Saturday, December 16, 2023

weight loss but working in food service

this feels kind of dumb to even express but i’m currently at 252 pounds and i really want to reach 170 pounds. it’s mostly weight around my hips and thighs im concerned about (and i know it’s impossible to lose weight by targeting specific areas of the body im just thinking in aesthetics) but i unfortunately work at a cafe and they serve stuff like sweets and sugary coffees. it’s extremely hard to think about self control when im hungry on the clock so if anyone has any tips for self control in this situation then please let me know because i won’t be able to quit anytime soon

submitted by /u/devilishlymilky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When should i stop my weight loss journey?

I'm (M40) I started losing weight 5 years ago, at my heaviest i was 375 at least from what i remember although it may have been higher. At the moment i weigh 204, I'm 5'11, my BMI is at 28.5 and according to my scale i have 27.5% body fat, since September 2022 i started lifting weights with dumb bells, first at home and then a few months later i joined a gym and have been lifting consistently every week ever since, i have a tremendous amount of energy at least compared to how i was before and if not for a lingering back issue that was caused by how heaving i used to be, I am basically in the best shape of my life.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of loose skin, most of it on my stomach, i have some on my arms and legs, when i look at myself my arms and legs look like that of a thin persons except with some loose skin, what doesn't make sense is how my mid section (stomach) looks when compared to the rest of my body, i keep thinking that if i keep losing weight that maybe it will get better but i feel like if i went to lets say 190 pounds, nothing would look different, except that my arms, legs and face would look thinner and they are thin enough as it is (at least thats the feedback that i get from everyone).

Does it make sense to keep losing weight and hit the 190 mark for someone of my height? or should i stop losing weight and just focus on maintenance and lifting weights? my current BMI makes me think that i should continue to lose weight until i hit a normal BMI but i also think that i should probably factor in the amount of weight that i would lose by just having my excess skin removed, i think that its very likely that if i got it removed tomorrow i would actually be at least 10 pounds lighter and thats me being conservative in my estimation, i believe that it would be more.

My goal is to eventually get the excess skin removed from my stomach, not my arms or legs since i won't be able to afford to get everything done, but i think i can live with not getting those done, but my stomach, my goodness, staring at that is really starting to take a toll on me mentally, not to mention that its been causing me discomfort for a long while now but what does everyone think that the best thing would be for me to do at the point?

submitted by /u/Xandercell83
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 15, 2023

Has anyone successfully lost weight while working through BED?

TW: binge eating disorder

About to start therapy for a lonnnng untreated history for binge eating disorder. I’m hopeful that by properly trying to get to the root of why I do it, I’ll be able to control it more (or stop all together). I know it can take years.

I recently worked with a “specialist” who wasn’t really equipped to help me with tangible recovery tactics. They urged me to let binges happen, and as a result I’ve gained a significant amount of weight. I feel so physically uncomfortable in my body the last few weeks, and want to give weight loss another go. I have to, I can’t manage to continue feeling this unwell.

Has anyone successfully managed to navigate weight loss with BED or while in recovery from BED? Any advice that helped you would be so appreciated. TIA

submitted by /u/jennerallyspeaking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Negative reaction from partner after weight loss?

Has anyone had a negative reaction from their partner after weight loss?

I have lost about 9kg down from 90 to 81 kg over the last 6 months, manly due to increasing my running.

I don't limit what I eat and food is important to me to fuel my running so don't limit myself.

Tonight my wife told me i was looking gaunt due to my weight loss in a negative way, which surprised me a lot as yes I am looking skinnier, but don't think I am looking unhealthy

I am 191cm, 81kg, and bathroom scales has my body fat at about 9%. This is a bmi of around 22 which is indiced to be bang in the middle of the healthy range.

submitted by /u/moonshine5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Anyone on phentermine here with similar stats to mine? 5’2 F , 148 lbs.

My stats are 148 lbs, 5’2 female and BMI of 27.1 which puts me on the overweight spectrum. I don’t see a lot of people on this medication on this Reddit page so I wanted to see if anyone else is and what their experience is like. I feel excited to be on this medicine as it’ll hopefully help since I’ve been in the 140’s for a long time now. But I also feel like defeated due to being on a medicine for weight loss. I think because it’s so frowned upon and people assume 148 is a good weight but don’t seem to realize that for someone who’s petite it’s not good for them.

I’ve tried all possible solutions and chose to take this medicine and am hoping it creates healthier habits, gives me a boost to shed some weight. I’m currently on 30mg for two weeks and she’ll bump me up to 37.5 depending on how I deal with the side effects. Today has been day 1 and so far I feel fine. No anxiety, some heart palpitations for two seconds then it’s gone. I would love to hear anyone’s insights with phentermine.

submitted by /u/Slow-Ad8272
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Difficulty with lunch while working

So I've been on a weight loss journey a few times in my life, often successfully. But then I go back to over eating crap, and over Indulging.

I'm aiming this time for a more sustainable weight loss that I can transition more easily from weight loss to weight maintain.

I started at 235 and I'm just passed 210 and feeling great! I have more energy, knees don't hurt, back doesn't ache, generally just happier! (except the recurring dreams of eating skittles and gar-par wings together)

My biggest problem with eating well/better lately has been lunches at work. I have a job that has an unpredictable schedule and often doesn't allow for sittings at a table or being anywhere near a microwave for hours at a time. This has often led to me postponing eating by hours until I can sit down with what I did bring. By that point I'm completely starving. I've picked up a jug of protein powder and keep the bottle in my lunch bag for those days to span the eating gap.

What I'm looking for is lunch ideas that I can premake in bulk, have a long shelf life or are freezable, are portable, don't need heating, don't need spoons/Forks/bowls, could hold themselves together in a jacket pocket without being smashed/flattened. Ideally lower car without added sugar.

I've tried muffins before, they do the trick most of the time, but don't hold up well when it comes to being in a pocket for a few hours

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/chancellormeowsworth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Severely constipated. Need advice to fix this.

I am having a really embarrassing problem at the moment. I have always had regular bowel movements. I have been in a calorie deficit for 6 weeks now and am currently dealing with severe constipation.

Started 3 weeks ago, EXTREMELY hard stools, which were very difficult and painful to pass. I was passing maybe twice per week. I have bright red blood in my stools, I believe I've actually given myself haemorrhoids from straining so much (can definitely feel one at the opening which was not there before).

I took a laxative for the 1st time in my life on Sunday which gave me uncontrollable diarrhea for 24 hours straight. Extremely painful abdominal cramps and nausea.

I have not pooped since that episode which was 6 DAYS AGO.

Seeking advice please as I am never taking another laxative again (it was awful).

I have increased my water intake, take one magnesium citrate tablet per day (I've been taking this for years). There is more fiber in my diet than there ever has been, I eat plenty of veggies.

I am so scared I'm going to be dealing with extremely hard painful stools again when the time finally does come to go to the toilet.

Please someone tell me, is this common after embarking on a weight loss journey? When I consumed fatty junk food every day I never had any bowel issues...

submitted by /u/Possible-Being-5142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat