Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How much weight loss is needed to result in skin sagging, even if it’s very slight?

I (28F) thought this was just a sign of aging at first, but now I’m wondering if it could possibly be due to weight loss. I don’t have crepey skin or wrinkles anywhere else on my body or face, but the inside of my elbows get crepey when I hold them at certain angles. It’s been this way for over a year and it’s getting more noticeable to the point that I want to start working out my arms to build muscle in hopes it will help. I know as we age some women will notice this around their neck, but I do not have this yet and I’m also not even 30 and otherwise aging well. I find it so odd that it’s just this single location.

I did lose about 35 pounds in recent years but 1) I’m 5’9 so for my height I don’t think it is drastic and 2) it was over the course of about four years so it wasn’t sudden. Is this enough to cause sagging skin? I am also about 120 lbs so it could just be because I’m thin? I would be very discouraged to find that this is just premature aging.

submitted by /u/FeistyGroundhog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XEwP9cv

Monday, February 26, 2024

What to do next in a weight loss plateau?

Hi everyone, stuck in a plateau and would love some advice!

I’ve been trying to lose weight since September, literally only a small amount (3 kg or so). I’ve basically managed to get nowhere as my weight has fluctuated between 67-68kg the whole time.

My TDEE (moderately active) is around 2200 according to the calculator but I’ve been eating around 1750 and not losing. Exercise wise, I do 3 strength sessions per week, 2 x cardio and 10,000 steps per day.

I even tried two weeks eating at 1500 and nothing. I’m at the point where I’m tired of it, so much advice out there says “you must not be in a deficit” but I do not want to drop my calories any lower and want to be able to enjoy life still!

I would still like to lose some fat and tone up but I’m thinking of taking a break for a month and trying again. Do you think this is a good idea - and should I be reversing gradually towards my TDEE or doing one big jump?

submitted by /u/SpeakerAvailable6867
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/y9pfWNb

I gave my scale to my mom because I’m obsessing about it

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of Feb. I haven’t been counting calories but I pay attention to nutrition labels and my hunger cues + some 16:8 IF.

I’m 6 pounds down but I literally weigh myself 3 times a day. I can’t help but obsess over the fluctuations. And I’m so so hard on myself! I gave the scale to my mom because I want to start weighing myself every week instead

Does anyone else have an obsession with the scale? I see the changes in the mirror but for some reason my scale hates me and I hate it too

submitted by /u/jenna_beterson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/8RvSQEs

Sunday, February 25, 2024

What can I do?

So I have lost almost 100 pounds since October of 22. Since January of 23 weight loss has been my whole life essentially. I still weigh 428 pounds so I have a lot more to lose. The problem is that I am so burnt out from doing this for so long that I am having trouble keeping my calories where they need to be. I'm emotionally eating because even thinking about counting calories and trying to eat healthy is making me so stressed and anxious. I don't know what to do. I tried taking a break for a week but that didn't really help either because when I don't count my calories or eat healthy I feel like a failure. I think a major part of it is that even though I know I have lost weight because I went down a pant size, I still can't see it. I still feel like I am 522 pounds like I was when I first started. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to find a therapist to talk to but it's slow going and I have emailed my dietitian but it's a crapshoot on whether or not she will actually get back to me and my next appointment isn't until April I don't know what to do anymore. I want to lose weight but I am just so tired.

submitted by /u/Human-Blueberry6244
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/zlYrs78

shocked at actual weight loss

so i’ve been losing weight for a while now and it just hit me yesterday how much weight i’ve actually lost.

i was grocery shopping last night, and had a massive haul to bring home. i use an ikea bag which can be difficult to carry so it was slung over my shoulder. i kept having to take breaks to hike the bag back up and even just put it down for a second to give my back a break. i was calling my mom during this and complaining how heavy my bag was so she told me to weigh it when i got home for her reference.

when i stood on the scale with it it showed 74kg. i weighed myself after to subtract it from the bag weight and it was around 59kg. (normally i refuse to weigh myself at night cause food, water, and just daily bloat weight can discourage me)

anyways i didn’t think twice about this and just called my mom back to tell her that the bag was just over 15kg. she was surprised and commented on how that’s pretty much the same amount i’ve lost so far.

i was shocked to think of it like that but she was right. the number i saw on the scale while holding the bag was almost how much i weighed half a year ago.

i had just been complaining about how awful it was to carry around and how heavy it is. it’s crazy that i used to do that 24/7. its just so much easier to move and be active now.

i lost a grocery bag worth of weight and i’m so happy about it.

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Fun_7074
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/dBGTEp2

Has anybody else had a slow weight loss to start?

Basic info: 5’6” SW: 250 CW: 243 GW: 150

Pretty much what the title says. I have 100 pounds to lose and consistently see posts about how quickly people lose weight in the beginning. From the sounds of it, some people seem to have the weight falling off them with the reduction in calories.

I’ve only lost 6-7 pound weight loss in about 8 weeks and I feel like I’m giving it all I’ve got. Monday-Thursday my LoseIt app has me eating just over 1,500 calories, and Friday-Sunday it gives me just over 1,800.

I was a heavy drinker and completely cut out alcohol at the beginning of the year (which is where the bulk of my weight gain came from). I have been eating within the recommended calorie count, and I also started incorporating exercise and do at least one Peloton cardio class a day.

Maybe I’m naive in thinking the weight should be “falling” off me as well, but it seems like it’s not even budging.

Has anybody else experienced this?

submitted by /u/Putrid_Breakfast652
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/YX92vi5

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I need motivation for Weight Loss

Hi! I'm 29 and 5'1. I've always weighed between 115-122 from being a teenager to about 26 years old. I started taking sertraline and being less active. And I now weigh 142lbs. I have had a baby in the last year but started gaining weight around the time I started taking sertraline. For a few weeks I have been eating less and trying to count calories, and attending fitness classes at a rec center. I really struggle with logging everything I'm eating, and I keep fluctuating between 143 and 142 lbs. It's frustrating! So for the last two days I've started intermittent fasting. I stop eating at 7pm and start at 11pm. I'm hoping this will help me lose weight! I guess I'm just asking for support mostly and some advice!

submitted by /u/Cheetos4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rVcWeCm