Friday, May 10, 2024

In what ways did you change your relationship with food for sustainable/maintainable weight loss?

I'm coming to realize after having been overweight since my young teens, that I have a messed up relationship with food. Even now, no longer drinking soda, eating any sweets, completely having given up the junk food, it's still SO difficult for me to lose weight. I think I just consistently overeat. I would LOVE to hear from those of you further along in this journey than I am - how you changed your diet, habits and relationship to food for sustainable change. I really want to hack this once and for all so that I can stop yo-yoing and just being so uncomfortable in my body. I want to lose my 40 lbs and have them stay off. On paper I've done all the things, and am currently counting calories but that feels like white knuckling it. I want to know how to fundamentally change my approach to food and fitness so that I can truly maintain it over time. Please share your journey!

submitted by /u/Total_Chemistry6568
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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