Sunday, August 25, 2024

Straight CICO versus things like whole 30 or no sugar…

Just wondering how many people did CICO, lost weight, but still ate the food they like? People want you to never eat sugar, bread, or beef because they make you fat. But doesn’t most research show that it’s just math? Burn more calories than you consume, and you’ll lose weight. Even if some of those calories are pizza and cookies…

People that claim to be sugar free talk about it like it’s amazing, but won’t weight loss be the same if you’re eating 1500 calories a day with or without some sugar?

Hopefully this post is long enough…

submitted by /u/lrhitt3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Loose skin / stretch marks

With my second pregnancy I got REALLY big (10lbs baby) and I also just ate way too much junk.

I am proud to say I've lost 45lbs by 5 months postpartum! I'm back at my pre pregnancy wait, but another 14lbs till GW (pre pregnancy weight of my first born)

With the weight gain and large pregnancy I ended up with some mean stretch marks and a bit of loose skin. I feel good with the weight loss, however I hate looking at my belly now.

I've done lots of research into derma rolling (micro needling at home) and I think I'm going to try it.

What I'm getting at is, as anyone successfully derma rolled at home to get rid of stretch marks and looser skin?

And what do you wear to prevent it from getting irritated? I religiously wear high waisted lulus and I wanna know if that is going to cause irritation and if I should stick to looser clothes for about a week after?

I appreciate any and all input and advise around this topic !

submitted by /u/Signal-Recognition13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weightloss buddy

Hey everyone! I'm a 24-year-old male, currently 6'0" and 87 kg, working hard to shed the last 10 kg of my weight loss journey. I used to weigh 120 kg, so it's been quite a journey for me over the past two years. I've struggled with weight loss most of my life, and while I've made significant progress, I'm starting to feel a bit demotivated.

I'm dedicated to my routine—weight training five times a week, combined with walking or running between 6-10 km daily. However, the last stretch is proving to be tough, and I could really use some support to keep pushing forward.

If anyone out there is in a similar boat and would like to chat about the challenges of weight loss, share experiences, and motivate each other, my dm's are open

submitted by /u/lostnotyetfound11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tools/resources for weight loss

Hi everyone, new here!

I’m 23F, 166cm (5’5), CW 68kg (150 lbs), GW 60kg (132 lbs)

This will be the first time where I’m actively trying to lose weight. I’ve always been ‘chubby’ - I weighed the most about 6 months ago (74kg, 163 lbs). I wasn’t doing anything special in those 6 months to be 68kg right now, but I’d to lose more weight.

I have a horrible relationship with food and go through periods where i binge eat A LOT and then would barely eat for a few days. I order a lot, so the first thing I did was delete ubereats. I’m not sure where to start with my journey.

What tools/resources do you recommend I use? All I have now is a bathroom scale and access to a fitness room (treadmill/few weights).

I see calorie counting a lot, does anyone have a concise guide on how to start? Would I have to be calorie counting for the rest of my life to maintain my goal weight?

A little overwhelmed on where to get started - I’d really appreciate any advice, thank you!!

submitted by /u/ibstuff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, August 23, 2024

Advice- just started lifting

My stats f 5’4”, 154, down 23 lbs in last 4 months using CICO and cardio workouts 6 days a week. Concentrate on protein 100 grams a day and fiber and eat around 1550 calories a day. I just started weight lifting this week- did it 2x for 35 min each session and those days I was famished. Felt like a bottomless pit. Totally blew out my calories and way overate. I’m not lifting heavy yet- as I am just getting going. Did this happen to anyone else? Not sure if just this week I am off or if I didn’t eat enough before lifting? I did my cardio and then lifted after each day. Any advice? I want to add in strength to my routine but don’t want to blow out my weight loss progress. I still have another 20 lbs to go until goal weight. Any advice appreciated.

submitted by /u/cookiecookie1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 months - over 30 lbs. lost

Context - 37/M 6’2” Starting weight 217lbs Current weight 186 lbs Goal weight: 180lbs

Overall goal is body recomposition, not necessarily weight loss only (really trading bad weight for good weight).

As a young(ish) father with young kids, I’ve been wanting to slim down but that’s been difficult due to a mindset, not necessarily a physical limitation, which I’m grateful for.

I was diagnosed in 2021 with PTSD, major depression and was experiencing panic attacks (and anxiety attacks).

The PTSD was due to an accident I had that was really no one’s fault, but it was partially because of the way I was trying to get in shape at the time. It’s a can of worms, so that’s all I’m going say about it.

With the help of medication, lots of therapy, and time, I’ve recovered.

To make a very long and nuanced story short, I started taking medication that while extremely helpful for the body, mentally I drug my feet on physical activity and it showed.

I was afraid to exercise for fear of a repeat accident, panic attack, etc. So I just gained more and more weight from the lack of activity. It wasn’t until my GP said that my cholesterol was too high that I finally pushed myself past my fear.

All I could think of was my wife and my children, and my God-given position as father and husband to be an example of an overcomer of adversity, just as I did in 2021.

So in February this year, I bought a Peloton on FB marketplace and signed up for the subscription, and also for the lifetime membership of LoseIt.

With my watch that tracks my activity (including sleep), the scale that syncs to the LoseIt app, a solid workout plan and diet strategy, a fundamental shift in thinking towards food helped me shed not only physical weight, but mental weight as well.

Losing weight over the course of the last 5-6 months has helped me be patient, ease into new mindsets, melt away fears, and make a lifestyle change that is more likely to be permanent.

I’m grateful for apps like LoseIt, a community of people dedicated to healthier living, and broken chains! ⛓️‍💥

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you in hopes that it would encourage someone else on the same or similar road.

Keep going!

submitted by /u/iKruton
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Close to my first 10lbs, but struggling.

Trigger warning: eating disorders

Hey all, I feel like I'm slowly slipping into bad habits and I know I should stop, but seeing faster progress is so tempting.

I started my weight loss journey mid June. I decided this time to work on making small, manageable changes so that I build better habits and don't regain once again. (I gained 70lbs in the last 3 years from my lowest). I alloted just over a year to meet my goal of 60lbs lost, as this was a better timeline.

I was doing good with making changes. I greatly reduced my alcohol consumption, prepped more meals at home and greatly reduced how much I ate out. I started losing weight and felt encouraged.

Then I decided to stop having breakfast and go down from 3 meals a day to 2 meals a day. I did this because I work a 9-5 office job, and outside of work I'm extremely sedentary. I figured my body didn't need all that food with how little I move. I saw a 2lb loss I think the week I stopped breakfast. Encouraging!

However, I got into a bad habit of drinking more on the weekends and slowly started slipping back into eating out more and having my favorite snacks again. I didn't gain weight but I didn't lose any either, and I maintained my weight for roughly a month. I felt discouraged not seeing progress for a month, so this last week I decided to tighten up and avoid alot of the crappy foods I've been allowing myself to have. I figured that in order to actually expect weight loss, I need to do something that would translate to that. I've just been hoping I somehow lose weight while barely trying.

Well I was almost a pound down this week, but a day or two this week I skipped lunch as well. And now I'm down roughly 2 lbs this week, and I'm less than a pound away from my first 10lb weight loss.

I've struggled in the past with restrictions and purging, and so I know I'm vulnerable. But it feels SO GOOD to actually see the scale moving after a month of disappointment. I'm having a small lunch today (can of tuna mixed with spices, mustard, and mayo) and I'm excited for my weigh in tomorrow, hoping that I reached 10lbs. I was less than a pound away this morning and I hadn't pooped in like 3 days and I've pooped twice already today so with reducing my food today and pooping I'm hoping I'll meet it tomorrow!

I just don't know what I want to do, because I wasn't gonna eat the tuna, but then I felt hungry so I decided to eat. I'm not forcing myself to starve when I actively feel hungry. I'm just trying to eat as minimal as I can to fill that hunger.

I feel like I'm standing on the line between healthy reduction and eating disorder, I'm not in either category I feel.

Idk why I'm posting because I don't want people to tell me to eat more, I know I should. I'm focusing on eating protein to avoid muscle mass and hair loss. I guess I just want someone to relate to me and help me feel not alone in this

Thanks for reading

submitted by /u/-artichokeme-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat