Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Looking for a teammate

Hello, I am looking for a teammate/friend who would like to go on a weight loss journey.

I have no preferences whatsoever. I just need someone to send foods, maybe short videos from exercises and updates about overall progress.

Some words about me: I’m 23 year old guy who weighs 126kg. My goal is to get to 90kgs. I’ve already lost 9kgs but I need someone to keep me going. My mainly interests are music and IT stuff. I live in Prague (Czech Republic).

Would be glad to find someone! I would prefer to use telegram as way to communicate. It’s anonymous and there is no need to add any personal information so you don’t need to be afraid of some sicko to stalk you :D

If someone would be interested, please pm me!

submitted by /u/phatcookiemonsta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33PKHAT

Monday, September 21, 2020

It's easier to gain 10lbs then lose 10 lbs

I know everyone always says, but here's another reminder: it is always easier to keep it off, then to lose it again.

I've been losing weight since about Dec 2019 (330lbs) and I WAS at a new low a couple weeks ago (220lbs) but after being isolated with Covid, I easily fell back into overeating. After holding at 220lb for about a week or so, it started to creep on up and up and within another week I was holding steady at 230lbs. It's not like I was going crazy, still 2 meals a day (as I have been), it just became two larger meals. And with some snacking, popping a soda a few times, I quickly started to undo a month of weight loss. And now, instead of going from 220 to 210, I have to do 230 to 220 all over again, instead of at least keeping myself at 220 in the first place.

So again, its so easy to slip up and undo a month of weight loss, stay strong, keep er up, and no matter what you're doing great 💕

submitted by /u/hopdaddy32
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/32SHfGt

A candid picture of me kickstarted me into making a change

This is my first post on LoseIt - I just replied to someone’s post on this subreddit asking if we had “that” picture - the one which started your weight loss - and I do. When the time is right I might share the photo with this subreddit, but for now I’m just sharing my reply to that post.

It was taken on July 4th of this year, when I was visiting my partner’s family. We took a group photo - I’m a tall guy, and it was taken from a “below looking up” angle.

His mom texted it to him when we returned 2 days later, and he showed me. I couldn’t believe what I looked like. That was my “it”, after years of gaining and unsuccessful weight loss. As soon as I saw the pic, i knew it was time for a change. I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even look at the pic longer than half a second. I immediately called a local hospital to inquire about surgical options. (By the way, about 2 weeks later, a package showed up from Shutterfly - his mom had had the picture made into a puzzle. I could have passed out when I saw it).

Fast forward to July 23rd, and I’m in the doctor’s office signing up for a VLCD. No surgery for now. I want(ed) to try a non surgical route. I’m down 60.2 pounds as of this morning, almost 9 weeks after I started. I’m 6’3, SW(lbs): 318.8 CW: 258.6 GW: 200.

Still a ways to go but it’s really quite motivating to see this large of a change in 9 weeks.

I still can’t bear to look at “that” picture though.

submitted by /u/anl74701
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Hneo4T

How to support your partner through weight loss

My partner has gained some weight over the past year and a half that has taken a toll on her mental health. I think she's beautiful no matter what but I know it's not my opinion that counts it's hers. I know she really wants to make changes and her self-esteem is really low right now. I always try to reassure her that she's beautiful but she absolutely hates it. I don't want to do or say anything that is going to make her feel worse in the long run. Is there any advice on how to be there and be supportive of her?

I'm not sure if this is the right reddit for this question but honestly it seemed like a good place to start.

submitted by /u/needsumadvice27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cvXEE9

Break the diet for 1 day

Hey guys! I've been doing diet and exercise for two months now and I'm very pleased to say that I've had a lot of discipline until now and I'm very happy with my weight loss so far. However, I've felt incredibly anxious since yesterday as I'm really craving for a good hamburguer with some french fries. I'm thinking of breaking my diet today to eat just that hamburguer (and keep the rest of my meals healthy), but I also feel so happy with my results that I'm really afraid of taking a couple of steps back. Especially because of the french fries, as I know they have a lot of calories. Is it ok to break my diet just for today or I should keep to my diet as usual? Btw, even if I eat my hamburguer, I'm still planning to stick my workout routine for today. Any thoughts, guys?

submitted by /u/Gestora
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ElWAGb

I struggle with buying clothes now that I've lost weight

TL;DR: I struggle with buying clothes because I'm still mentally convinced I'm the same size I was 50lbs ago.

For context:

  • 5'3 trans man (2 years on T)
  • Starting weight was 256.8
  • Current weight is 207.9 (been fluctuating around the 50lbs lost mark for awhile)
  • Goal weight is 170ish (going to get to ~170lbs and then adjust from there)
  • IWL has been going on for just over 6 months
  • Sizes have gone from an XL (really should've been wearing 2XL tbqh) to L tee shirt, 44 to 38 or 40 pants, and size 10 to 8.5 shoes.

Currently doing low carb and trying to get my metabolism back up (so I'm not really doing CICO atm). My metabolism was tested at just over 1200 calories, so I'm eating 1800ish a day and working out to bring that up. I run at least 3x a week, and then I'm trying to add strength training in there as well. It's been hard with classes to get consistent work outs in, but I'm getting there. Getting monthly body comp testing and metabolism testing every 3 months. I also see a dietician who guides what I eat, and a therapist to deal with stress + history of EDNOS (mainly bingeing).

Now the actual post:

Okay. I am at that point with my weight loss where I have to buy new clothes. Like, my old clothes are literally falling off me. I didn't really save my old clothes from pre-weight loss because I was convinced I'd never be that small again. Well, approximately 50lbs later, and I am that small again. And I don't have a lot of clothes that fit. Problem is, with COVID, I end up buying a lot of stuff online. I will take my measurements, and I will say "There's no way I'm that actual size, that's way too small!" (and order that size anyways). When it comes in, it fits perfectly, or it'll sometimes be too baggy (but never too tight). I will even open the package and get really scared because there's no way I'll fit in something this small. Lo and behold, it fits perfectly. Same thing happened with shoes - I was in denial for ahwile that my shoes really were getting too big, and when I got new shoes I didn't believe they would fit.

It's weird because I'm still kind of stuck in this super-fat-guy mindset (don't get me wrong, I'm still much larger than I want to be). I don't look in the mirror often due to gender dysphoria, but when I take selfies, I don't recognize myself half the time. Buying clothes is hard because I can't see how I fit in the size the store says I need. I sometimes struggle to navigate through life - I'll be surprised to be able to sit in a chair that I used to not be able to fit into or I can squeeze through spaces that used to be impossible.

It's like my mind hasn't caught up to my body yet. My question is - am I alone in this? Has anybody else gone through this? How long will it take to adjust?

submitted by /u/queerlycatholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RIdu4S

Terrified to join a gym? I was too!

Hi all,

Are you nervous about joining a gym? Does the thought of working out in front of people fill you with dread? Are chills running down your spine imagining trying out a type of exercise you’ve never done before? Were you the kid who walked the mile run, or sat out PE class every chance you got?

Cool, you’re like me, then.

I started my lifestyle change back in early June, determined to use CICO only and supplement with some free yoga YouTube videos whenever I got around to it. Those videos are great (YWA plug here!), and I definitely lost consistently with CICO alone since as we all know, weight loss starts in the kitchen.

One night, however, I was bored and kind of stoned and watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and I asked myself, “Dang, what if I could do literally 1/15th of that? What if I just...got really ripped for no reason?!” So, I googled gyms in the area and read every review I could find. I was looking for a gym with the following qualifications, because this is what makes me stick to something:

1.) Walking distance to my house. I live in the city and if I have to drive and park in the winter, I’m literally not going. 2.) Lots of group classes included in membership. I cannot push myself alone in the gym, I just am not mentally able to do that. When I’m tired, I’m done, and you bet your sweet ass I’m not going to hold myself accountable to that extra set unless it is under the watchful gaze of a trainer who is telling me “Do it.” 3.) A focus on strength, health, and gradual lifestyle changes. 4.) A focus on community within the gym.

So, I found a place that sounded cool, and agonized over clicking on the “Drop in” button for about 10 mins before finally just making myself do it. The next day, I walked into the gym to collect equipment before our outdoor group cardio class, terrified I would be judged by beautiful, fit women who could run laps around me.

I was wrong. I mean, the women WERE fit, beautiful, and could run laps around me. But they immediately welcomed me, helped me, and joked with me, making me feel like a part of the group. If I couldn’t keep up, they gave me modifications or waited for me to finish. They cheered me, laughed with me, and invited me for tacos after the following class.

Dear reader, I bought a membership in August. I now train there 4-5 days a week, doing mainly strength training classes (it’s kind of like CrossFit but more classic weightlifting?) but also some cardio and boxing. I hadn’t genuinely “worked out” in about 13 years (seriously!) and I feel AMAZING—I sleep better, my clothes are hanging off me, and I don’t get winded from running up the train stairs. My resting HR average has dropped by 6 bpm, and I now go well over my 10k steps a day. I’ve also met a ton of friends of all walks of life, and we still get tacos every week! I’m not Buffy strong, but check back with me in a year.

TL;DR—I hadn’t worked out in years for fear of looking stupid/being judged, but I joined a gym on a whim and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made this whole year. If you’re able to find a place with COVID-prevention tactics and a vibe you like, drop in!

submitted by /u/ladyjerry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3iU0dSD