Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hello!!! First time poster

hello all!!!! Proud to be here, a bit worried. So I drank soda for roughly 15 years, I’m 24, so about the age of 9, I would drink 2 liters a day like they were nothing (my teeth are royally fucked) but besides that point up, up until about 8 months ago, I drank about 10 cans of Pepsi a day, and I went to the doctor, again about 8 months ago, and I was 264 lbs (6’2 M) and decided it was time to make a change, fast forward today... I just weighed in at 177 pounds, I shed 86 pounds in less than a year, no working out, just complete cut out of soda (minutes the occasional 7up can or sprite from McDonald’s (the sprite from McDonald’s has crack in it, I swear) and I’m looking to see if this is normal? I do not eat as much as I used to, I do not eat breakfast (rarely if maybe once a month, rarely each lunch unless it’s a SMALL meal, and I eat a decently sized dinner) I am EXTREMELY thankful for this weight loss, it still feels weird because my blood pressure is surprisingly... low, lol. It used to be 160-180 over 90-100, and now it’s roughly 110/65 at the lowest, sometimes 130/65, the occasional hiccup of 140-141 over 75/80 but and normal resting heart rate is about 65-70, 40-45 while sleeping... occasionally 110-120 if I’m anxiety ridden that day (have been diagnosed with heart problems) basically what I’m asking is, the weight loss that I’ve accumulated, is it normal? Thank you all, LOSE IT!!! - Caleb :)

submitted by /u/98GtStang
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Meal replacements

I've searched the sub dating back to about 6-7 months or so and still have some questions about this. I just wanted to get some opinions on meal replacements vs protein shakes. I read about the protein shakes that you guys mentioned and it was helpful; however, I'm looking for fitness tips surrounding the use of shakes for meal replacements in general. Are they generally recommended? A good idea for weight loss in general? Is the general consensus that a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein power (?) is a good idea? Is there acceptable nutrition in a shake? I do mostly cardio (treadmill, Peloton) and yoga here and there. I'm not really crazy about strength training but this may eventually change, I guess.

Anyway, I'm new to fitness and dieting as a whole and I just wanted to make sure I go about this correctly. Any information is appreciated. Thanks, everyone.

submitted by /u/SongbirdConstruct
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Spring into Smoothie Season with Our Blender Giveaway!

Celebrate spring, sunshine and seasonal produce with a delicious and nutritious smoothie! If you’re craving a creamy, dreamy drink, be sure to head on over to the Nutrisystem Facebook and Instagram pages. We’re giving away a FREE blender to THREE lucky winners who enter our spring giveaway!

Get the details for our spring giveaway below:

When is it?: This giveaway will start on April 29, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST. All online entries must be received by May 4, 2021, at 11:59 PM EST.

How do I enter?:

  1. Follow @Nutrisystem on Facebook and/or Instagram.
  2. Drop a comment on our giveaway post with your favorite smoothie flavor.
  3. Tag two friends who “blend well” with you!

What can I win?: We will select three winners to win a FREE blender!

Click here to follow us on Facebook! >

Click here to follow us on Instagram! >

Check out the giveaway rules here! >

Looking for some delicious smoothie recipes? Check out the link below for some easy, breezy beverage inspiration:

11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes

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The post Spring into Smoothie Season with Our Blender Giveaway! appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Why did I get fat? Stress. That's it for me.

I've had a pretty chill pandemic. Like, unemployed but okay at first and then working, but sort of part time (I run my own business), which was chill in its own way. Think lots of afternoons off. It was horrible in a lot of ways, but once I was making enough that I didn't feel unemployed or worried about that, it was... I don't know, kind of chill really. Lots of free time. I took up projects, talked to friends on the phone more, went for long walks and runs.

This week, work has finally really REALLY REALLY picked back up. The high levels of stress kind of picked back up. And, frankly, it has been eye opening.

I've been cruising along on my weight loss journey. Pretty quick to begin with, but then I slowed it down in favor of more long distance running (and fueling those runs), some more eating out than when I was strict (which was no eating out), and some more treats. Nothing crazy, just sustainable lifestyle changes that led to me losing ~4-5 pounds a month through exercise and diet. Which is awesome. I've definitely had times where I wished it were faster, but it's also okay that it's not for me. I'm feeling happy.

At least, until this week when the stress was... a bit overwhelming. I stopped being able to fall asleep as easily despite being tired, started eating whatever for dinner because I didn't have time to shop and cook as much (think eggs on toast kind of thing, nothing too nuts). I was.... barely holding on to my calories, to be honest. Not binging or anything, but not holding on to my goals, that was for sure.

Then yesterday was just a crescendo of stress and suddenly I was eating all day. I wouldn't have called it bingeing either, but I probably ate 2,000 calories yesterday (I don't normally "count" calories per-say, just plan out my meals and snacks, so I wasn't exactly "not logging" but rather going off plan. I don't keep track on days I go off plan drastically, just try to enjoy in moderation and it's worked really well for me; I'm not here to be told I'm doing that part wrong, please xx).

All that snacking just felt like... I don't know, like a lightbulb going off. Oh, right, I thought to myself, STRESS is my thing. I don't binge really or eat junk food or any of the other many possible insidious eating habits that can make one gain weight... I SNACK. A snack MASTER, when I'm stressed. And that, THAT SNACKING, is what is making me fat (or was, or whatever).

When I first started losing weight, I couldn't believe how much I had gained. I did some math and it was something like an extra 62 calories per day over the course of the weight gain and I was... shocked by it. It sort of drove home the idea that I wasn't doing anything big, just slowly and surely chipping away at adding a pound or two a year.

Now that I'm over 40 pounds down (woo!!!) and making plans and changes that will allow me to lose another 10 pounds to my sort of goal weight, 20 pounds to my ultimate goal weight (125 pounds!), and then keep all of it off forever while also living a fulfilling life... it was a good reminder of my particular food demon and how stress and work and life and... everything, I guess, have triggered me to gain all 62 of the pounds that I'm in the process of losing.

Anyways, here's to more meal prep, more stress management, and a better balance in overall. Plus, here's to noticing what's causing the problem and, most of all, here's to getting back on the wagon today after "failing" off of it yesterday. Good luck, losers! I hope you slay your own demons.

submitted by /u/beachgirl_weightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I struggle with portioning - a gripe from a short person

So I really struggle with portioning. I'm 5 foot nothing and I'm also plagued with a pretty slow metabolism (which is a burden bc I love food) and therefore my daily calorific intake should be smaller than the "average". But so much advice, particularly from women who weight train online is along the lines of "you should NEVER eat less than 1500 kcal a day, if you do you're starving yourself". On a normal day I probably eat 1300 kcal, and even with exercise, that tends to maintain my weight. If I eat any more, I put on. I am about 63kg, which is pretty light for most people but overweight for my height so everything is difficult.

Another thing is that so much pre-bought food is portioned for the average weight/height person. So I have to then think harder about how I'm going to portion protein (I'm plant based mainly). Also, exercise burns fewer calories for me, even when I match the intensity, length, etc of others, my Fitbit shows fewer calories burned. I guess cos my muscle fibre lengths are smaller? So I've started working on building more muscle, I figured more fibres more energy burned?

Weight loss when you're short is a nightmare. I see these women that are maybe 4 inches taller than me and weigh the same and their body doesn't look anything like mine.

I feel like the only thing I'm actually good at is "pick up heavy thing put heavy thing down". I suppose because my centre of mass is closer to the ground or something. I'm a shite runner (I do it anyway) my legs are stocky and short.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/aperdra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I didn't know how. So I just did it.

F(31) H:163cm SW:120.4kg CW:117.8kg GW:90kg

Hello all, about this time last week I wrote a rant. It was about how I had believed the lie that weight loss was impossible, and it was too late for me to lose weight. I was desperate, sad and angry. I thought I'd ost my chance to go on comfortable hikes with my parents, to be pretty and to wear nice things.

I said I didn't want to count calories, I didn't want to go on diets, I had too many mental blocks. I just didn't know where to start. Partially cos I didn't WANT to start, dieting is hard and I LOVE pizza and food in general.

Then on implus I bought a kitchen scale. Just to see, I mean my body is a wonderland for sure but it can't be the only place in the known universe that doesn't follow the laws of thermodynamics. If CICO doesn't work out I'm down maybe €15.00 and I would have avoided take out for a while.

It has not been much of an interference in my life at all. I feel silly trying to weight every piece of food, but the two seconds of being self conscious passes and before I know it I'm chowing down. I remembered that I actually like a lot of vegetables, and I love munching on bitter sweet berries throughout my work day. My husband made his world famous beef burgers with fries for dinner twice this week and I just made sure to volume eat the day leading up to it. And it was fine.

And I can not stress this enough- I never got motivation to do it. No burst of energy, no inspiration, nothing clicked,no self loathing moment where I decided enough was enough. honestly just thought "I'll buy the scales, let's see"

I'm now down 2kg (about 4lb) and I know it's just a start but I've never been so excited to see 117 on the scales.

submitted by /u/MagicGlitterKitty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

For people who have lost 50lbs+ how did you trust the process in the earlier stages of weight loss?

Another day doing CICO. I am very determined to drop the weight. My life kind of depends on it. I go to the gym 4-5x a week. I do at least 40 minutes cardio, sets with weights and then call it a day. I eat between 1300-1500 calories per day. I have at least 100lbs to lose. Since March I’ve lost 7lbs, gained 4lbs back but then I wasn’t doing weights. Now I’ve started to be stricter and added in exercise 2 weeks ago.

This is the most I’ve ever done for weight loss. I even got an online fitness coach (not sure how helpful it is but nice to talk to someone about this from time to time that is solely dedicated to me on this journey). Costs a over $100 per month but hey...

Anyway, like most chubster a in the gym, some days I look in the mirror and question whether anything is changing or if it will. Every time I deny myself indulgent food... I just say it’s for the greater good. But I’m not always confident about this.

What do I need to know about this weight loss journey? Do you only see results 2 months in? If the scale isn’t going down does it mean your calories aren’t correct? (No health issues confirmed by doctor).


EDIT: ++ stats SW: 112 KG / 246.8lbs CW: 110.8 KG / 244.8lbs Height: 164cm / 5ft5 Female

submitted by /u/sacredbutterfly
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