Saturday, May 11, 2024

Seems like I can’t lose weight unless I’m working out even in calorie deficit

Me F(33) (5’11) CW 240lbs GW 190

It seems I don’t lose any weight even when I’m in a calorie deficit unless I do some weight training. I had my suspicions for a while so I decided to test my theory.

For a 2 months I followed the same meal plan, getting in plenty of protein, healthy carbs and fats. I counted my calories and averaged about 6000 steps a day.

Month 1 : calories consumed ~1500 no weight training or workout. Result: -2lbs

Month 2: calories consumed ~1800 (because I was hungrier) + workout 3x a week by doing 100 kettle bell swings, 100 jumping jacks, 80 mountain climbers, 40 push ups and 6x 30sec planks (depending on the days it takes me about 30min to 45min) to complete. Result: -11lbs.

Does anyone have the same experience ? Can someone explain the massive difference in weight loss ?

submitted by /u/SliceVisible1073
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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