Friday, May 3, 2024

35 F and 275lbs, yoyo dieted through 20s, fast food 6 times per week

Hi there, as title states I'm in a bit of a mess with my health and weight. I'm 35 going on 36 and I weigh around 120kgs

It's 4am and it's not uncommon for me to wake up late at night worrying about my health lately. I have GERD that has been causing me chest pain more recently and I'm worried about a slough of other massive risks I've been taking. My cholesterol is bordering me requiring medication, and ive started having joint pain.

To put into context I've eaten tons of fast food, junk food, and hardly any veg or Fibre. In the last 10 months I'd say it's been worse than before with the fast food, eating it around 5-6 times per week, though I'm binging on other junk a fair bit less now

Up until 6 months ago I was going to the gym 3-4 days a week, I've started returning and trying to do around 30mins a day of walking on treadmill or elliptical. I've always intermittently had periods where I'd go to gym regularly then stopped then started again, but my life otherwise is highly sedentary so I'm not sure if I'd say I'm very active.

I have not always been obese though I've been consistently so for nearly 10 years now. I so badly want to change. I want to be healthy and not wake up like this anymore worried what's in store for me in the next 10-15 years, let alone experience the pain/issues and lack of self esteem I have today.

Any advice for a yo-yo dieter? I want to lose weight and increase my fibre intake and cut out crap food, but historically when I've gone too aggressive I've ended up yoyoing back to a higher weight. Any advice appreciated- I'm considering weight loss surgery early next year but I wanted to give myself one more chance to lose naturally first 😔

submitted by /u/Historical_Fun_391
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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