Saturday, May 4, 2024

60lbs down: People around me think I have an ED.

I used to be overweight but lost 60lbs. I counted calories, exercised and fell in love with eating cleaner. When I was at my highest weight, no one around me was concerned but since I lost 60lbs everyone now thinks I have an ED and are being judgmental about my body/weight loss.

People especially my family are assuming things: Ever since I started counting calories and losing weight, everyone including acquaintances thinks I have an ED. Constantly judging my portions, asking why I’m measuring my food and telling me to eat more.

At a family gathering, my aunt said I looked “starved,” which hurt. She kept going on about how “skinny” I looked and that I need some food. It's tough because I'm not obsessed with my weight, I just want to be healthier.

My relatives and acquaintances won't stop talking about my body and what I eat. When I go around them, they get quiet, which makes me think that they were talking about me. They even like to snoop on what I'm cooking while asking why I measure everything? Why is my food so bland? Why I’m starving myself? It's annoying and makes me feel judged.

I wish they knew I'm doing this for myself, not because I'm obsessed. I'm just trying to focus on getting healthier. Their assumptions about me having an ED are making me feel horrible about my appearance. I find myself getting emotional about the negative feedback from people and I’ve been binge eating a lot. I don’t want to self sabotage but I can’t seem to help it. Deep down I like my new body but I think I’m trying to get overweight again because I was accepted by everyone then.

submitted by /u/Fetus-Deletus1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, May 3, 2024

35 F and 275lbs, yoyo dieted through 20s, fast food 6 times per week

Hi there, as title states I'm in a bit of a mess with my health and weight. I'm 35 going on 36 and I weigh around 120kgs

It's 4am and it's not uncommon for me to wake up late at night worrying about my health lately. I have GERD that has been causing me chest pain more recently and I'm worried about a slough of other massive risks I've been taking. My cholesterol is bordering me requiring medication, and ive started having joint pain.

To put into context I've eaten tons of fast food, junk food, and hardly any veg or Fibre. In the last 10 months I'd say it's been worse than before with the fast food, eating it around 5-6 times per week, though I'm binging on other junk a fair bit less now

Up until 6 months ago I was going to the gym 3-4 days a week, I've started returning and trying to do around 30mins a day of walking on treadmill or elliptical. I've always intermittently had periods where I'd go to gym regularly then stopped then started again, but my life otherwise is highly sedentary so I'm not sure if I'd say I'm very active.

I have not always been obese though I've been consistently so for nearly 10 years now. I so badly want to change. I want to be healthy and not wake up like this anymore worried what's in store for me in the next 10-15 years, let alone experience the pain/issues and lack of self esteem I have today.

Any advice for a yo-yo dieter? I want to lose weight and increase my fibre intake and cut out crap food, but historically when I've gone too aggressive I've ended up yoyoing back to a higher weight. Any advice appreciated- I'm considering weight loss surgery early next year but I wanted to give myself one more chance to lose naturally first 😔

submitted by /u/Historical_Fun_391
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and night shift

Hello! Night shift nurse here looking to see if anyone else is on a weight loss journey. I recently was started on phenermine 37.5 mg and am hoping for the jump start I need. I am taking it at 3PM which is when I usually get up after working all night.

Anyone have any experience with this? Or managing weight while working nights?

37F 194lbs 5'5

Some background, I was 160lbs when I got divorced three years ago. So I have steadily increasing my weight since then. I'm sure depression, anxiety, unhealthy coping mechanisms, etc etc have all contributed to this.

The good news is that I met someone amazing! But we do a lot of bonding and shared time over food. We love our pasta and pizza and burgers and tacos! And the general excuse of "we are busy today, wanna order out?". He is 100% on board with my goals though so we are working on our diet together.

I have been a night shift nurse for 10 years. So this isn't a new sleep pattern for me. Just that 3AM snacking is so hard to avoid.

Looking for any type of input! Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Imaginary-Place7108
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, May 2, 2024

I gained all the weight back I lost few years ago…

I (19M) few years ago, when I was like 15 I think around 2020, I was about 120-123KG (264-271 lbs) as I had bronchitis at some point and had difficulty breathing and one thing my personal doctor told me was to lose weight. And I was sent to a doctor, I guess a dietitian, but they helped me with my weight loss journey, had couple of blood samples and apparently sugar levels and cholesterol were good, but still, I was also prescribed through the journey some pills that apparently boosted my metabolism, not too sure, but they helped me, certain dosage every 2-3 days, depending on how much I was prescribed, and in about a year or so, around 2021, I managed to drop down to like 103 kg at some point and I was feeling so proud of myself.

Then fast forward to 2022, bad things happened, family problems, and I just at some point lost motivation, I don’t know what exactly happened, but I started gaining weight back slowly, it was obviously my fault too for starting to slowly eat back more and more, I lost motivation and stopped caring about anything, not like it’s an excuse anyways, not looking for excuses.

And now to 2024, I gained all the weight back. And now I’m realising again I need to do something about it, I know I have a problem and I want to feel better about myself and to be healthier. I just don’t know where to start from and what to do. For the record, my physical activity was light exercises at home and going for walks around the block which worked for me well. But still, I just don’t know where to start from. And I’m lost. Even if I try to eat healthy, either nothing happens, or someone from my family brings some unhealthy food, I pick up a little and then some lost weight I regain back or gain more. I just don’t know what to do. But again it’s my fault I got myself back to that point.

submitted by /u/ST0DY
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a diet that is successful for weight loss that requires little exercise due to spinal stenosis

Good morning. I’m looking for a diet for my wife who is a 25 year old female and roughly 210 pounds and 5 foot 7 inches. The little exercise is because she has a rare condition called spinal stenosis that causes her to have chronic pain frequently. We go on walks together and sometimes after just 10 minutes of walking she is in awful pain. Her weight has really been hurting her self esteem lately and I’m here to support her but there’s only so much that I can do. If anyone has spinal stenosis on here and has had success with weight loss please let me know what you did so I can continue to help my wife. She would exercise like a maniac if she could but she can’t, I just want her to be happy. Open to all advice. Thank you

submitted by /u/Sailor_NEWENGLAND
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Will I have a lot of loose skin?

Hey everyone for the past year and a half I been on a weight loss journey. I’m coming to the end of it at my heaviest I was 278 right now I’m sitting around 184 at 5’7 I want to get to 155. I’ve been in a caloric deficit for the past year until recently for the past 5 months where I’ve been focusing on my protein intake and eating at around maintenance. I can’t tell if I’m going to have a lot of loose skin it scares me a lot. Whenever I lean over I notice that my skin is super saggy but I don’t know if it’s just a mixture of me still holding fat and having loose skin or just loose skin. I just don’t want a lot of loose skin I know im gonna have some which sucks.

submitted by /u/jm200310
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Mentally, I'm finding maintenance much more difficult than weight loss.

Female 5'2.5 SW 190 CW 137 GW 135. I still have two pounds to go but I've been focusing on maintenance now for a few weeks and will likely just maintain for the rest of the spring/summer. I do a lot of camping/travelling/activities during this time of year and my goal is just to not gain any back. I have been successfully maintaining but it doesn't feel like I'm actually achieving anything and it's messing with my head. I've spent the last year seeing the scale drop every week and now it's staying the same.

I've also switched from weighing myself once a week to weighing every day so as to not have any weight sneak up on me. Weighing myself every day and not seeing a lower number feels like a failure. I know it's not but I'm having a very hard time wrapping my head around it being a success.

I've been having those old thoughts creep back into my head "what's the point of even trying if you're just going to fail".

It's so frustrating and annoying. I'm my own worst enemy.

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Data_908
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from loseit - Lose the Fat