Monday, May 20, 2024

Alternate Day Fasting + Walking Success Stories?

Hey everyone! I’m just getting started trying to lose weight and I could use some inspiration.

About me: 5’8 female, starting weight 260, goal weight 140.

I’ve always been on the chubby side since I was a kid, but I gained a lot of weight when my mom died when I was in college. I’ve never been athletic, I hate working out, I rarely drink water, and I love terrible food. On the plus side, my weight has remained consistent for the last 5 or so years, so it’s not like I’ve been steadily gaining.

I’ve tried more than once to get myself on a weight loss kick, but I haven’t had the willpower. I want this time to be different, so I’m taking a different approach. I’ve started alternate day fasting, ditching my near daily sodas, and making myself hit 10k steps (as opposed to my ~2k average). I’m also obviously trying to eat a little bit more consciously on my eat days and adding in more substantial workouts, but the ADF, water, and 10k steps is the baseline I’m shooting for every single day.

I want to know if any of you have come from a similar lifestyle/stats and taken a similar approach, and how it has worked for you. Of course I’m sure making these changes can only help, but I’m the type of person who likes to have examples to work towards.

I know that healthy weight loss is around 2lbs per week, but obviously people with more to lose who are going from doing nothing to making pretty significant lifestyle changes will lose more up front. What were your results ~3 months in? ~6 months? 1 year?

Thank you all in advance! This seems like a supportive community and I’m hoping that with your insights, this will be the time I stay on track!

submitted by /u/Chance-Aardvark-5883
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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