Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Low points, left gym early, trying to be my best.

Today (Tuesday) I have just had one of those days, think I am having a Mid life crisis as soon I will be turning 30 years old.. and becoming increasingly fed up, with the state of my life.

Made the effort to go Gym after work. but when I got there honestly my mood was so low, never completed my full routine, just did treadmill 20mins, could feel some pain going up my neck, never did rest of my routine etc, just did some pull ups and one other machine, place was way too Busy and just felt Defeated.. mentally just felt in not the right mood.

usually I am in there for like 3hrs, doing so much, still had what feels like a tear in the back of my leg from a 5K run on Sunday, but only completed 1 hour today, I have lost a fair amount of weight previously going from 240lbs In April to 208lbs right now.. and working on it still, been receiving plenty of compliments from random people on my weight loss at work, I even had a woman for first time in my life use the words beautiful and have a slim face now lol the other day

but today's just been strange, I hope not to have too many day's like today.. honestly have never felt so low or demotivated whilst in the Gym, It's crazy how stress or thinking about the bad things in your life can well negatively effect you and your performance.

I knew in theory what needed to be done this day, and what would have been good for me, despite my low mood, but I just never had the ''Energy'' If that's the right word, not sure If it was my body at all, just was not feeling it today, but I feel bad for being like this.

I should be asleep now, but guess I just have a lot of regrets, and sometimes feels like I have the world on my shoulders with the amount of things I need to improve.

I don't want to develop destructive habits again like emotional eating how I was in the past etc.. but life's just hard sometimes.

submitted by /u/The-Rare-Road
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3Aec5Xx

First step towards change!

29F, 5'3", SW: 170 lbs, CW:158, GW: 130

I've been working on my weight loss for a bit, nothing drastic and I'm in a bit of a plateau but no biggie, I'm doing the slow and steady thing. BMI is currently 28, and while flawed, gives a general idea of where I'm at: not wildly unhealthy, but I still definitely have room for improvement.

But the BIG news is that my husband (34) had his appointment with his doctor and is being referred to a dietician and also an exercise person and it sounds like he's going to start working on things. He is fitter than I am, pretty muscle-y from his work (heavy duty mechanic), but his BMI is right around 40 so clearly not at the healthiest weight. He has a big beer belly (though not beer, mostly burgers, fries, Coke, and chips.) I've been HOPING that he would finally start tackling this so that his health and the way he feels improves. I love him tremendously, and it is not at all about appearances, but I want to grow old with him and not have him limited in what he can do with our kids because he's too tired or his joints are all worn out at 40. Thankfully, his blood work didn't show anything too serious, a bit of fatty liver disease, cholesterol is fine, no diabetes. So if he decides to make some changes and stick with it, with my help, he should be able to see some decent results and not have preventable health issues haunt him.

I'm hoping he'll agree to try an ADHD med at some point, as I think a lot of his eating can stem from that, but baby steps :)

submitted by /u/concentrated-amazing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YovQOE

I‘m stuck in a cycle and I just need to get it off my chest. Advice appreciated

Sup peeps, here’s some background information:

19, female. Completed weight loss journey back in January this year with having lost 41 lbs/19 kg total in 5 months. I went from 77kg (169.7 lbs) to 58 kg (127.8 lbs) and am ~5'8 / 172 cm tall. Lost the weight through exercise, intermittent fasting and cutting out sugar.

What packed on the pounds for me in the first place was consuming monstrously large portions of sweets. And now that I’m seeing the pattern, I‘m scared of putting my weight back again - though my weight is very stable and the most I fluctuate is 1kg / 2 lbs. I love sweets but they’re just my downfall. I’m talking like 700 cal in sweets more often than I‘d like to admit.

My cravings are very strong and I find it hard to resist - earlier, it was easy because I had the goal of weight loss in mind but now, My thinking switches between "imma be a fat fuck if I keep being like this" or "fuck it, one cookie won’t hurt".

I used to have a binge eating problem too, which I kicked though because I was fully determined to go through with it. The sweets problem is different though….

What do I do? Buy less sweets? Cut off sugar again? Please help me. I really don’t want to be like this. And how do I get my willpower back?

submitted by /u/rosyrosiethrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ldoxSZ

How do I stop myself throwing this progress away?

I (36m 5ft9)started at 19st7 at the start of February. I used Noom and started losing weight, often at an average of 4lb per week. I was strict with the program but this exceeded the theoretical weight loss of 2lb per week.

By late June I weighed as low as 13st8. At that time I did 5 -7 hours of high effort cardio/week and in July I was fit enough to run a half marathon in 1:55, this totally exceeded all expectations of what I could achieve - I have been overweight pretty much constantly since my teens and had never ran more than 7 miles in my life. I found the whole thing in many ways to be pretty easy.

As I progressed through Noom, you are allowed more freedom as you move towards a new normal based more on using intuition, mindfulness, fullness cues etc than strict calorie logging. I used these freedoms as an excuse to overeat and have struggled a bit for mental focus and discipline since. My subscription lapsed in August and I have been using other stuff like MyFitnessPal sporadically.

Some changes have stuck, I run 20 miles a week, my main meals are generally healthy and sensibly portioned. I eat breakfast and lots of fruit.

However I am really struggling with cupboard raiding, quite often continuing well beyond the point I am comfortably full. I keep trying to get back on track and be disciplined and I often will manage to healthy in the week but go totally overboard at the weekend.

My weight has gone steadily upwards, I am now at 14st7. Part of me doesn't like that my eating is restricted in any way, and in the moment I find it hard to care about my weight more than the food. Part of me is happy with the weight I am and complacent that if I gain, I can just lose it back.

I would ideally like to continue weight loss and get to a healthy BMI. In reality I know if I continue in this way, I will continue to gain weight, my overfullness and weight gain will hamper my ability to exercise, and I will stop exercising and gain weight rapidly at some point.

How can I refocus and get discipline back? How can I interrupt my overeating?

submitted by /u/disorderedmomentum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3uHLeC1

I’ll admit I got sucked into anti diet for a while

I got sucked in. I’m deciding that it’s bullshit and to stop being so naive. I know weight loss is possible and I’ve seen many people do it in the past. I’ve dieted before and lost weight but always put back on. I’m 5’10 and at my heaviest I’ve ever been at 103kg. I’m hoping my girlfriend and I can really succeed this time. I walk a lot in my job (20-30k steps a day) and although I lost a lot to begin with it has piled back on recently. I know that your body adjusts to exercise but how can I avoid that? Should I mix up my exercises outside of work? How can I work out what should be my tdee? Also I need some inspiration of meals I could make. Any recipes or websites with good meals in would be greatly appreciated. Hope you all have a blessed day

submitted by /u/Emotional-Ebb4506
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3AawkFr

Sabotaging my weight loss

Monday through Thursday I do great with my weight loss goals. I eat healthy, no late-night snacking, I workout and drink plenty of water. However, things go south very quickly on Friday nights.

Friday nights are mine and my husband's date nights where we go out to eat. I usually end up restraining myself to some extent but I feel like this is when I start slipping for the weekend. By Saturday morning it's as if I'm not even trying to lose weight anymore. I don't workout, I only drink coffee, and I eat terribly. It feels as if I'm not in control like I can't stop myself. By the time Monday rolls around I feel terrible and disgusted with myself. When I weigh myself it's like I am starting all over again.

Does anyone else feel this way? How do you stop sabotaging your progress? Any advice would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/crookpen8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3Dckc8J

Struggling with balancing mental health and weight loss.

I started following this subreddit a few months ago and it really helped me find the motivation to start taking better care of myself. I'm 38f, sw 310, gw 165, I lost 20 lbs in 2 months through calorie counting and was super proud of myself. About a month ago my doc decided I needed medication for my mental health and it has been devastating for me. We found out the hard way that I'm allergic to a lot of anti depressants. I've been put on a different med each week only to find myself breaking out in hives and just hating the whole thing.because of this rollercoaster my mind is on I've started undoing my hard work and have gained back 10 lbs. This has caused me to be more depressed and really struggling to keep going. I'm just not sure how to move forward from this moment. I know my mental health is important, but so is my physical health. I just feel so lost right now. Anyways, if anyone has any advice or experience with something like this I would really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/baskets_of_chips
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3l7ZIYF