Sunday, August 11, 2024

What am I doing wrong?

Hi im 190cm (6”2) and 133kg (293lbs), since May I’ve been eating 1500 calories most days only going over once a fortnight but only by like 500 calories. My BMR is roughly 2398 calories per day. I track all my calories including oil and sauces and even over count what I have to be on the safer side.

The past month and a bit I’ve started working out regularly, going to the gym 3-5 days a week doing 30-60 minutes of intense cardio to start and 15-30 minutes of weight training.

Yet since my weight loss journey I’ve managed to lose 3kg. Im not expecting immediate results but from what I’ve read on this sub reddit this isn’t right, I’m seeing nothing.

submitted by /u/bennyboy888
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where to go from here?

One day about a week ago I got home from work and just felt the urge to keep moving, so I went on a walk around my neighborhood, and have walked every day since. I'm 280 lbs at 5'6 and have dealt with fluctuating obesity for as long as I can remember with bad food impulse control and a hard lack of motivation to control my food better through cooking, but since starting this I've felt a new wave of motivation and this almost feels like rhe start of something good. The only question is where do I go from here? There's a lot to weight loss and it's a bit intimidating

submitted by /u/InZayneInTheMembrane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 10, 2024

I finally stopped putting it off til tomorrow

Last year around July 2023 I had lost almost 50lbs. I broke my foot and then over the course of the year after that I gained everything back.

Stepped on the scale July 25th and it said 290lbs and I cried and committed to continuing my weight loss journey. I’ve since dropped 7.2 lbs just monitoring my CICO and hopping back on the exercise bike for 20 min a couple times per week.

For anyone who has “given up” just remember that all we have is today, this moment, and in this moment we can choose to make healthier choices that will lead to a happier, healthier version of us. There is no tomorrow. Just do it now.

SW 290 lbs | CW 282.2 lbs | GW 160 lbs

submitted by /u/coolwrite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I be eating more?

So I started off my diet at 1,500, then dropped down to 1,400, and then (now) 1,200. I have noticed my weight loss has declined, but I also weight myself everyday so I could be crazy.

Could it be possible that I’m eating too little now? Do I need to increase my exercise? To give more context, I reg 10-15k steps a day depending on if I walk in the morning, and then I do like 30 minutes of Pilates when I get home, plus some minimal lifting and whatever I do at work (which is a more active job where I’m on my feet, not eating most of the time).

I feel like with my diet of 1,500 I was going down steadily whilst now I’ve been a little stagnant. Now I know that’s going to happen occasionally, but I would assume with lowering my diet that I would lose more and that it wouldn’t be an issue.

Any help is appreciated! I’m always learning and trying to get better, but I start to lose my mind as soon as my scale stays on the same number a little too long. Thanks!

submitted by /u/tryingtryingtry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need advice

Yo Reddit I hardly post here because well, it’s Reddit. I have been rapidly losing weight I’m a 6’3 man I decided it was just time to lose weight after I reached a pretty intense breaking point. I was tired of hating myself and carrying basically another human around. I was 6’3 325 and with the help of my mother (the help it think might be hurting me now) is what helped me get from 325 to now 288 in staggering speed. However I feel as if I’ve pretty much hit a plateau. My diet doesn’t seem to do much no matter how many steps I walk it doesn’t seem to matter I’ve walked 10k steps a day for this past week and I feel like my body is literally clinging onto the weight for dear life. The reason for this I feel is a mixture of my diet and exercise. My mother insists that Low Carb Low sugar is what’s gonna get the weight off and she’s scared of carbs to a I’d say almost ridiculous degree. I remember being in the store wanting some teriyaki sauce to use for my chicken breast and she said "if you eat this it’ll stop your weight loss in its tracks". She also insists that I walk and only walk (be it treadmill or outside which I prefer at this point). And stresses that I do zero strength training or weight lifting. She also advises against rice or any type of carb. I feel stuck and I have no clue want to do. I want this weight off bad.

TLDR; I’ve hit a weight loss plateau and I think my mother is hurting more than helping

submitted by /u/Oceanman7592
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, August 9, 2024

Frustrated with only 3lb weight loss after 60+ days of consistency

Hi all! 35 year old female, 5’7”, 159 lbs. I have been very consistently tracking my calories with no slip ups (1500-1600 deficit), basically no alcohol (3 glasses of wine), averaging 12k steps per day, consistent sleep of 7-9 hours, and have recently added weight training. I am seeing subtle changes in my body but the scale has only gone down 3lbs in the last ~62 days. With such a large deficit and daily activity level (especially compared to how sedentary I was previously at about 3k steps a day), I’m wondering why I haven’t seen more fat loss on the scale. I’ve been trying to take progress photos to keep myself motivated, but the changes seem so slight. Any words of wisdom you can provide would be much appreciated! Thank you, love this page! ❤️

submitted by /u/Impressive_Word_5540
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 week plateau, trying to lose those last 8 pounds. Should I up my cals by 200?

5’11 163lbs M trying to hit 155 then start a lean bulk. I’ve been stuck at 163 for 3 weeks eating 1800 calories a day. I lift weights 6x a week and walk 10k steps every day. Should I up my calories to 2000 or even 2200 and try to slowly lose these last 8lbs? I started my weight loss journey in January. I was initially 190lbs and have lost a little under 1lb a week since then. It’s been slower than I expected, but I guess it makes sense because my starting weight wasn’t extremely overweight or anything.

submitted by /u/arenasfan00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat