Friday, December 17, 2021

Checking in!

I now weigh at 303!! I was down to 300 in December but gained a few back from my starting point of 307. I’m making progress!

I had way too many snacks yesterday but I’m working on it. I did an ab video so I think that helped a lot. I’m about to start Epic Heat by Caroline Girvan and I trust that she will help me lose weight again! Last summer I had lost 22 lbs + more. And another 20 last November. I just need to stick to it and I know the weight will start moving down. I am counting calories and it really helps to see what I need work on. Even started drinking less creamer in coffee and only having 2 sugars instead of 3. I need to get measurements on those.

Really looking forward to my weight loss journey in 2022!! Maybe I will even lose another 5 lbs before Christmas!!

submitted by /u/AquaStardust
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hey everyone, not a noob to lifting but am a noob to losing weight and am confused.

I know the water weight falls off within the first week or two, but after that what’s a normal amount of weight to be lost? I was at 240 (In august, some things happened and I took a break, but I’m back in the gym as of consistently last month) at my heaviest, and today I weighed in at 214. But now I’m starting to feel like I’m “hovering” at this weight. For the past month or so, I’ve been going up and down in weight from 220-215 and just can’t seem to lose anymore.

I am lifting 5 days a week and getting a mile, sometimes two miles in cardio, also.

I guess I expected it to fall off quicker, especially after a month, it’s kind of disheartening to see the scale not drop.

Maybe I’m wrong? Is this normal weight loss? I’m not tracking my cals, I eat once a day sometimes two, but even so, I figured if I’m in the gym for 2-3 hours a day, surely I’m burning more than I’m taking in.

Edit: because it might matter, I’m 6ft 2in.

submitted by /u/CruzControls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Clothes shopping after weight loss

I have lost close to 50 pounds since March this year. It’s been hard work and it’s finally paying off. But now none of my clothes fit at all. I’ve resisted clothes shopping for the most part until recently. So last weekend I took an entire day to myself to shop for new clothes. I went to several stores and came home with nothing. All I bought was a candle and lunch. My problem is in my head, not in my choices at the store. I would pick up the size I know I need and think to myself there is no way I can fit into that and then put it back on the rack. This went on all day. It’s self doubt but something else as well. Like my mind just can’t wrap it’s self around the idea that I really am so much smaller. It’s a fear of putting that size on and looking ridiculous and then feeling bad that maybe I am not as small as I think I am and maybe I haven’t made the progress I think I have. But more than that. I can’t really describe it. So how do I move past this and start shopping? I thought of taking a friend with me to help but I’m not sure. And suggestions would be great. Thank you !

submitted by /u/turtlefreak23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on support clothing for sagging skin after weight loss.

Hello, An older relative of mine has recently lost a huge amount of weight after bariatric surgery and has become a lot more active. However she does have some skin that hangs to her mid thigh that limits activities and she's not keen on surgical removal. Does anyone have any experience or recommendations for support garments that could lift and hold her skin? I'm not sure she'd cope with pulling on anything too tight but maybe something that could be wrapped around. Thanks

submitted by /u/Quizam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Overate. Scared for the rest of the holidays

Just overate and cheated after going shopping today. Pretty much took a munch of every snack we just got. I don't always buy snacks, but its technically not for me, as I had to get them to entertain people coming over the next two weeks through New Years.

Really scared of what the end of new years will be for my weight loss journey. One or two days of splurging, I've accepted is inevitable, and I know I can undo easily. But failing today feels like the start of a two week long binge. I'm making a post here to hopefully get my discipline in check, then maybe I can control myself. I'm just really scared and disappointed.

submitted by /u/Repeat-Admirable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 16, 2021

4 day split workout routine for weight loss?

Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some advice on a 4 day split workout routine (or others if something works better). I am a male 5'9 and 235 pounds, I have already changed my diet and started going to the gym but don't really know what I am doing. I want my workout to be primarily focused on weight loss but also want to start gaining some strength. A 4 day split I think would work best for my current schedule. I also plan on doing cardio 6 days a week. Any advice would be helpful thanks.

submitted by /u/HonestSink3148
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss!

(M, 15) Hello everyone, on my birthday, back in September, I decided to weigh myself on my birthday, I weighed 172, it was shocking honestly, I didn’t think I was THAT big, (im 5ft 5) and I’ve been overweight my entire life, I decided that I was gonna finally lose it, as of today, I weight 147, I’m officially down 25 pounds, although not much, I’m very proud of myself, I got noticeable gains and honestly if it weren’t for that scale, I would have never changed. Bye guys :)

submitted by /u/Substantial-Ad8712
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from loseit - Lose the Fat