Saturday, June 20, 2020

NSV: I weigh less than my boyfriend!

I finally weigh less than my boyfriend!! It's by 1 pound at the moment, but it's still less! This hasn't happened since we first started dating in 2018.

It's more of a personal victory that I can now say I've lost the "relationship" weight I put on in the past couple of years than anything else. Not that he has ever commented or cared about any kind of weight gain, he loves me no matter what and has made that perfectly clear. For me though, I just stopped being comfortable in my own skin and how clothes were fitting me, so I decided to really commit to losing the weight this year.

I have done the up and down in terms of weight before. I hit my highest weight in 2012 at 230lbs and was completely miserable. I started dieting and made it down to 210lbs in 2013, then 180lbs in 2014. But life and my bad habits started up again and I yo-yo'd but from 2016 to 2017 I went from 195lbs down to 160lbs, my lowest ever weight.

After that, weight slowly crept back up until May 2018 I weighed in at 190lbs again and have been hovering up and down by 5lbs ever since. After seeing the new years eve pictures we took with all my friends in January 2020, I weighed myself the next day and came in at 196lbs and I just couldn't take it anymore. All my clothes were tight and uncomfortable. I felt terrible and I just had to change. I would say though that I only got really serious at the end of April. Since then I've gone from 191lbs to 175lbs. I am determined to keep up with this, and my short term goal is to lose 10lbs before my birthday in August (I'm turning the big 3-0, so I want to feel good going into a new decade).

Today is about celebrating the small victories! Even my pants are becoming quite loose, and I tried on one of my bikini tops and it looks pretty good today.

My weight loss has always been done through CICO, and in the past couple of weeks I've been doing a 16:8 IF schedule and it has really helped curb my snacking and improve my relationship with food (I'm a person who goes to snacks and binge eating for comfort when I'm upset or just bored.).

submitted by /u/InformalSeesaw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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