Saturday, October 17, 2020

How can I reach my ideal weight?

So kind people of this sub, I have lost 20kgs since June by doing ketogenic/low carb diet and cardio exercises.

My diet included as the following. Breakfast: Fried Cheese Eggs, Black Coffee Lunch: Boiled Meat, Black Coffee Dinner: BBQ 2 Chest Pieces, Green Tea.

I practised intermittent fasting mostly and only did lunch and dinner during these days. I was 108kgs back then, now I am 88kgs and according to my height and age, I should be 74-75 kgs.

I am 20 yrs old male and I stand 179cm tall.

The problem is that now my weight loss process has drastically slowed down, this also happened back in 2018 when I lost 20kgs for my uncle's wedding. I never have been to go lower than 85kgs, even when I was doing cardio and keto diet religiously.

With all my effort and my power, the lowest I weighed in recent memory is 85.2kgs, which is fine but not right for my height and age. I want to look like a lean, mean and fighting machine like Jon Jones.

What can I do to rapidly and efficiently lose these next 15-16 kgs, I want to get till 74-75 kgs mark by all means and then start weight lifting. Should I start taking supplements or change my diet or increase cardiovascular exercises?

submitted by /u/NitendoDenis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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