Happy New Year everyone!
I’m an almost 24 year old female who has been some degree of overweight since starting college. I think I had pretty bad food habits well before that as well - I just happened to be an active high school athlete which kept it off. I’ve also struggled with a devastating cycle of binging/heavy restricting probably since I was 16. I’ve had several stints in the last few years of losing 30+ lbs (I’m 5’9) very quickly through extreme restriction and looking and feeling great, then gaining back a bit, feeling shitty about it and eating back the rest of the weight.
This year, I think it would be good for me to shift the focus from just “lose weight as quick as I can” to improving my overall relationship with food and movement (with the goal of weight loss being a side effect). I want to break the binge/restrict cycle and become a healthy adult who doesn’t obsess about food. I plan on adding movement gradually, counting calories with compassion (using a calorie goal “window” rather than limit and not obsessing about the 5 calorie difference between 2 brands of hummus), and focusing on my mental health in conjunction with physical health.
My question is: has anyone else lost weight without a hyper-fixation on their exact weight loss?
I meant to weigh myself this morning to get an exact “starting weight” and realized my scale needed batteries. I briefly thought about throwing the towel in on dieting and waiting until I could go to the store this weekend, get batteries, and start next Monday. But the reality is: I know I have between maybe 50-70 lbs to lose - does it really matter exactly what lb I start at? Probably not - I know how to diet and calorie count and I know I’ll be creating a deficit regardless.
My thought process is, whether I lose 4 lbs or 7 lbs this month doesn’t matter as much as working on a healthier food mindset. And whenever I obsessively weigh myself, I get very very focused on the number and will start starving to watch it go down quicker. I know I will need to eventually weigh myself to adjust my calorie window as I get smaller, but is it completely stupid to start without an exact weight for the first couple months?
Feel free to give criticism - I’m happy to hear both why I’m right or wrong! Thanks for reading my novel.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pMOTuC