Saturday, July 23, 2022

Everything I try doesn’t work

My dad died last year and I put on 40 pounds since then. It was quite a shock when I stepped on the scale and saw that. I was pretty active before my dad died and I’ve struggled to get back into it mainly because it feels like I’d be resuming my “normal” life when it’ll never be normal again for me. (FYI I go to weekly therapy to work through this)

So I’ve mainly just been focusing on diet rather than movement. I started with a nutritionist 3 months after dads passing and honestly the plan was so confusing - it was a numbers system but not in a WW way but in a “you need a math degree” way. Couldn’t stick with it because I was confused as hell.

Then I started Atkins which worked really well for me before in life. Except this time around I developed gallbladder issues within 3 weeks of the diet and now I have to get my gallbladder out.

I don’t know what to do, I feel defeated. Most days now I don’t really eat much but when I do I watch portion size and always make sure theres a veggie involved. What’s a no fuss easy way of eating people who have been successful with weight loss recommend?

submitted by /u/laflamablanca828
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Went on a 5 day vacation and terrified to step on the scale… whats the damage youve done from a vacation?

What has your damage been from a vacation? How did you recover? How long did it take?

We were super active, but also drank alot of white claws and ate outside of my normal meals.

Whenever I eat outside my normal meals I seem to gain a bunch of water weight as is, and this was multiple days of eating outside my normal. I tried to make good choices but still allowed myself the scoop of mac and cheese and dessert.

We were active though, no formal exercise but walked alot and got an average of 15,000 steps a day. I can feel the bloat and gain on me, so think ill stay off the scale for awhile 😣

AND WE HAVE ANOTHER TRIP IN TWO WEEKS. Weight loss during summer is hard with all the events :/

submitted by /u/mama2021abcd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 9 into a maintenance break and it feels amazing!

Me: F28 5'6, SW: 218lbs, CW: 168, GW: 154lbs. 50lbs lost!

Reminder to take your maintenance breaks when you need!

I'm now one year into my weight loss journey (50lbs / 23kg lost) and my last maintenance break was 6 months ago over the Christmas and New Year period so this is my first 'normal day to day' maintenance break. And it feels amazing! I'd had 5 weeks of little to no progress on the scale (bouncing up and down the same 1kg) and I was beginning to feel hungry all the time. So I decided to take a 2 week maintenance break where I still kept up my logging and exercise. And boy, I've been feeling an increase in energy, been feeling wonderfully full and sated, and to my surprise I even dropped 1.6kg (3.5lbs) over the last nine days! I got my whoosh!

It's also nice to think about how this is what maintenance might feel like when I hit my goal weight

I'm fully committing to taking maintenance breaks more frequently in the future as I work on the last 14 or so pounds!

Have you taken a maintenance break recently? What was your experience?

submitted by /u/BugWeather
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tattoos after weight loss?

I'm looking to get some tattoos done on quite chubby parts of my body. The main one being my upper arm, which would form part of a sleeve

Later I'd quite like to get my thighs done and an under boob piece.

Of course all I can think about it worrying about what might happen to the tattoo as I lose weight! I'm about double my ideal weight right now..

I don't mind waiting for thigh/under boob tats but I'm pretty desperate for the arm one and can't bear to wait another year or two while I slim down!

Has anyone here had tattoos (especially upper arm) and then lost a lot of weight? What happened to your tats?

submitted by /u/zoomziezoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At what point in weight loss journey should I consider getting skin removal surgery?

F24, HW: 398lb, CW: 242lb, GW: 175-185( after skin removal surgery)

For those of you who lost 150lb-200lb, at what point did u get ur skin removal surgery? I had a phone convo with a surgeon who said they generally like to do the surgery about 25lb away from the goal weight (so that would be around 205lb).

I also talked to 2 other surgeons who said they dont consider surgery until 6 months of stabilized weight loss. (someone said this is only required for insurance to approve if they do pay for it).

Ive lost almost 160lb so far and I still have some weight to lose but I was really hoping I could get my surgeries done around December or January (in the next 5-6 months from now).

Im just so tired of putting in the hard work to get to where I am but when I look in the mirror all I see is hanging skin and a melted version of myself.

Advice? experience?

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

advice? motivation?

i’ve been on and off of a “weight loss journey” for most of my life. the closest i got to actual success was my sophomore year of highschool. yet i never noticed how good i looked until now when i look back at the pictures (i had gained all back and then some). now i’m at my heaviest, and my brain is telling me i’m stuck like this forever. although it’s not realistic i get disappointed when i don’t look skinny within a week. i’m so tired of this back and forth. i just want to look and feel good and stay that way

submitted by /u/nenewton
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what apps do you all use besides calorie trackers?

I know myfitnesspal loseit and chronometer are the main calorie counting apps that everyone uses, but I was wondering what other types of apps other than calorie counting do you use in weight loss and maintenance journey?

I'm asking cause I never really got into tech and apps that much but now I'm starting to see how helpful they can be lol. I'm waaaaay behind I know. Maybe someone is in a similar position and will also find this helpful. There are so many out there so here are just the general ones I am planning on using. Right now im just trying the leap fitness apps since I'm still researching.

1 . Pedometer - counts your steps

2 . Intermittent Fasting app - getting back into IF and i think looking at the data will be helpful

3 . Workout app. home workouts and hiit

and here are some other ideas that im looking into using

  1. task / habit app to keep you on task

  2. happy scale or libra or other scale app

  3. journal app

  4. water tracker

Some apps can do more than one of these things so i guess its just personal preference.

"fastic" is a fasting app that has a step counter and water tracker

"Simple" is a food tracking app and fasting app where you can journal and add pics

I'm still exploring these options trying to see what works best for me.

What apps other than myfitnesspal and loseit are helping you on your weight loss journey and what do you like about them?

Are there any apps that you cant live without?

Looking forward to hearing from people who know way more about this than me! :)

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Fortune7995
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from loseit - Lose the Fat