Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Teaching myself to get rid of the bad day mentality has had such a good impact

So I (22F) began my weight loss journey about two years ago when I was a little over 220 pounds. When I first started out, I tried setting a calorie deficit and sticking to it. This proved to be really challenging and almost counterproductive at times because the minute I went over my calories for the day, even if it was by something really small, I’d write the day off as ‘bad’ and let myself eat poorly. I ended up ditching the calorie counting all together for a while and stuck to eliminating snacks, cutting out all drinks except water or the occasional diet soda, and eating three balanced meals a day. I got down to about 192, where I started plateauing.

I gave calorie counting another serious go about two months ago and made it my mission to not throw in the towel the second I went over my calorie limit. It was challenging at first and the negative feelings were definitely there, but I was able to keep telling myself ‘Alright so I went over a bit, that’s not the end of the world’ and carried on. Now I think I’m genuinely believing it. I haven’t had a ‘fuck it I already went over’ binge day in nearly a month and have no plans on having one in the future.

I’m shocked at how much it’s paid off. I got on the scale for the first time since I started counting and am now at 184.4 pounds. The last time I was that weight was back in my first semester of college and I’m not gonna lie, it makes me a little emotional. I can’t believe how much I got into my own head about all of this before. The change in my mentality has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE and I honestly truly believe I’ll be able to keep it up this time.

I’m just super happy and felt like sharing! :D

submitted by /u/Carb_Lover01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FdhL3tK

I can't believe I've allowed myself to reach the point at where my BMI is bordering on morbid obesity.

I am a 33 year old man. I am 6'3" and I weigh 315 pounds,this puts my BMI at 39.4,which is 0.6 points away from morbid obesity (40 and above).

In the simplest way to describe it,I feel like the most disgusting and lazy person to ever walk the planet because of this:I've been eating and eating and eating for the past 10-15 years so much and been so unhealthy that I've reached the point of bordering on morbid obesity. I can only shower every three or four days,the only physical activity I can do without any extreme exhaustion is walking to the supermarket near my house to buy even more food (i.e. food that just makes my situation even worse),I can barely do anything for myself. I eat 5000 calories a day,basically a pig. I wanna go to any doctor I can find and see if I can get a diet plan and get approved for weight loss surgery at some point or another,but I'm scared that my extreme level of obesity is too severe for even the most experienced doctor to want to take care of or waste their time with. I feel stuck and don't know what I'm supposed to do. Is there ANY chance any doctor or any kind of diet and weight loss plans would be able to help fix my problem,or am I a lost cause at this point? I feel confused,I genuinely want to slim down atleast to the point where I can be a functioning member of society (I hope to get below 280 at LEAST) but I'm unsure if that's even realistically possible.

I'm miserable in every way imaginable,I honestly don't even think there's any person who has reached a point worse than me in terms of physical health. I spend most of my days lounging around on the couch and barely doing anything,I can't have a normal job because my weight basically makes me semi-disabled at this point,I have 35% body fat,I only get off the couch to grab more food from the fridge or when I have to go to the bathroom,I've reached the lowest point in my entire life. I just want to know if there's any hope for me. At all.

Any advice? Please anything would be helpful thank you.

submitted by /u/Serious_Violinist_41
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mqFg8Zw

I put on a lot of weight since becoming vegetarian a few years ago considering going back to meat for protein but very sad about it :(

I (26F 5'2) used to be about a UK size 8 to 10, went veggie about 6 years ago and went up to a size 20/22 in about a year. There were other factors involved obviously, but the issue now is that I have great difficulty with getting any substantial protein making me hungrier quicker and reducing my energy levels.

I did make it down to about a size 12 prepandemic by basically starving myself, but gained it all back in 2020. I lost about 10 kg since September 2021 (where I was my heaviest at 106kg), but it's ticking back up again.

Meat substitutes aren't as good in my country and are way more expensive, also I don't really cook as it isn't feasible for me right now. I buy preprepared but the options for veggies aren't numerous and generally aren't geared towards good macros etc. There's loads of options for preprepared, protein high calorie low meals but they're all for meat eaters. I'm also not getting enough vitamin-wise at the moment so overall it looks like I'll need to switch back to at least chicken if I want to make things easier in terms of weight loss.

I'm just really sad about it cause I went veggie purely for ethical reasons but health wise I think the wisest option is to switch back :(

submitted by /u/FantasticOwl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/tmYFlx8

Monday, July 3, 2023

Somehow fumbled 7 months of potential weight loss


I'm a 16 year old coming in at 210 lbs/96 kg. 181 cm/5'11. with approximately 55 pounds/25 kgs of my bodyweight in fat.

This year I wanted to lose some weight to look better before high school, but I somehow managed to not lose anything over the last 7 months, I feel really shitty about it. Since I've had LOADS of time to do so but nah, nothing.

It's just fucking ridiculous how 7 months of potential progress just flew by whilst I'd be sitting in my room jerking off and playing games all day, hoe the hell does one even manage to do that?

I've got about 1.5 months left untill high school begins, so I'm thinking I'll really try now and at least try to lose what I can, going for jogs and cycling more whilst juggling my diet the best I can.

Anyone else in similar shoes as mine? Got any tips for what I could do?

submitted by /u/Cyberdoom1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3KzjcdF

Personal Weight Loss Journey

I just wanted to add some pictures to inspire others. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months through fasting and portion control. No exercise, no magic potions, sheer unwavering willpower is what I used.

I think one of the best things I did to keep the weight off was taking an extended vacation to Vietnam (2 months) which altered my relationship with food. Vietnam has the lowest BMI of any country. In Vietnam they eat a lot of soups, tons of herbs and veggies, and their portion sizes are extremely small. After eating like this for a few months, I had no desire to eat greasy, oily, or large portions of any food.

I believe if I did this, anyone can. You would be surprised what you can accomplish if you really put your everything into it. If you have any questions on specifics, let me know! Also any advice I can offer, I'm more than happy.



submitted by /u/strictlylogical-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ujS1ICo

New pescatarian - struggling to plan weight loss meals

About 6 months ago I (24F, 5'2", 155 lbs.) converted from a heavy meat-eater to a pescatarian for ethical reasons, and now I'm trying to get serious about my weight loss. All I find myself eating these days are meals consisting of a variety of little snacks - cucumbers and hummus, strawberries, black beans, occasionally a plant-based burger patty, etc.

I recently started seeing a personal trainer (MWF, HIIT and strength training) who told me to cut out dairy and all simple carbohydrates. Yogurt and cheese used to be a major part of my diet, and with also recently cutting out meat it's really difficult to find things to eat that I don't feel guilty about.

A little health background: I have been diagnosed with PCOS, insulin resistance, and hypothyroidism and take medication to manage all of it. I once was prescribed Lomaira (an appetite suppressant), but it gave me severe nausea. My doctors really want me to lose weight to lower my risk for diabetes.

I have always been overweight and although I would like to lose ~20 lbs., I feel like I will give up soon with the direction I'm going in. I haven't enjoyed a meal in weeks and the cravings are getting very intense. I also can't find a single place I can eat out at that follows my plan. Can anyone please help me?

TLDR; what do pescatarians on low carb, no dairy diets eat for weight loss?

submitted by /u/MinimallyMean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hAXyYzc

Where am I going wrong here?

Hey all, started again on my weight loss journey after gaining a fair bit of weight over these past few years. Thus far I’m about three weeks in but only seeing a 2kg loss far, which is a little bit concerning. This isn’t my first time losing weight, as I previously cut down 80lbs about 5 years ago, so I guess I was kinda expecting to lose more initially.

I’m 24M 183cm and currently sitting at around 113kg (SW: 115). I’m using MFP to track all of my meals, eating around or under 2000 cals a day, working out 5 times a week on weights (pretty intense sessions) with some cardio mixed in. I’d say 4 days a week I hit my goal of 10k steps. Currently have one cheat meal a week which is usually fast food but nothing too crazy.

So I guess I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong here, am I jumping the gun a bit and expecting too much too soon or what. I know the classic calories in calories out, but the math just ain’t mathing right now haha. The only additional things to note is I currently take Amitriptyline 20mg and Sertraline 50mg daily if that matters.

Also appreciate any other advice!

submitted by /u/Ohlordbackupterry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/KvLwl2T