Thursday, October 15, 2020

No more excuses!! Get it done.

I’m so mad at myself for skipping yet ANOTHER week. I only worked out last Friday/Saturday, and looks like I’ll be doing the same thing this weekend. At least I am showing up right?

This morning I got up and ready, laid out my brand new workout outfit, took a shower and that alone took all my energy. (I’m probably not eating enough I know, I’m working on it.)

Starting this weekend/next week, I’m starting a strict schedule. No more excuses, Gonna get my a** out off the couch and head straight to the gym in the morning, As that’s when I have the most energy. I had a high fever for most of this week though, so I can’t be too mad at myself. (102..)

I also need to work on my sleeping schedule. Surprisingly enough, I slept better when I used social media. (Mainly Instagram and Youtube but that’s a whole other subject) My brain is nearly wired into it, and once I went on a break this week I can’t sleep until 1am.. which is also why I skipped today. Sleep is important, folks. But even if I only get 7hours, I’m still going to the gym. I can always take a nap before or after my online class.

When you feel yourself slipping, Tell yourself no more excuses. It might just work!! I also recommend creating a badass playlist for the gym. I use Spotify!

I can’t wait for the new year, I usually dread it because my birthday is in January. But I’m looking forward to continuing my weight loss journey!!

submitted by /u/KyberFitness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

100 pounds down, what I've learned. [25 M]

So I've struggled with my weight for essentially my entire life. As a child I was never taught portion control and as an adult I spent all my free money on food. My first mistake was using food as a defense mechanism to keep myself anonymous. Ironically people tend to ignore obese/overweight people and this was good to me. I have issues with social anxiety and am throughly introverted. This however has changed with the weight loss. I still enjoy a nice time inside but the idea of going out and enjoying anything really has become really appealing. The more weight I lose the higher desire I have to live life.

The second thing I've learned is that weight while being a contributing factor to depression will not solve depression. I still struggle with this but my motivation and drive to lose weight has also motivated me to pursue a career in programming and web development I never thought I could ever do. Things may seem daunting at the start but I promise it gets easier.

The final thing I've learned is sadly it is true people really do treat you better when you are thin.

So my message to anyone starting their journey is you've got this.

SW: 315 CW: 215 GW: 170

Pics for reference:

Bonus PS: CICO works, original pic was from 2017 and now my money goes to headphones lol.

submitted by /u/JSM953
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Subconscious self-sabotage??

I’ve had well managed depression for a long time that’s recently worsened due to a myriad of craziness in my life (as I’m sure many people have had this year). But this issue with weight loss and how I view myself is nothing new. I have type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in addition to a blood clotting disorder and vascular birth defect. Long story short, weight loss isn’t easy for me, but I don’t like to use those things as excuses.

My issue (I think) is that I use food to cope and I’m terrified of failure. Every time I’ve gotten into the swing of things and lost 5-6 pounds of the 35 I have to lose, it’s like some sort of subconscious switch flips to initiate self-sabotage. Has anyone else had this issue? I know I probably need to see a therapist so I don’t expect to resolve it all on Reddit, but Any advice on overcoming this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance to this amazing community ❤️

submitted by /u/justkindafloating
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Things I have eaten while losing weight

👋 Hi! For reference, I am 23F, 5'8" (recently found out I was an inch shorter than I thought I was) SW: 196; CW: 178; GW: 150-160s range.

So, really, this post is just to say:

1) don't sweat the small stuff, like eating a treat every once in a while. This can actually be helpful with controlling urges to binge!

2) it really is as simple as calories out > calories in. With the caveat that eating healthy, balanced foods are more helpful to keep malnutrition at bay and to keep one full. But they are not totally necessary. I like the 80/20 principle.

3) you don't have to eat "clean" 100% of the time. Expecting that of yourself is an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation. You can lose weight and still enjoy the foods you like! In fact, this is encouraged so you can sustain your weight loss! You just gotta be clever and find ways to work them into your "budget."

4) it is OK to go over your calorie allowance or break your diet every once in a while. Again, you are human. We are not meant to be perfect. One day, hell, a few days, will not kill all your hard work. Consistency is what matters.

Ok, now what you have all clicked on this post for. Things i have eaten while losing weight:

  • cookie cake.

  • Buffalo Wild Wings and fries.

  • Chik-Fil-A

  • ice cream.

  • bread

  • starbucks

  • Taco Bell

  • macaroni and cheese

  • pasta carbonara

  • chicken fried steak

  • cookies

  • chocolate bars

  • panda express

  • noodles. Actual noodles, not miracle noodles or zoodles.

  • dark, chocolate stout beer 🥰

  • matcha lattes

  • butter

  • creamer and sugar in my coffee.

  • burritos

  • boba

  • soda.

And there you have it. Im sure there are more ive forgotten. Best of luck to all you lovely people and don't forget to be kind to yourself and enjoy life.

Disclaimer: of course, I am not you nor are you me. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I have heard of people seriously struggling with junk food addictions and finding that abstinence is the only way. I get that. For me, personally, that is not realistic. Also, I did not start my journey morbidly obese, I only wanted to lose 40 or 50 pounds, so I concede that I do not know that struggle as I only had to make minor lifestyle changes. I am not a doctor. These are just my thoughts. don't come for me.

submitted by /u/123catmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

LPT: Create an exit strategy for when you reach your weight loss goal.

A lot of people view their goal weight as an end game and it leads them to falling back on the same habits that made them gain the weight in the first place. To ensure long-term, continuous success, it's important to think about what habits you can build now and what habits you should adopt after you reach your goal weight to sustain that loss.

Will you self-reward using food to celebrate your future career or life successes, or are you going to make a new type of celebration a thing? Will you adopt intuitive eating or maintain the plant-based/vegan/keto/etc diet you used to pursue your weightloss? Will physical activity be part of your normal weekly routine, or are you going to remember to reduce your daily calorie needs? How will you hold yourself regularly accountable for the choices and decisions you make related to what you consume?

The answers to each question will differ based on your journey, but try to think about it now so the transition is seamless when the time comes.

submitted by /u/whyyougottabedumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

-100, now what?!

So, past few years were a roller coaster of emotions and new habits but what a treat!

Weight loss journey started in late 2016, is still going on and I can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm now over 100 pounds lighter! I could litteraly not believe my eyes when I hopped on the scale this morning and saw 167lbs (I haven't been very disciplined food wise the past few weeks but stuck to training like there's no tomorrow)

Let me tell you, there were ups and downs but I'm amazed at how I learned to love working out and running. Every day is an opportunity for some kind of progress and I hope your own journey is doing well. And yes, sometimes progress is still drinking beer and eating chocolate, because indulging once in a while won't destroy years of hard work

submitted by /u/MmeManue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally feeling really good about myself

I’m a 5’6” F. In the past year I have gone from 215 lbs (the heaviest I have ever been) to 140 lbs, for a grand total of 75 lbs lost. I’ve done it all through intermittent fasting. I never really thought I could lose all this weight. I’m the healthiest I’ve been since before having my 4 children!! I started my journey in a size 14, and I’m now down to a size 6. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to walk into a trendy boutique store and find clothes that actually look good on me!!! People have really started to notice the weight loss, and it feels great to receive compliments. Now I just have to do the EXPENSIVE job of replacing all of my old clothes with clothes that actually fit me. This sub has been inspiring, and I thank you all for sharing your stories.

submitted by /u/handmaid25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat