost 61lbs and I'm now officially a healthy BMI 😊 . People asked how I did it and I wrote a post that seemed to be appreciated, so I thought I would share it here too (F/5'7/27) 🖤

I started on 5th September 2018 so almost 2 years in total. "Slow and steady wins the race" for sure, in the long run.

To start, I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Cardio is key. I've never been the gym, but I did go to a 'ladies only' swim at my local pool for an hour once a week. (Never let your self consciousness stop you, find a way around 🙂). (Same with the gym, I was low on cash and felt too self conscious to go, so I found an alternative, and worked out at home.) Look up a channel like fitness blender on YouTube, or a plan online. I found 'koboko fitness, 30 day plan' after a quick google. it's free and it doesn't require equipment. I might start going the gym to do weights now my confidence is up, but that's only cuz i don't have them at home anymore ( i travel a lot now) other than that, just make smart choices.

For me, When it stopped being about vanity and started being about health it was really easy to do. In the past I would diet to look good and then never follow through cuz the reasoning was fickle, I think. Now I kinda eat what I want, but I'm smart about it. If I've had a good, hard day of working out, then I won't feel bad about having some pizza. If I've barely moved all day then I will cook myself a super healthy something or other. (Looking good in the cute lil clothes I once felt too stupid just to try on is the bonus, not the goal. unless of course that's a motivation that works for you)

Myfitpal is awesome for keeping track of how much you're taking in, as of course, you need to be in a caloric deficit, but I wouldn't recommend being more than 700cal in deficit, you may be hurting your weight loss if you go over. This Of course, this depends on your own weight and bmr so make sure you look that up. There are plenty of calculators for this online. I also keep a personal journal for the more emotional 'you can do it' stuff. And to track my time of the month (cuz you get bloated then) they are both such good tools for keeping track of food/keeping you in a motivational headspace.

(Side note on tools: I also have a Fitbit to keep track of my steps. I have the versa 2, though that's just for the luxury of a coloured screen, a cheaper alternative is the charge 3 that I had before, it's the exact same just without colour and it's very good for keeping an eye on your steps, your sleep, (good night's sleep is also very important for letting your body repair, sleep burns Cals too!!) and tracking your swims, cuz it's waterproof. It's one of the things I would actually recommend someone spend their money on if they like to walk, I wear mine every day)

As a last thing, I also took up drinking green tea. The taste kinda sucks at first 😅 but you get used to it, ( you can also mix it with fruit tea/honey) and it's got great health benefits. Not only does it help brain function and lower the risk of all sorts of horrid stuff, but because it's a natural, low source of caffeine it's technically an natural fat burner, and it fills you up. I will have a cup before my dinner and i will for sure wanna eat less. If your tolerance for caffeine is low, I recommend decaf in the evening as it's still caffeine and you don't want to be bouncing around at night!

Hope this is good advice, and helps you out. I'm not a dietitian or a trainer. I'm 100% Self taught so... 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's Whatever works for you personally, I guess 😁 Good Luck To you, and keep fighting the good fight, you're not alone in it 🖤

submitted by /u/Azura_BlackHeart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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