Sunday, October 30, 2022

Losing fat everywhere except for my belly

So I’m in a weight loss journey rn, I was never overweight but I was on my way there. I gained 60 pounds I went from 120 at 5’8 to 180 in 3 years ago, I even became pre-diabetic.

So far since March I was able to lose 35 lbs, went down to 145 and I noticed that fat started to go away from my face, then my thighs and ass, I went a size down and now I’m able to see my ribcage but I still do have fat belly in comparison to the rest of my body and I’m not sure how much more weight I should lose and I don’t wanna go back to being 120lbs because at the time I thought I was too skinny.

What would be the best way to lose belly fat? Should I just continue on losing weight and hope it’s going to disappear once I reach a certain weight?

submitted by /u/Bigtaint69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When did the excessive sweating stop on your weight loss journey?

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for two months now and I’ve lost about 20 pounds or so. I’m a 5’11 male and I used to weight around 270 and now I’m 251. Being sweaty all the time was probably one of the worst parts about being overweight for me. It caused me to have a lot of social anxiety because the moment the slightest bit of heat touched my face, sweat would start dripping all over my face. If I was a heavy sweater on my body/pits I probably wouldn’t mind as much. But sweating constantly on my face is so annoying especially in the workplace or social events. I avoided any events that I knew wouldn’t be in a cool setting.

I noticed that I lost fat all around my body except my belly/man boob area. I still have a pretty big gut which will probably be last to go. I’m assuming all the extra body fat around my upper body is still causing a lot of insulation which is making me sweat more.

So when did y’all notice the sweating caused by excessive weight stop? I’m hoping by the time I get to 200-220 it gets better. Please share your experiences!

submitted by /u/AnxiousKing124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Early morning workouts and weight loss

Starting to train before work, around 5:30am. If you’ve done this how have you sustained it whilst trying to loose weight? Any tips and tricks?

Do you eat before, snack before it or go in fasted with pre workout?

How has it affected you during the day after a workout?

Have you noticed any difference from training early AM to evening whilst cutting?

Potentially looking at doing weight training in the morning then cardio in the evening after work!

submitted by /u/ConsciousComposer973
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The more weight I lose, the more I hate everything about myself.

Over the past 1.5 years, I [F25, 5'8", SW 230, CW 169] have lost 60 pounds and honestly my self-image has never been worse.

Before, when I was literally obese, I treated myself with kindness and care. With every pound that I shed, I knew I was doing something good for myself and I was fine with taking things low and slow.

Now I'm almost at my original goal weight and hate so many things. I've stripped away so much fat already but still don't like what lies beneath. I still hate my face, my body shape, I'm starting to think that, overall, the problem may just be... me.

I've already decided to reduce my "goal" by 10 pounds, but what if I still don't like things then? Have any of you struggled with a self-image that was apparently (paradoxically) shattered by weight loss? What did you do?

Honestly, any advice at all would be much appreciated. I'm really not sure where to go from here.

submitted by /u/CandidLigonberry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just need to share my thoughts on my weight loss

Hey you all,

I have started to lose it at the beginning of february, starting with 125kg. I was miserable with it. At the End of July I was down to 95kg and I was so fucking happy. Everyone complimented me on it and I feel so much better, feel more healthy, I am not snoring anymore and can walk up a flight of stairs, actually multiple, without being out of breath. I have started dressing nice again and just generally taking care of myself.
But then at the beginning of august I had to find out my dad has pancreatic cancer and will probably die before the end of the year. That really threw me for a loop. I did not pay that much attention to eating for the last two months because I had to travel a lot to help my parents and what not and I also used it as an excuse to eat unhealthy. Which really sucks, I don't know why I am doing this.

Anyhow, I am back to 100kg now, meaning I gained 5 kg in the last two months basically. It is really annoying. I still have come a long way so far, I lost 25 kg in a rather short time, but by now I wanted to be at 90kg not at 100.

Yeah, I don't really know where I am going with this, just needed to get this of my chest. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/pewp3wpew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s hard to just say no to food in social situations

So I’m reflecting on my eating today and I feel like I ate more than i would have alone.

I went out with friends to walk around downtown. Naturally, we were hungry around dinner time so I ordered a sandwich, and the rest of the group ordered as well.

They were still hungry, so ordered fries which I didn’t eat. I may have snacked on 1-2 fries but then realized I was full

We all went for ice cream after— I always order a kids size but they didn’t allow me to because I was an adult, so I ordered the full size because the group was getting their own. Then we walked around some more then stopped in a pop up booth for snacks and drinks.

Now was I hungry for snacks or drinks…. No but it felt like the social thing to do.

TLDR: I’m on a weight loss journey, but how can I still lose weight but not feel left out with the social aspect of eating? I know I can just say I don’t want to eat x but you get into the other people feel left out or your left out and it just sucks no matter what lol

submitted by /u/Spiritual-Ad-8787
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Weight loss and online dating.

I'm fine with chatting, but I'm not at the point where I feel comfortable scheduling anything. I'm ok with that. It's so easy to accidentally encounter the wrong person, then they can say something that gets in your head and makes you want to make a bad nutrition choice. That can happen at a target weight too. But one thing I'm happy about is that I know I'm losing weight for myself because I'm not risking my journey to a healthy weight on others/dating. It's self care to be aware of your triggers and to find ways to be able to manage them on your terms. I'm too busy right now working on myself to meet for a date, but I'll definitely chat with you for now.

How are you managing weight loss, and dating?

submitted by /u/Electrical_Cover_195
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from loseit - Lose the Fat