Thursday, March 31, 2022

How do I restart my weight loss?

I lost 100lbs back in 2018, but gained it back and more in 2019/2020. I've lost all my self steamand motivation to try to lose it again. Because it was hard work. But I miss how it felt. To be lighter, and to be happier with myself and my accomplishments. Now I just feel like a failure...

My question is, how do I start up again without failing immediately into it? How can I lose 100lbs again just as I did before with little to no hope or motivation....


submitted by /u/meow_dee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

21M I want to lose weight to live life and be free again

I have a horrible eating disorder. I heard that losing weight fast is bad but I am trying to lose weight fast and safely to live my life. I can't live my life I am very insecure with no support around me. Is eating one big meal a day good and healthy? I dont go to the gym because I am insecure and very shy person, I workout at home.

I can lose weight fast and I am highly commited but what I fear is that I would lose weight in an unhealthy way (one of my biggest fears is to be anorexic) I would to communicate with people about this who knows about weight loss and have wisdom. I have tons of questions about losing weight and so on. I am looking for anyone to communicate with me. I had advice where people tell me to eat 3 meals a day. But that leads me to eating disorder because I keep overthinking how should I eat in smaller portions? I do not know or understand how to eat less. Do they mean smaller portions? or reduce my meal eatings? I would also over excercise (1 hour everyday) and I would eat in 200 calorie defecit which is wrong (very wrong to do) I don't really like to excercise but I like to lose weight. There are studies where it says that excercise alone is ineffective for weight loss. There is a saying that says"Lose weight to feel good, not to burn fat" and I totally agree. Excercise isnt most important. It's dieting. I try to eat one big meal and excercise 40 mins a day everyday. Do you think that is effective approach? Please DM me. I need help

submitted by /u/No-Software5654
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s been working for me as a 25 year old female who lost 18 lbs in 3 months!

Hi! I thought I’d share how I finally have got this weight loss thing down! Ofc as I lose weight, I have to shift methods... but here’s what’s really been working.

1) cut out lattes for tea 2) intermittent fasting - 17:7 3) a ONE hour brisk walk daily (I work from home so this is important) 4) lollipops - I’m a weed smoker and I get the munchies at night 5) eating my first meal at 1, and my next meal at 6 and a snack at 8. - for dinner? I eat as MUCH as I want. As long as it’s relatively healthy, I’ll usually have about 800 calories to spend here. This is helpful because I am always so hungry by dinner (When I work I don’t notice my appetite so by the end of the day it’s really there)

I also track deficit (600 a day).

I’m still learning but this is what’s made me go from 138 to 120 lbs :)

submitted by /u/lilapplecrumbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get rid of that last bit of belly pooch?

Im F/26/124lbs and 5’4”. I’ve been doing strength training exercises regularly for a couple months now but no matter how much weight I lose I always have a bit of that belly pouch. Even at my lowest of 110lbs I still had it! Im at 124 lbs now but still can’t shake off this bit of fat in my lower belly. I’m not sure if it is just extra skin from weight loss or just fat. I am trying to eat more proteins and just get as strong as possible. But It’s practically the only thing about my body that I don’t like. I know we can’t target weight loss but if I were to reach a certain BF% will it be gone or is it a lost cause? I added some crappy pictures for reference. I know it doesn’t look that bad but it’s worse in real life 😂 Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/throwmeawaiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do cheat days/meals help with keeping your metabolism up?

I have always heard that your body will adjust/slow its metabolism as it gets used to eating a lower calorie diet, thus slowing weight loss. Is there any truth to that, and if so, would having an occasional (reasonable, not thousands and thousands of calories over) cheat day or meal help to keep your metabolism up?

(I’m not trying to justify poor eating habits or cycles of binging and restricting—I am genuinely wondering if there is any scientific truth to this as I have heard it my whole life!!)

submitted by /u/pinkmillennial
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Got out of my plateau by eating more?

Hey there!

I have been eating at a ~300-500 kcal deficit for about 4 months and everything has been going well, I have lost almost 5kg. However, about a month ago I hit a weight loss plateau and have not lost any weight ever since. This week I am visiting my parents so I thought "what the hell" and have been eating at maintenance or even ~200 kcal over it. I expected to stay the same or maybe gain some weight, but I got out of my plateau and lost weight! I am curious as to why does this happen? From what I have read, it is quite common, but I cannot understand the logic behind it.

submitted by /u/Flat_Age_2290
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I am so fcking addicted to food

Like a crack fiend.

But food is my crack.

My dealer is DoorDash. And I tip him for dropping off my drugs.

I’m not even hungry but i’m stuffing another freaking fork-full into my mouth. No part of me was even hungry when I ordered the meal.

I want to get better but the thought of starting another round of the same-old weight loss circle is seriously depressing.

I don’t want to fcking exercise. No part of me wants to go for a walk. I hate vegetables, they taste like shit. Yes, i’ve had them prepared every conceivable way - they suck. Diet Soda tastes like cough syrup. Water is disgusting - my partner says it tastes like nothing, I say it tastes awful. I could eat pasta every day. With a coke.

I am so fcking addicted to food.

submitted by /u/AstrophysicsTheory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat