Thursday, February 29, 2024

([vent] having mixed feelings about losing ~70lbs (428 ? - 359lbs)

basically i started working a labor intensive job at a warehouse, and that increased my steps to anywhere between 7-13k, and sometimes even up to 24k steps per day while lifting and rushing constantly. i only track the steps because quantifying the lifting would just stress me out even more and make me spiral. afaik my typical calorie needs are somewhere just short of 4000 when accounting for weightlifting. when i first started, i was easily burning over 5,000 calories a day and was absolutely gorging myself because i was so ravenous. so even now it’s still not terribly difficult to stay in somewhat of a deficit. i basically track by the hundreds and try not to go over 3500, making peace with going over some days. i try to max my protein and get enough fiber, and don’t stress to much about anything else including sugar.

my first 2.5 months i lost (based on my “starting weight”) 35lbs. 2.5 months later, i’ve somehow at least doubled that.

i’ve been told i look like i’ve lost weight. my “before” weight of 428 was definitely not even my highest….i would venture to guess i was probably headed toward 450 at my worst. just weighed myself and am at 359……it feels a little unbelievable to me. i can see that my pants are too loose to wear without a belt, and my arms have a little extra loose skin, but i feel like i look almost exactly the same. granted, 70(ish) lbs will not look as dramatic on me as it would another person. but still. i’ve also gained muscle, and i have no idea how to even factor that in.

i don’t know. i’m anxious about where the plateau will come. my goal weight tbh was 350. if i hit that….325? could i ever be under 300? that feels INSANE. i haven’t been under 300 since high school (26 now). i’m terrified of ever getting a new job and gaining it all back. idk.

i feel awkward trying to talk to anyone about it. i feel proud of/happy about my weight loss, and want to continue, but even when receiving praise, i constantly feel like my weight is all anyone ever sees about me. i’m also nervous because i feel that it’s bordering unhealthy - especially after the initial loss, the fact that it’s still this consistent is shocking to me. about 2 weeks ago the scale said 370. idk if i was bloated that day or sm just low on fluid today (walked 13 miles). i’m afraid i wouldn’t be taken seriously by my pcp because of course they want me to lose weight. in a way, it’s isolating

submitted by /u/12041707198997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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