Thursday, February 22, 2024

non-scale victory: i threw away my scale lol

first post here! i’ve been lurking for a few weeks, but i really wanted to share this.

some context: I (20F) have been obese basically my entire life. I’ve had one sort-of successful weight loss attempt before quarantine, during which I went from 200 lbsto 171 lbs (I was around 5’4”). I then gained 90 lbs over the next three years due to binge eating brought on by depression; this put me at my highest weight of 260 (at 5’5.5”) as of January 1st of this year. I’ve had many unsuccessful attempts at losing weight during this time. I have a bad habit of weighing myself too often, anywhere from once a day to multiple times a day. I also have a bad habit of quitting a weight loss attempt if my weight stagnates or increases too often for my liking. I’ll then quit for a few months until I attempt to lose weight again and inevitably sabotage myself in the same way a few weeks in.

I’ve switched to a new gym as of Feb 3rd, and I’ve gotten a trainer for the first time. I weighed in at 259 during my consultation. It’s been 3 weeks, and I’m really enjoying myself. My trainer is awesome, and the workouts are challenging, but fun. I’ve also looked up some meal prep recipes to help hit my calorie and macro goals (StealthHealthLife is a GODSEND), and I’ve been sticking to cooking as opposed to eating out. I’ve also been sleeping at least 7 hours per night, drinking more water (currently at half a gallon per day on average and am working up to one gallon), and making sure to take my meds everyday. Go, me! :) I’ve noticed some changes. My skin is much more glowy (haven’t changed my skincare routine much at all since I started), my clothes fit me just a bit better, my energy has increased, and my mood is a lot better.

Fast forward to this morning. I decided to weigh myself while i was getting ready for work. The scale read 258.6. Half a pound down, and less than what I was expecting and what I wanted. I can’t lie, I was pretty disappointed. Now, the me from before would have probably gotten discouraged and consoled herself with some takeout as a “treat” before slowly, but surely fizzling out entirely and having to start from square one. This time was different, though. Something inside of me just wasn’t having it.

I looked at the scale, then at myself in the mirror, and decided this cycle stops repeating now. I did what I should have done almost 4 years ago- I dumped my scale in the garbage bin outside my house before I got in my car to head to work. I felt so much lighter and more free than I ever had during a weight loss journey. I’m so glad I did it. I’m committing to enjoying the journey as much as the destination from here on out. :)

Thanks for reading all this if you got this far. I’ll keep you guys updated! ;)

submitted by /u/PharieGodMother
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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