Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Weight Loss Concerns with Covid

25M 6'0" SW: 232 CW: 172 GW: 160

Ok so my Christmas has been much different than most people's. I started showing covid symptoms on Thursday and have been quarantined at home ever since. I've been feeling pretty unwell so I've basically only been eating soup. Feeling a bit better this morning so I stepped on the scale and I'm down 6(!) pounds from my last weigh in on Friday 12/24. This really freaked me out because 6lbs/4days seems very unhealthy.

So I'm looking for advice. Should I try to eat more for a couple days now that I'm feeling better and put a couple of those pounds back on? Just go back to my normal diet and slower weight loss? Eat at maintenance for a week? Open to ideas

submitted by /u/Berkes144
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3euIOiL

my friend doesn‘t want me to lose weight

Hey! I (17,f) have been trying to lose weight for years now. i‘m relatively small and have always been fit and skinny, but over the pandemic i gained about 20kg and i‘m now considered overweight. it absolutely destroyed my mental health. last summer got so bad that i started c*tting myself and i refused to wear shorts, even in front of my family. I let myself go a couple months ago and am now starting my weight loss journey again, but doing it right this time. i joined a gym, i‘m going on a diet after new years and i‘m motivated and willing to make it happen. but my friend keeps telling me i don‘t have to lose weight. i get that she‘s trying to make me feel good about myself, but i absolutely hate my body and want it to change. it‘s hard work and her constantly telling me that i‘m perfect the way i am has the complete opposite effect she thinks it does. when i tell her to be supportive and that i want and need to lose this weight, she says that „we have different views“ and that she‘s „always on my side“, but she isn‘t. she‘s not beint supportive at all. i don‘t know what to do about it, but every time the topic comes up, she tears me down completely. okay, that was very detailled, i hope someone can help. Thanks!

submitted by /u/daisysimmons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3Hiufv7

Weight loss journey starts today

Me (F, turning 30 in March); 5,2ft - 160cm

SW: 163 lbs - 74 kg

GW: 138 lbs - 63 kg (for now)

Highest weight: 175 lbs - ~80kg

Started gaining quite some weight over the last 5 years and a kidney disease 2 years ago (that is finally gone!). Haven't lost a lot in the last 2 years but really want to get this journey going. - Already started going jogging again and even went for a winter hike the day before yesterday.

My plan looks as follows:

  • 16:8 intermittent fasting (already tried it once and really worked for me and fit my lifestyle)
  • starting to eat breakfast at work to get 2 reagular meals in
  • BIA measurement every 3 months to see where I'm going.
  • Do sports more regularly. For the start I'd say 3x/week for at least 30 minutes. For now mainly cardio, gonna start adding weight training a little later.

I basically want to lead a healthier lifestyle in the future.

First, because I want to lose weight and feel more energetic. - Doesn't hurt that I will feel more comfortable in my own skin and maybe smaller clothes too ;)

Second, to avoid diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular problems that run in my family. I was once quite slim and fit (until the middle of my 20s) and want to get in that direction again.

So, wish me luck!

Gonna post a photo in the next few days so that i can compare it later on.

submitted by /u/vk1403
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3z2sori

Monday, December 27, 2021

Doing really well with combination of tactics.

Male, 45 y/o, 5'11", SW 291, CW 261.

My wife started a weight loss program with a physician about 2 months before I started. I just copied her routine. Wife has a rare blood cancer, so she was very interested in having a physician involved in this process. She dropped 40 pounds in 12 weeks.

The program: basically uses three tactics. First, intermittent fasting. I eat during an 8 hour period. She is down to 6 hours. I don't think there's much of a difference, but it may help with plateaus.

Second, calorie restriction. I think my wife is at 800 calories. I'm at 1200. This is determined by metabolism. If you're doing this in your own, use an online calculator to determine how many calories you need to sustain your current weight, and pick a lower number.

Third, diet restriction. The calories you're interested in are protein calories. Just count the protein. I focus on "protein and green" as a motto. Unlike Atkins, you are interested in lean protein only. Chicken, turkey, uncured hams, very lean beef. This is it.

The method: get some ketosis testing strips. Drink half your body weight in fluid ounces of water each day. You're literally pissing away fat. You need electrolytes, so drink a Propel or similar beverage every day. This counts toward the water total. Eat only lean protein for 3 to 4 days until you're in ketosis. Then move to a protein and green diet. No sugar. Low carbs. Protein shakes and protein bars will help, but stick with low carb, low calorie options. Black coffee doesn't count during off hours, but it's gotta be black, no almond milk or anything

That's it. Rinse and repeat. I weigh myself once a week. I like Sunday because it seems to keep me in check for the weekend. I'm on week 7. Lost 5 pounds Thanksgiving week and 7 pounds Christmas week. One helpful trick with big events is to throw in an extra weigh in session the morning of to see where you're at. This really helps me stay on task.

Drinking: I like to drink and I've continued to drink during weight loss. I've had success with the following method. Distilled spirits only, nothing just fermented (so no beer or wine). Stick with regular whiskeys and clear spirits. No sugary stuff like Fireball. Watch the mixers; only seltzer or diet soda. Also, you can't drink every day or all day. Stick with evenings on Fridays and Saturdays, but abstain the rest of the week. Again weighing in on Sunday keeps me in check here. It will slow down your metabolism is you go over. If you're having a problem with this, you're definitely not alone. You should seek out some folks near you to help with this issue. Alcohol issues and weight loss are insanely common and not addressed nearly enough. Help is out there, but you need to ask.

Miscellaneous: we take a bunch of supplements, but I think it boils down to a multivitamin, fish oil and a fiber laxative, like Metamucil, but in capsule form. I can get details if need be.

I really hope this helps someone. Reach out with any questions.

submitted by /u/uwantafreshone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/32L7KjG

Check in: How is everyone doing post holidays?

I didn’t track or workout for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to really enjoy the holidays ☺️

I ate so much good food: prime rib, roast potatoes, cornbread, roast pork, pasta, ribeye steak, roast veggies, fried appetizers, roasted garlic soup, spinach dip, desserts, chocolate, cookies, charcuterie, apple cider etc.

The day after Christmas, I still ended up losing 1 lb and another inch off the waist!

Other times, I’ve hit a plateau for 2 weeks.

Can someone explain this phenomenon?

It seems that weight loss really isn’t linear 😅

submitted by /u/almondmilk_11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pG3ye5

Calorie Counting - How much is too much?

I am starting my weight loss journey today, and I am calorie counting. I am using MyFitnessPal, but do we know how accurate their calorie goals are? I am 27 year old female, and I am 5'9 and weigh 288 pounds. According to MyFitnessPal, I should eat 1,600 calories per day. I did my own calculations using this website: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ and got a daily calorie goal of 1,800.

My goal is to lose around 100 pounds, and I figured it would be easy and attainable to shoot for smaller goals of around 10 pounds per month. I plan on burning 750 calories a day with a workout, walking, and just staying active, and I will use my apple watch to give me a ballpark for that.

Do I go with MyFitnessPal and eat 1,600 calories a day, or should I go with the calculator I used and eat 1,800 calories a day?

submitted by /u/tclarke1621
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pxJgDu

Why do so many people have a negative attitude towards losing weight?

Ever since I went on a "diet" (more of a lifestyle change), I've been getting a lot of negative responses from people around me. Things like: You don't need to restrict yourself, you're not even fat, you don't need this..., I could go on.

Since I started this diet, I have been much more mindful about what I eat. Before I started, I ate chocolate and cookies for breakfast almost every day. I'd eat pizza for dinner every other day. I used to eat fast food without even thinking about the consequences. Despite all those food choices I was only "slightly overweight", but I was concerned for my health.

I started to eat more vegetables, informed myself about healthy food choices, started to cook healthy meals and in general, I was more mindful about what I eat. But I was restricting myself a lot at first (no sweets for a month!). I was also obsessed with the scale and constantly wanted to see changes.

But then I learned not to "hate" certain types of foods or even feel bad about eating sweets once in a while. And even the last couple of days, when I overate during christmas, I didn't feel bad or hated myself for overeating. I just decided to continue where I stopped with my weight loss journey.

Despite all those positive things, I still see people around me (but also on the internet!) have a negative attitude towards diets. I've been called mentally ill for counting calories before. Is is because people are misinformed? Do they think that dieting = starving yourself? Has anyone else gotten negative reactions to something that's actually a good thing?

submitted by /u/-SinEater-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3Hdngnd