Sunday, October 11, 2020

The number on the scale is going in the wrong direction.

Hi! i am a 25 year old woman, i started my weight loss journey a couple of months ago at 86kg/189.5lbs and i got down to 77kg/169.7lbs (9.6kg/21.1lbs lost) this month and i was quite happy with that progress. But then things started to slow down and now its going in the wrong direction. It went up to 77,3kg/170.4lbs on october the 8th and i was like ok its just water weight, but then it's stayed there and i just weighed myself today and it was 77,9kg/171.1lbs (1.9lbs gained). Feeling pretty dejected and confused and im hoping someone can help me figure out what im doing wrong so that this gain doesnt turn into a trend. I can handle a plateu and the weight standing still, but seeing it go up is like a slap in the face.

Ive calculated my TDEE and my basal metabolic rate is 1493 cals, but i do work out 6/7 days a week for 30 mins (cardio and weight lifting) so i put my activity lvl at sedentary and so i should eat 1792 cals to maintain. But i eat at a 500cal deficit so 1290 cals a day (i weigh and track everything i eat and i dont eat over 1290 cals, usually i eat less than that by 100-200cals, but one day his month i went over by 30cals and one day i went over by around 500cals) Additional info: i drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day, I IF with my eating window being between 8PM and midnight.

Can it partly be just water weight? (i do love salt) and maybe TMI but ive been pretty constipated lately, could that be contributing to this weight gain? Or am i simply just still eating too much at 1290 cals a day? I dont think i should cut anymore though bc im already feeling low on energy these days, and i do accidentally eat less than that already sometimes and i think intentionally eating less than that would lead me down a bad road. Ive been doing so good up till now and im scared that im messing it all up.

Any input would be very appreciated!

submitted by /u/i-d-a-m-k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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