Saturday, June 25, 2022

Second month of serious weight loss done!

Down to 287lbs from 300lbs in the past month! I'm glad that I've remained consistent. I've even gone out a few times and purposely ate way more than my calorie goal when hanging out with friends. I was worried because I didn't do any of this the first month but I ended up losing only 1 pound less than the first month. Still not seeing any difference at all in my clothing though even compared to when I was around 330-340 but I'm sure that eventually I'll start to experience that as long as I keep going.

Time to keep going! If I don't post anything else before then, you'll see me when I've finished my third month!

submitted by /u/imaginarykiwi69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Started IF & CICO in October 2021, with 104 pounds down so far, and in less than a year I’ve significantly improved my total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol

I was able to lower my total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol significantly, both by double digit figures. I was also able to slightly lower my triglycerides, albeit the previous number was also in the normal range. Everything else in my blood test, besides my HDL, were in the normal range. The previous values were taken for a physical I had done in April, and the current values are for blood work I had done this week for a physical I have next week.

So far throughout my journey I’ve only judged my success on the scale. Seeing the number drop on the scale is a huge motivating factor, but didn’t tell the whole picture of me regaining my health and quite literally saving my life. To also see that I’m improving my health by watching these numbers improve is giving me the motivation to keep pushing forward.

If anyone is curious how I’ve done it so far, I’ve taken an IF & CICO approach. I stop eating at 8pm the night before, and start eating at 12pm the following day. For me, this has been the easiest way for me to reduce my calorie intake, especially since I don’t normally start getting hungry until around lunch anyways. A majority of my weight loss has come from diet alone. I’ve only recently started introducing more walking & cardio.

I’m excited to keep pushing forward, and hopefully get my LDL cholesterol below 100, and my HDL in the normal range!

submitted by /u/_GIROUXsalem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips? For weight loss 🤩

I recently start taking my health more seriously making some fundamental changes; calories deflict, cutting out ground beef, all sugar drinks, beginning to exercise and running 2.5miles a day. My typical breakfast is fruit, Greek yogurt, granola. Lunch a veggie chicken wrap w chickpeas n soy bacon or a smoothie bowl. And dinner is my inconsistency, pizza is my weakness. So far I’ve went from 185lbs to 171lbs within the last 3 weeks. What are things I can do or improve that would allow me to see quicker weight lost. My goal right now is 160lbs in the next month is that possible?

submitted by /u/Icybrowngirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing 100+ Lbs and a Few Months of Maintenance - Accountability

Hi All,

I used to post on a Weight Loss Sub on a weekly basis, detailing my weight loss journey. Thought I'd come back and offer a retrospective + give myself some new accountability. Over the course of a year, I went from 261.2 Lbs to 148 Lbs as a 5'8 male. I did this with cardio, pushups, sit-ups, and calorie counting.

Lost the weight, looked better, felt better, gained confidence, and my attitude improved. Heck, even found a better job. This doesn't even include the best thing that happened to me in my life, but I'll keep that one private for her sake.

A few months have now passed and I weighed in at 157 Lbs yesterday. What changed?

- I haven't been as disciplined. I count calories, but sometimes I go off in the evenings. Not on fast food or soda, but on a sheer quantity. CICO still applies.- I dropped the sit-ups and the pushups.- My exercise preferences changed, but I've gotten better on committing to my new passion of jogging and walking. I do 10+ miles a day now :)- I stopped weighing myself on a weekly basis- I stopped posting weekly

I'm posting for accountability before things go off the rails, but also to show that the effort doesn't stop once you hit your goals. You have to keep pushing. Let's keep pushing together and keep each other on the straight and narrow.

Thanks for reading guys! I'll try to post next week with an update. Time for my morning Jog/fast walk.

submitted by /u/TX_Godfather
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beginning My Journey

CW for potentially triggering info about bingeing and body image issues the like, esp for fat lgbt folk...

I'm Nick. I am 30 years old, I weigh over 400lbs (the cheap scales I've used havent been able to go past that) and I am an obese transgender man.

I have been fat-to-obese my whole life, but I never felt like I should be that shape. Whenever I imagine me, I'm at least half the size I really am- the Mirror really nips that fantasy in the bud every time.

I have always eaten my feelings; Even when someone would look at me, and tell me I am fat, I would fall deeper into anxiety and depression and eat More and move Less.

My weight makes my body dysphoria worse as it makes my chest larger and I am too large for most binders. In general, the weight makes me feel less like a man; I really feel all people can and will ever see is an obese woman hiding from reality.

Heart disease, Strokes, and Diabetes all run in my family- by some miracle I have avoided much of this up till now.

I dont want to be "lucky" any more.

Saturday (Jun 25th) is my final day of counting calories as my control, and then Sunday I will be putting in the work. I dont have a gym nearby, but I'm going to be more active and I will start reducing my calories by 100-200 per week until I find that sweet spot of weight loss and not feeling miserable. I know not a lot of people my size like taking a picture to start, but despite the terror I will be doing that this Sunday as the first day of change!

I know this will take time, but I look forward to changing my life for the better.

submitted by /u/ACollectiveDM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 24, 2022

NSV: In-laws visiting and shopping trip

I was expecting this week to be a bit poor weight loss wise. Having bunch of family events, so we've got celebrations and meals out, I wasn't expecting to stick to my deficit on quite few of the days. I accepted it, because life happens and that's ok and I will be getting back on track after. And I mentally prepared for results on the scale to not be great.

But actually couple of positive things happened.

My in-laws are visiting because of the family events, and last time we saw each other was August last year, just before I started working on my weight. As soon as my mother in law entered the house she said I look good, which I just taken as usual pleasantries. But later when I was out of earshot she apparently spoke to my husband asking if I've been trying to lose weight, cause she thought it was quite noticeable, but didn't want to say too much to me without knowing that was the case. Husband confirmed and later told me about the conversation.

Since I've been struggling to see progress it feels quite nice that someone who previously seen me at my SW can really see the difference now.

Second thing that happened was clothes. Normally I'd only buy from dedicated plus size brands and ranges cause otherwise just couldn't fit. But my stuff has been getting loose, I ordered a couple things online from a shop that doesn't do plus size, and while I still had to go for a 'Large' it was smaller than any of my other items and fit me well. Today we went to a shopping centre and I walked into a 'regular' clothes shop instead of my usual plus size one, and was able to get a nice blouse. Again 'large' which was their largest size, but previously going into a store like that would just be a disappointment and embarrassment.

So here's a progress pic of me from summer last year (poor quality cause I was avoiding pics) and me today In my new blouse feeling somewhat confident:

And hopefully this will be extra fuel for me to keep going after this week.

submitted by /u/finallyMorgan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is losing 2 lbs per week realistic

I have currently lost over 50 lbs which I started by tracking calories. This was pretty exhausting mentally so I started just doing portion sizes I thought were appropriate which worked. I have taken a bread from weight loss recently due to life issues but I have decided to start again. I have lost my ability to estimate calories so I started tracking again. The calculation between losing 1.5 and 2 lbs per week is only 45 calories difference which is obviously not true. I seems that I would have to eat less than 1200 calories to lose 2 lbs per week is that true?

submitted by /u/adeline_19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat