Sunday, October 11, 2020

Update on choosing to stop my weight loss!

So I posted over the weekend that I've decided to stop losing weight, that I acknowledge I've reached the end of my weight loss journey, and that the excess I see is just loose skin and there's nothing I can do about it.

Today, my first day back at work since getting hit with the confidence stick, I wore a crop top! I expected to feel self conscious, but you know what? I don't! I feel comfortable and happy. Some people on my last post mentioned that they have dealt with the same loose skin issues and associated body dysmorphia, and some people have also said that they are worried they'll reach their goal weight and still not like what they see. I am still not in a place where I love my body, but I AM in a place where I'm proud enough of my progress and confident enough with where I am to wear what makes me comfortable, and showing my excess skin isn't making me feel like shit. This is a big step for me.

Have a lovely day, everyone! ❤️

My outfit today:

submitted by /u/sg1gal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress stalled by stress

I'm so frustrated with a yo-yo cycle I'm in. In early 2019 I lost 10 pounds (150 to 140, goal is 120) using Noom, portion control, and exercise, and I was so excited! Then later in 2019 I got a severe knee injury that required surgery and I gained it all back. I started over...and the pandemic hit. Now nothing I do seems to work. I go on 6-8 mile walks, I stick to the smaller portions Noon requires, I don't comfort eat, I drink water...and my body is just CLINGING to that weight. The scale will not move.

Part of it may also be that I work in U.S. politics and I am terrified of the next three weeks AND of the irresponsibility and medical coverup coming from the top right now...but I feel like my body cannot release anything right now. I used to feel so relaxed when running or biking and now I'm just constricted with anxiety. Has anyone else seen their weight loss journey stall at a time of intense stress or anxiety? I'm trying to look at it as a win in the sense that I am maintaining weight during a stressful time, but I'm bummed that I'm essentially back to exactly where I was 20 months ago.

submitted by /u/jennyvasan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First ever post .... might be a bit of rant but I think people could relate. M29

I’m tired of starting over in a way:

Starting: when I first began my weight loss journey I had just been dumped from the relationship I thought would be my last :(..... i was 5’ 11’’ 245. That was around July 2018

This Monday when I did my usual weigh in, I weighed in at 191!! A total of 54lbs. I’m very happy with how I am doing but I feel I’ve been in a rut

What follows is part a rant for myself so if you want to skip to the tldr feel free :)

I’m tired of starting over, I’m tired of eating well all day and then blowing it late at night. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of waking up, feeling almost hung over knowing I didn’t drink anything, and that it’s because I binged. I’m tired tired tired of binge eating.

This week I weighed in at 191, which I was happy about. But I’ve late night snacked almost everyday this week including some fast food yesterday with friends. This morning I was at 198, I’m feeling bloated groggy and just blehhh. Same kinda feeling I’d have if I went out and had a few beers and pizza with the homies!

For the longest I can remember I struggled with my weight. In the past 5 years I went from 225, down to 200 then slowly back up to 245, then over the past 2 years I brought it down to 190 area. I’m happy with where I am but want to lose more. I know what I like to eat and how, I track food consistently. My exercise plan is good and on weeks where I resist the urge to binge and snack I usually drop 1-1.5lbs.

My family is big on sweets, cookies, ice cream all the bad stuff. But I’ve been dieting consistently now that they know I won’t want any and won’t eat any. Sometimes when they make big desserts I move to another room till it’s done. But I’ll have a piece of cake for breakfast on a Monday morning especially if I’ve been good ;).

My biggest issue tho is late night binging. I will do well for a week, and during those times my weight will drop down into the high 180s and I’ll feel great. Then I’ll have one late night snack, and then I’ll have another on another night. Then later on in the week a voice in my head will start saying, you’ve binged twice this week, your not gonna hit ur goals, might as well keep eating 🤷‍♂️. That little voice is soo soo annoying to. Most of the time I can see why he’s saying to eat this, or that. I always strive to look for the cause of these urges and address them head on. I’d say my success rate of denying is around 80%.

I have goals for myself, I have an idea of where I want to go, I know the steps I want to take but I just can’t seem to get control of this late night snacking. So this is me, attempting to put my foot down. Putting it out in the open. i have a problem with binge eating and it’s the biggest thing holding me back from my goals

My workout schedule is great, I usually lift weights 5/6 days a week. I run about 15+ miles a week and on days where I’m not running I usually cycle or go for a hike as well. I really enjoy exercise and try to incorporate some form of physical movement into everyday. I barely ever drink, and the only vice I engage in is the ole devils lettuce. There is no reason for me to weigh where I am, except for binge eating.

So I guess what I’m asking for are reliable actual strategies that I can try to implement to curb this. I’ve tried multiple things, drinking cold seltzer’s to get that little bit of flavor at night. Or having extra water to feel full. Even having a light low calorie snack sometime before bed, or Putting a hard stop on eating anything after dinner. Most of the time it’ll work for a week at the most, then my weight will drop down to ~~190(which I think is my actual weight area), I’ll say to myself ok I’m doing good one snack won’t hurt and then it’ll all go to shit.

I made a goal for myself to be in the low 80s by the time this school year is over( I’m a teacher, so that would be June 2021) and I’m wondering if it’s attainable. Especially because it’s mid October now and I’ve been battling in the 188-194 range for what feels like months. But I’m putting my foot down to hold hard to this.

This is a post mostly for me, but people are welcome to comment on it

Sorry about the wall of text!!

-End rant-


Lost 54 lbs over the last year or two but struggling hard af with binge eating and late night snacking. For the first time im calling myself out about it, and putting it out in the open that it is something I have a real problem with.

submitted by /u/DoctorFunkenstein420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dieting: in a 700 calorie theoretical deficit however weight trending up over 2 weeks

Hey Guys,

New poster but am looking for advice regarding my recent cut that I began two weeks back. In short I am a 5'10, 77kg (170lb) intermediate lifter (lifting for 2-3 years) and am somehow struggling to lose weight on 1900 calories and 200-300 calories of cardio 5x a week.

Granted I only began my cut 13 days ago at a bodyweight of 76kg but am puzzled as to how I have put on weight in this period. My tracking has been on point and I have started diets on a greater number of calories (2000-2100) in the past and generally experience the typical initial 1-2kg (2-4lbs) of rapid weight loss due to water weight, glycogen etc.

Some things that could contribute are that my lower body exercise volume increased signficantly at the start of this cut (as I admittedly stopped training legs with any real intensity for about 6 months or so due to COVID and general laziness) and my hydration has improved.

I feel like visibly I have lost some fat so could it really be possible that the weight gain is due to recomposition and I have put on some lower body mass while losing fat at the same time (even so 1kg seems a bit much)? Would it be recommended that I drop calories again if my weight remains stable for next 2 weeks or so? I have heard of very lean people experiencing weight stalls however never at the start of a diet.

Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/blackkmagicc93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The number on the scale is going in the wrong direction.

Hi! i am a 25 year old woman, i started my weight loss journey a couple of months ago at 86kg/189.5lbs and i got down to 77kg/169.7lbs (9.6kg/21.1lbs lost) this month and i was quite happy with that progress. But then things started to slow down and now its going in the wrong direction. It went up to 77,3kg/170.4lbs on october the 8th and i was like ok its just water weight, but then it's stayed there and i just weighed myself today and it was 77,9kg/171.1lbs (1.9lbs gained). Feeling pretty dejected and confused and im hoping someone can help me figure out what im doing wrong so that this gain doesnt turn into a trend. I can handle a plateu and the weight standing still, but seeing it go up is like a slap in the face.

Ive calculated my TDEE and my basal metabolic rate is 1493 cals, but i do work out 6/7 days a week for 30 mins (cardio and weight lifting) so i put my activity lvl at sedentary and so i should eat 1792 cals to maintain. But i eat at a 500cal deficit so 1290 cals a day (i weigh and track everything i eat and i dont eat over 1290 cals, usually i eat less than that by 100-200cals, but one day his month i went over by 30cals and one day i went over by around 500cals) Additional info: i drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day, I IF with my eating window being between 8PM and midnight.

Can it partly be just water weight? (i do love salt) and maybe TMI but ive been pretty constipated lately, could that be contributing to this weight gain? Or am i simply just still eating too much at 1290 cals a day? I dont think i should cut anymore though bc im already feeling low on energy these days, and i do accidentally eat less than that already sometimes and i think intentionally eating less than that would lead me down a bad road. Ive been doing so good up till now and im scared that im messing it all up.

Any input would be very appreciated!

submitted by /u/i-d-a-m-k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Life changes; growing older

Hi all! This has probably been a long time coming for myself. I’m 34y/o male at about 6’. I’ve been consistently 235lbs for many many years. I was a lanky looking kid in HS at 175, but I just gradually gained weight over the period of aging and settling into a lifestyle. Now, I carried this weight well. I have large shoulders and never really had a gut.

In August I randomly weighed myself to find that I had gained roughly 10lbs since March of 2020 (I’m blaming COVID). Not sure why, but this hit different. I was never “happy” with my weight but I wasn’t really disappointed either. I told my self I’d start a journey to a better lifestyle and healthier eating habits. I started at the end of Aug 2020

As of Friday I’m down 23lbs. My clothes (mostly pants) do no longer stay on my waist - I can’t see it but apparently I’ve lost inches!

I’ve been using MyFitnessPal pretty religiously monitoring my calorie intake. I’ve limited myself to 1500cal/day. With the weight loss I’ve been having, obviously some days I’m not getting to my complete goal - sometimes coming under several hundred to 500 left.

The beginning was difficult. I work from home now. Found myself snacking a lot and my diet was non existent (garbage plates [WNY thing] and pizza).

My goal weight is to lose another 23lbs. My concern is by BMI standards I’ll still be “overweight” at 200 lbs - but I really don’t want to be the skinny tall kid I was years ago. I realistically need to get into weight training but I’d like to lose the weight first.

During all of this I’ve started including simple “workout routines” at home. Push-ups, sit-ups, jogging on the treadmill for 15-20 min to get my heart rate up.

Really looking forward to my progress and would love to hear your stories too! My wife was my biggest inspiration as she’s lost a lot of weight earlier this year.

Take care, be healthy!

submitted by /u/brianWM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help me fight the weight loss plateau?

Hi Guys,

I'm a 5'5 (164 cms) female weighing 78 Kilos (172 pounds).

My TDEE is 1800 and I've been eating between 1200-1500 calories acc to MFP. I've also been working out from home and usually switch between body weight exercises and running 5k/10k indoors. Exercises are minimum thrice a week, and get around 300-600 calories burn.

I decided to lose weight earlier this year and lost around 6 kilos over a span of 7 months. But now, for the last two months, the needle hasn't moved an inch. I'm not losing inches either.

It just feels so heartbreaking to type this - after putting in all the effort, avoiding cheat meals and trying to be kinder to my body, I'm still not losing weight or inches and it's just the worst feeling.

My goal weight is 66 kgs (145 lbs). I have another 12 kilos / 26 pounds to go. Can you please help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Please help me!

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Flaxultima
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from loseit - Lose the Fat