Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mindset shift- how do I love my body after weight loss?

So I’ve(30F) lost a good chunk of weight. Maintaining at my goal weight. (140lbs ish)

For reference, I was somewhere over 200lbs (couldn’t tell you exactly where, I was avoiding the scale when I saw it hit 190) 5’8” Lost about 15 inches at my rib cage and waist areas. About a size 4 now, down from about size 15.

From about 2016 to 2021 is where this wieght gained happened. I know it was a number of things that contributed to it. A lot of it being my ex and my own victim mindset. (He refused to eat the meals I made for my family, and made me eat whatever fast food he was going out to get in addition to the meal I was eating with my family, and just generally pressured me into following into his unhealthy habits, which I made the choice to do for so long, so that’s on me.)

With the modeling and cosplay work I was doing at those times it was challenging to see the changes in my body. Especially around 2019-2021. I really hated what I saw in photos and in the mirror. And struggled with a chronic pain condition that made working out a challenge, but I managed a pretty consistent routine and dragged my ex to the gym while we were together.

Mindset around food has changed a great deal, I don’t feel like I’m missing out or tempted by things that aren’t great for you. And the occasion things, really are occasional and I don’t really fall off my diet plan any more.

The part where I struggle is what I see in the mirror. I’m still not.. happy?? I know I would have killed to look the way I do now a few years ago. I’m beyond grateful to be the healthiest and the fittest I’ve ever been. I fit into dresses I got while in middle school. A few people have made comments basically hinting that I look too skinny. And no one close to me is proud of the weight I’ve lost. I’m working on releasing them of unspoken expectations because I realize they’re uncomfortable with what I’ve done because they haven’t done it and that doesn’t sit well with them. But I still see the small pooch or other things I’m still working on thru working out but I don’t feel like I’m /ever/ going to be satisfied with my body. And I know I’ve had years of practice picking my physical appearance apart. But I want to stop now.

Any advice on how to improve mindset on your appearance after weight loss??

TLDR: I’ve lost a bunch of weight, picked at my appearance when I was heavier and now I want to change how I see myself in the mirror, how do I do this?

submitted by /u/RanaFroggie_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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