Saturday, May 18, 2024

Venting about unnecessary comments from family

This is pretty much just a vent post.

I’m someone who really likes my weight loss journey to be private. When I restarted trying to lose weight this year, I was in college. I was doing everything by myself and no one commented on anything. My parents occasionally made comments about how I’d lost weight, but I probably only saw them twice or thrice in that period and though it kind of bothered me, I didn’t care that much because it was only a few times. It was a very personal thing and no one said anything other than those few times, and I liked it that way.

Now I’m back at my parent’s place for the summer. It’s only been 2 weeks, but they’ve been making so many unnecessary comments and asking so many annoying questions MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. For example, my mom kept hounding one why there were measuring cups in the sink after I measured my food, or when I eat something in a smaller portion and eat something else later it’s commented on. Or if I try to have a lower calorie version of something I’m told “why eat xyz at all, either eat the real thing or don’t eat the food.” It is SO ANNOYING and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I’ve told them I don’t like it yet they won’t stop, even had a few rude outbursts because I hate it so much. I’m not usually one to lose my temper that way. I don’t even know what I can do at this point. I just want to be back at my apartment and have everything be private and not commented on again lol. Like I don’t need to be told that I’m eating unhealthy snacks. I already know that and have been working on it. But as of right now, my #1 priority is to be eating within my calorie budget. I’ll slowly work on mostly eating nutritious foods.

Another thing is that both of my parents are overweight/obese. They’ve been commenting on my weight and have been fat shaming me forever so I’m used to comments on my body. They also used to make a few comments about junk food when I would have it, but they’d let me have it anyway. But what so absolutely hate is the NEW kinds of comments they’ve been making about the changes I’ve implemented to my diet. What I’ve been doing HAS been working, I just wish everything I did was not commented on. I’ve been near tears so many times because it’s so frustrating. I didn’t even tell them I was actively trying to lose weight again, that’s a conclusion they figured out on their own. I just hate that it can’t be a private thing. I don’t need them to tell me things that I am already aware of, or things that they say that are blatantly false. I just wish I could be back at my apartment again where they would not know a thing about how I changed my diet.

submitted by /u/wlj2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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