Saturday, November 26, 2022

So close to the finish line!

I’m 31F and 5’ 10”.

I started my weight loss journey in 2019. I weighed in at over 320 pounds and was miserable. After being overweight my whole life, I knew I needed to make a change. Through diet and low intensity exercise, I was able to lose about 140 pounds over 2 years. It was mostly CICO and low sodium, low sugar, low dairy, low carb (low fun ha!). I needed to transfer my emotional eating to something else, and some days I still really struggle with that.

I was able to get down to 175 pounds in April of this year through more diet and exercise. My ultimate goal is 173 pounds. My dream is to be a “healthy” BMI even if that’s not necessarily the perfect weight for my body. Still working through that.

After getting to 175, I gained weight due to an unhealthy relationship and went back up to 196. I have been able to use Heather Robertson’s programs along with cutting calories to make it back down to 186-188.

I am SO close to my goal weight, but it’s hard to not get discouraged when the weight doesn’t fall right off like it did when I first started my weight loss journey. What keeps you motivated so close to the finish line? If you are like me and struggle with being hyperfocused on a perhaps unattainable weight (my body loves being at 182 and not going lower) what have you been able to do to break that thought process?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

submitted by /u/delightfulmuse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fasting has crippled my mental health.

My weight loss journey has two phases. First off what was phase one? Phase one was great. The beginning of my “serious” weight loss journey. Serious because it’s the time when i was the most motivated and the time when I saw the most results. But also the time when I cried the most and I was constantly hungry.

There are a myriad of ways to lose weight and I choose fasting because it’s the one I hadn’t really tried in my seven years of yo-yo dieting and to my surprise it worked wonders. I started losing weight pretty decently but soon enough I realized something: Extended fasting was making my binging WORSE! “Oh it’s ok I can finish this whole loaf of bread I’ll just do a two day fast”, “God I’m so full! But I have to finish my food because my fast starts tomorrow!”, “oh I can’t buy the small size of this cookie it HAS to be the jumbo size after all I don’t even eat everyday.”

On and on like that and the crazy thing is? it worked! I was literally eating my cake and having it. That was until it didn’t. I had gotten to the point where unless I was only eating three days a week there was no way for me to lose anymore weight. The moment I reached the 180’s from the 240’s I hit the biggest plateau yet. And of corse I just fasted more and binged more and fasted more it was crazy, it was crippling my mental health and of course the scale didn’t budge.

I took a maintenance break and went at it again but same thing so the same results. I was in denial. I refused to admit that my binging was out of control because in my eyes fasting is the GOD of weight loss and anyone on their weight loss journey who is not fasting is simply…wrong. I cried and cried battling with self harm thoughts I almost resigned to the fact that I would never be a healthy weight in this lifetime.

Until I woke up.

It was painful to realize it but I had to. I am a chronic binge eater. And fasting as wonderful as it maybe is simply not for me. I have to learn how to eat in moderation. I can no longer live as I used to. I have to become more active and mindful. I have to track and track. I have to, otherwise I’ll be stuck in this body forever and don’t get me wrong this is a pretty hot body but I certainly think it could be much hotter and of course healthier.

So today phase two begins: if I can do a seven day fast I can track my fucking calories. Period.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

submitted by /u/__Sweetkisses__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 25, 2022

discouraged weight loss journey + spousal body shaming

i’ve been working out so much (1 hour a day, 5 days a week at 5:30am) and eating so healthy postpartum for 3 months only to lose 10 pounds.

i’m trying to see a hormone special before the holidays because i think it may be related to why i’ve been so slow to lose weight.

i feel so bad about myself and hate how i look from every angle. today i was sitting slumped on the coach, just resting the day after thanksgiving and my spouse randomly reached out and pushed the fat under my chin deep in my neck as if he was examining me. he said absolutely nothing but it was obvious he was seeing what i looked like without chin fat.

he didn’t have to say any words for me to feel extremely uncomfortable and also really hurt and ashamed of my body.

it’s messed up because I gained almost 70 pounds during my pregnancy and i’m only a few months postpartum. i thought he would be more understanding. honestly no one has made me feel uglier than my husband did during my pregnancy and now postpartum but that’s a story for another day.

it just really sucks for your whole body to change, to struggle to bring your normal body “back”, and for my spouse to constantly make me feel really ugly.

i didn’t even know what to say to him. i think i said something like why are you doing that and his response was “what, i’m you’re partner?”

like wtf? it felt a lot like body shaming and then gaslighting.

i’m so tired of feeling ugly and feeling like my spouse thinks i’m ugly. i looked into “elite body sculpture” mommy makeover and it’s so expensive.

i wish there was just a magic pill to take all the fat out of your body.

anyways i am just venting out but if anyone has tips about how to lose weight fast please lmk :(

submitted by /u/Whole-Map4872
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Graph of daily weight loss of 30 lbs over 5 months

When I wanted to lose weight, I've decided to weight myself everyday and write down the number so I can plot it to visualize how my bodyweight fluctuates under a calorie deficit. You can find it here:

The spikes in the data indicate a cheat meal of some sort, and there are certain days I didn't log my weight since I was on vacation and I didn't strictly adhere to my diet (I had a lots of beer, but I ate salads otherwise). You can see that occasional cheat meals only have temporary weight gain due to water.

You can also see the slope starts off steep and over time starts to flatten out, indicating I'm losing weight at a much slower pace. If it slows down more than what's shown towards the end of the graph, I might have to switch from intermittent fasting to a stricter calories in, calories out approach.

Finally, you can see the plateaus and you can get an idea of how long they last. These are frustrating, especially the one starting at day 120.

I hope this gives some people some feel for what to expect regarding daily weight fluctuations and plateaus. I found this exercise very informative. I'll probably post again when I hit my goal weight of 165 lbs.

submitted by /u/bw_raymond24
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Under 180lbs for the first time since I was 17

I (20F, 5'4") been slowly losing weight for about a year and a half now. I've been overweight/obese since I was a kid; the lowest I got since I stopped growing was 155 lbs when I was 14. My highest was 220 lbs, and I've been stuck in the 180-190 lbs range since before this semester started, so since around the beginning of August. School stress, home life, and a medical condition have made it super difficult to stay on track. So just for funsies - as I haven't been actively trying to lose weight for a bit now - I stepped on the scale.

179.4 lbs.

Looking back at my log, the last time I was below 180 lbs was the beginning of 2019. I haven't been this proud of myself in so long. I never really noticed a difference because my clothes fit pretty much the same (minus bras, I had to go down a cup size and a band size over the summer), and I don't take a lot of pictures of myself, but now I'm looking in the mirror and noticing some things, which is super cool!

What's been working for me: Honestly, I don't think about losing weight very often. I just try to eat pretty healthily, only eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full. It's not always easy, but I've found not eating in the morning definitely helps. Every once in a while I'll track what I'm eating just to see where I'm at. Weight loss became so much easier when I stopped obsessing over it!

So yeah. I'm 40 lbs down now. 30 more to go to reach my first goal, 150 lbs. If I lose 3.5 pounds more (146.5 lbs), I'd have lost a third of my original weight. How crazy is that?

It's taken my whole life, but being a healthy weight again finally feels attainable.

submitted by /u/12Lyster12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips on losing weight? Desperately needed

Hi! I'm 18 years old and 280 pounds, 5'6. It's humiliating to be my size, because I don't carry the weight too well. I've been bigger my whole life, and I don't really understand why. I gain an average of 20-30 pounds every year with no diet/habit changes, ever since I was around 10 years old. I have no thyroid issues or anything. Only thing I can even say is that I had my gallbladder removed a year ago, but that doesn't really have much to do with my weight. anyways, I eat very mindfully: low fat, low cal, always under 1700 cals usually and sometimes I only eat one meal a day if I'm not hungry. I just don't understand where the weight is coming from. I don't exercise much because I am disabled and work a full time job, but I'm by no means inactive. But I used to exercise almost every day and still, no weight loss. Any advice? I have tried almost everything.

submitted by /u/dumbthrowaway665
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi, I’m (34F 5’5 280lbs) and I’m miserable. I went out with my family yesterday and I saw the pictures and just hated what I saw. I’ve been trying to lose weight for years and I’ll lose for awhile and then it’s like I’ll go back and forth between the same weight over and over again.

Also, my life is suuuper busy and I just don’t know how to fit in trying to really lose weight with a busy schedule.

I’m in school full-time, working part-time in retail like 24hrs over the weekends, and I run an Etsy side business, plus I’m in a serious relationship so I carve out time to spend with my partner, but is there anyone who has a similar situation and has had successful weight loss?

I was telling my friend and she said I just need to work out, but I told her I literally don’t have time for the gym and to be quite honest I can’t afford it right now. I can’t even afford fancy, healthy groceries, I’m literally having to budget everything.

Yeah. Any tips or suggestions on how to get started would be appreciated when you’re super busy and on a tight budget.

Thanks and I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!🦃

submitted by /u/ThinkDiscussion8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat