Saturday, October 17, 2020

I lost my first 10 lbs!

12, actually, but 10 was the first goal that I set for myself about 3 weeks ago when I started my weight loss journey! I’ve done a pretty big overhaul on my diet and am focusing on eating at a calorie deficit and volume eating (eating high volume meals with minimal calories). That’s been a big help for me this time around. I feel like I’ve really started to enjoy cooking as well! Previously I was in a rut of eating from food delivery services every day and taking in far too many calories(and wasting all my money). I don’t focus very much on exercise though I try to take walks here and there while I can.

I still have a long ways to go but I’m excited to have hit a milestone and am excited to keep losing. I don’t really like talking about weight loss and sharing info like that with others in my life but I wanted to share it here with likeminded people! :)

submitted by /u/ClumsyPikachu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you guys handle baking?

I love baking.

I started my weight loss journey again two weeks ago. I didn’t bake until today. My husband asked for cupcakes and I love making him stuff so I made some. I did sample the batter...a lot...and I do have enough calories left today to have one cupcake, but I’m not sure how to log the batter I ate 😬

However, every Christmas my mother in law and I bake hundreds of Xmas cookies for everyone we know. It’s a process that starts in November. I’m worried I’m going to be sampling dough and cookies all day long.

How do you guys not lick the bowl?? How do I log those calories?? Do I just pretend I ate 100 calories worth of batter??

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/sunnnday_2019
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Finally doing it...curious about “beneficial side effect” from weight loss

After a few years of climbing the weight ladder, I hit my high of 213. I’m 5 feet tall, and weighed more than my spouse. I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and while I know that can make things challenging, I’m sure the gallons of chocolate milk and other trash that I ate during the week is the bigger contributor.

I’m grateful that I can work from home during the pandemic, but felt like I wasn’t doing my part. So I decided the best thing to do was make some serious changes and not be a burden on the healthcare system. I’m down from 213 to 192, with a goal of 130.

My question is for those who have lost weight, did you notice you could swallow easier? I used to make this weird snoring noise with my throat during the DAY, and was always having trouble with swallowing, excess mucus production, etc. Since losing my first 21, that seems to be a bit better.

submitted by /u/rhodysaves
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I reach my ideal weight?

So kind people of this sub, I have lost 20kgs since June by doing ketogenic/low carb diet and cardio exercises.

My diet included as the following. Breakfast: Fried Cheese Eggs, Black Coffee Lunch: Boiled Meat, Black Coffee Dinner: BBQ 2 Chest Pieces, Green Tea.

I practised intermittent fasting mostly and only did lunch and dinner during these days. I was 108kgs back then, now I am 88kgs and according to my height and age, I should be 74-75 kgs.

I am 20 yrs old male and I stand 179cm tall.

The problem is that now my weight loss process has drastically slowed down, this also happened back in 2018 when I lost 20kgs for my uncle's wedding. I never have been to go lower than 85kgs, even when I was doing cardio and keto diet religiously.

With all my effort and my power, the lowest I weighed in recent memory is 85.2kgs, which is fine but not right for my height and age. I want to look like a lean, mean and fighting machine like Jon Jones.

What can I do to rapidly and efficiently lose these next 15-16 kgs, I want to get till 74-75 kgs mark by all means and then start weight lifting. Should I start taking supplements or change my diet or increase cardiovascular exercises?

submitted by /u/NitendoDenis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight but my waist isn’t really making a difference?

My weight loss journey started when I weighed in at 134lbs in the beginning of august and today I’m 116.2lbs but it’ll fluctuate throughout the day and Ill weight like 118 after eating and whatnot, (also forgot to add I’m 4’11) I will like to mention I’m a new mom, I’m working out to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight because I literally stuffed my face when I was pregnant (No I do not breastfeed) I’ve already spoken to my doctor and he said it was fine to begin working out after 40 days. Before my pregnancy I was 108lbs which includes the baggy jeans I would wear at the time. my waist was smaller and a size 8 would fit loosely on me which i loved because of the look it gave with the jeans. I was about a size 4 I would say. My question is, is it possible to lose weight but my waist stays the same? I’m not worried about my hips at the moment, I’m just wondering if my waist will ever fit my jeans again the way I liked? Is it possible to get a smaller waist without going down any extra pounds? I really don’t want to go any lower than my pre-pregnancy weight but I’m also unsure if reaching my pre-pregnancy will give me the same body I had before as far as my waist goes, (again I’m not really concerned about my thighs or my hips) is there any workouts that help get a smaller waist, if so which ones help? Look I don’t mind buying new clothes but if I can avoid it, I will... being that majority of jeans I own are vintage. however I will donate them if I’m never able to fit into them again. It’s just really discouraging at the moment being that I’m still wearing my maternity pants..

Any advice will be appreciated

submitted by /u/amywut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss story

Few years ago I fell into severe depression. I was on medications which makes me hungry all day long, especially on sweets. I have also eaten at restaurants or fast foods.

I went from 75kg (165 pounds) to over 150 kg (330 pounds). My blood pressure was super high and I my sugar level was skyrocketing. I have to take medications for that as well.

Playing with my kids, family trips and any other activities was not available for me, because after few steps I was feeling that I'm going to die in a sec.

All that depression and my weight makes me even more depressed and anxious.

It took me over 2 years to finally understand that I need to do something. My family needs me.

I went to my doctor and I told him that I have found a Keto diet in the internet and I want to try. He said if I'm going to replace carbs for fat I will die within a year. He tried to convince me to eat alot of vegetables and fruits, but I wasn't listening to him and decided to try anyway.

This was my best decision in my life. I was losing weigh very rapidly.

When I lost around 20kg (44 pounds) I started to feeling better. I've even decided to go outside with my family.

We have a trips around UK and always after that we liked to eat something at restaurants.

Because I was on the diet I have to read thorough all the menu before I could order anything. This was a time waster for me.

One day after back to home I've decided to create a tool which will help me and people like me find restaurants and their keto meal options around my location. No more wasting my time.

It took me over 4 months to create an online tool where you could find healthy restaurants nearby your location. You can select any type of diet. For example if you select Keto then all keto friendly restaurants nearby your location will pop up on the screen. Nutrition values are also included.

Within a year I lost over 50kg (110 pounds). Family and restaurant trips have become a pleasure. I was so motivated that I even learned how to become I programmer.

From unhappy fat guy I went to smaller and happier version of my self.

submitted by /u/litediner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I eating enough?

Hey everyone!

I’ve been lurking around this sub for a while and seeing everyone’s stories has been so inspirational that I wanted to share and maybe get some advice.

A little background— I started my weight loss journey August 17th. Since then, I have steadily lost 16 lbs. Not as quickly as others nor as quick as I would like, but I know that’s a big deal for me. My workouts are usually 40-60 min of power walking on the treadmill followed by 30-50 min of weight machines. I average burning 700-900 calories a day with exercise. Since I have PCOS, I’m on a low carb/high protein diet. No more than 50g carbs and I try to keep my protein around 90-100g. I sort of intermittent fast by eating between noon to 8 or 8:30pm and I average about 1100 calories a day. I actually have trouble eating more bc I’m full from my meals. I’m aware of the TDEE calculator but I’m still having trouble understanding it. It says I can have 1800 with a calorie deficit of 500 but again, since I have a low carb diet, that’s green veggies and protein so I’m full faster lol i just want to make sure I’m healthy about this since I know weight loss can be tricky with those of us who have had unhealthy relationships with food.

So I guess what I’m wondering is am I eating enough? And if I’m not, is that why I’m not losing at the pace I want to? I’m f/28, 5’3” if that helps.

submitted by /u/re_stcks
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