Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trigger warning for EDs - ate all my allocated calories for the day in one sitting, now feeling bloated and nauseous

Trigger warning for EDs - and sorry to repost, the title of my other post wasn't reflective of the issue I have.

Hi everyone,

I've started my weight loss journey in a healthy way about a month and a half ago ( F, 5"7, was 86kg at the start, currently 81kg, aiming to get down to 70kg in 6 months time for when I plan to go travelling). I have had bouts of bulimia in the distant past, but that was 10 years ago when I was a teen/young adult and I thought I was recovered.

I have been aiming to eat 1,600 calories a day - about 400 for breakfast, 500 for lunch, 500 for dinner and 200 for snacks. Sometimes it's 50 - 100 calories less or more than this, depending on how I'm feeling that day, however I have been sticking to a regular routine of having close to those amounts of calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No restricting any kinds of foods however I have been upping my protein recently.

I have been sticking to it pretty well so far, apart from a couple of days last month to celebrate my birthday, which I was fine about and did not feel like I have to compensate for that the next day or anything like that (maybe because my mind was kept busy with seeing friends and family and I still had a kind of breakfast, lunch dinner type routine). I just went back to my routine the following day.

Today was different. I was feeling pretty low about a few things and skipped lunch and dinner all together. For dinner, I ordered food for the first time in a good while and I basically ate 1,500 calories in one sitting.

I'm still in a calorie deficit for today, but I feel really full and sick and those old thoughts are entering my mind just to get rid of it. I'm scared that they're coming back.

I guess what I wanted to ask this community, particularly those in my situation - where do I go from here? Should I just go back to my 1,600 (400, 500, 500, 200 routine) tomorrow? Or should I reevaluate my plan and goals?

Also, how do I stop this from happening again? Or if it does happen, how do I stop my triggering thoughts and make sure that I don't end up spiralling?

My apologies of this is not an appropriate place to post this and thank you for reading if you did, I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Throwawayyy-_-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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