Sunday, December 8, 2019

How did you get out of denial about your weight problem?

33 F and have more recently realized just how overweight I am. I have always felt confident/sexy (of course I always knew I could afford to lose weight) but I now feel like my ‘overconfidence’ might have caused harm in the long run. I don’t know what exactly sparked the realization that I need to change, but now I have this urgency and feel like there’s no way I can climb this massive mountain, urgency or not. I am aware of what healthy habits works for my body so I’m not asking for tips/advice on weight loss education necessarily, but more about how I can stay grounded and face reality with my weight and habits.

submitted by /u/napkinringleader
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m stuck in an endless cycle and I need your help

Hi everyone. I am a 17 y/o, 5’9, and weigh 175 lbs. For my whole life, I have been “chubby” and have had a belly that overhangs. My fat always went there first. I always wanted to lose it, but as a kid I just listened to my doctor and parents who urged me to exercise and skip on the dessert more.

Anyway, by high school, it was still there. And I wanted to put my weight loss in my own hands. Starting freshman year, I did lots of research and watched lots of videos regarding weight loss. I learned about CICO, Ketogenic Diet, IIFYM, and all the other methods out there.

From freshman year up until now, I have tried to lose my belly too many times to count and have failed. Pathetically. I’ve had 4 years, and I still haven’t done it. It wasn’t until this year, my senior year of high school, that I realized that my failure of losing weight was rooted in a seriously unhealthy relationship with food.

Here’s what happens: I create a plan for myself, get motivated to lose weight. I start the first couple days of my journey super hard. Probably too hard. I eat very clean... and then I eventually break down. It might start with one cookie, one M&M, or even one chip. Something in my head just makes me say “Fck it and I blow all the progress I did.

At this point, I end up frustrated and demotivated. The next couple days, I end up eating 4,000 calories a day, not caring at all what is going into my mouth. Maybe even more than 4,000. Who knows. I find myself looking for food even when I’m not hungry. Contrast this to when I go hardcore and eat 1,500-2,000 calories, I end up eating at about my maintenance for the week.

That’s right: this endless cycle just goes on and on. I cut down, give up, binge, and don’t move anywhere on the scale. I mean, at least I’m not gaining weight. But the stress this is putting on my mental state is too much. I hate food. I sometimes think to myself “I wish I didn’t have to feed my body. I’m sick of feeling hungry, then feeling sick, and doing it all over again next month.”

I really want to lose this belly at this point. It’s all I really have to lose (I would estimate my bf% is somewhere around 25%). I really need to fix how I look at food and I need to fix my binges... how can I do this? I know all the info I need to know about healthy eating at this point. I just can’t... do it... maybe I just need to try harder than I ever have before.

submitted by /u/frish55
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s now clicking. How did you make it click?

Title basically. I’m having a very difficult time figuring out what works for me to lose weight.

Currently on weight watchers. I’ve done MyFitnessPal, I’ve done Keto, I was Vegan for awhile (not for weight loss, for ethical reasons), did vegetarian as well. I work out 3-4 days a week and got an Apple Watch to get an easy and somewhat accurate idea of how many calories I burn based on heart rate...I understand nutrition and I get that I need to eat less and be mindful of my macros.

But food is such a huge part of my social life, PLUS I get major endorphin hits from eating. I love to cook; I love to eat. We didn’t cook or eat together growing up so I find a lot of comfort and happiness in learning and practicing the skill of making delicious food. I want to slim down, and I have reasons why, but connecting the dots and actually DOING it is not clicking for me.

So...what made it click for you?

submitted by /u/MoneyIsTerrifying
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight when you feel good about your body?

Hello reddit,

I am a 21f my SW was 215 my CW is 205 and my goal weight is 140. I lost most of the weight last month and have been eating mostly at maintenance through thanksgiving and finals, I gained like 3 pounds but I feel ok (not great, but not beating myself up) about that and I'm going to start actually dieting again (counting calories, going to the gym more when school stops being a constant, gnawing void of every second of my free time, etc). My issue with starting again however is the same one I tend to have whenever I start to lose weight and that is I actually LIKE that way that I look. I've never had much issues getting dates, I like how I look in pictures, I dont mind checking myself out when I'm naked or whatever, etc, etc. I want to lose weight because I know it's not going to get easier, I know there are untold benefits beyond appearance and I'm even sure that at the end I will probably like how I look better. All that doesn't change the fact that a lot of motivational advice I read involves looking at progress pictures or thinking about how good you're gonna look at a healthy weight. I'm reaching out in the hopes that someone has a piece of advice on what to focus on to stay motivated that doesn't revolve around how attractive one is. Like are there any exercise specific goals like being able to run marathon that would correlate well with weight loss? anything I should look out for as little examples of me getting healthier? I hope this doesn't sound conceited, I don't think I'm like the hottest babe on planet earth or anything but when I look in the mirror I just don't think things like "oh my face would look better if I was skinnier" or "damn my boobs look s****y" I think things like "that's me!" or "my hair looks cool today!" and it's frustrating that so much diet advice seems to imagine that that's what I'm about. I worked hard to find my self confidence (struggled with depression and anxiety worked really hard in therapy, proud of where I am with my mental health) and I don't want losing weight to feel like I'm fixating on a *bad* part of myself. I want to lose weight because I love myself and want to do better, not because I hate who I am know you know?

submitted by /u/Culpon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I’ve been on this weight loss journey since june? I’ve always been self conscious about my weight since I was in third grade. My father always loved pointing out I wasn’t skinny as the rest of my cousins. In college I gained about 40 pounds. This June I decided to begin this weight loss journey and hold myself accountable on what I’m eating. I started off at 170 and now I’m 149... however, when I look at myself in the mirror I see NO difference. This makes me want to just give up. I’ve took pictures of my body at its heaviest and compared it to where I’m at now, and I just don’t see any difference. How do you guys stay motivated?

submitted by /u/slugslime69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 Year Progress Chart - 87lbs (39.6kg) Down!

Weight Loss Chart

On December 7th, 2018 I began my weight loss journey. I did most of it with OMAD and intermittent fasting. This summer (after having already lost 50lbs without almost any exercise) decided to do #100daysofsweat. The Challenge was simple - do something every day that makes you sweat. I was hoping this could help me form a habit of exercising consistently.

On day 33 of that challenge, I decided to start C25K (Couch to 5K). On that day, I was out of breath after just a few minutes of running. By day 75, I completed my goal of running a 5K (without any walking), which took me 39 minutes and 44 seconds. Since then, I have run two more 5K's, and now regularly do 1-2km runs as a warm up before workouts. I seriously recommend this program to anyone that hates running.

After completing the 100 days without missing a single day I took a couple weeks off from exercise before realizing that I was starting to miss it! I decided now was the time to start putting on muscle. I signed up for the gym, but this time, I knew I wasn't going to quit after 1 or 2 months.

Today I am still about 16lbs (7kg) off my goal, but I'm not too concerned. I have been extremely busy with a new job, so my eating windows have increased. I no longer care about when I eat, because I've developed a better relationship with food. My portion sizes are actually under control now. I am still going to the gym, at least 2-3 per week, and walking 16,000-21,000 steps a day at work.

I hope this post was motivating to at least one of you out there. Losing weight doesn't have to be that difficult. You don't have to jump straight into the deep end. You can still eat whatever you want, not exercise, and still lose weight. It's all about portion control and CICO. But slowly, over time, you will begin to start craving healthier foods, and even want to start exercising!

submitted by /u/AndreiR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not always as bad as you think

Having had some positive weight loss weeks, along with motivation from this sub I had been feeling strong and confident about taking back control of my eating habits.

Then. Last week I had a surprise week long conference away with work. Whilst I tried to make sensible food choices for meals, I succumbed to lattes in the day and alcohol in the evenings to help get me through it. As a result, this mornings weigh in put me at a 3lb gain.

After a morning spent sobbing (literally) my sane brain made an appearance and pointed out it was very unlikely I had consumed an additional 10.000 calories that week (solid food was all veg and salad) and it was quite likely I was hormonal. (duh- check the calendar) So I decided to be kind to myself and not starve despite having had a beer over a lunch meeting. I added my calories onto MFP and it turns out, I'm only at 1500 (targeting 1200) so I can actually enjoy dinner, not go to bed hungry and hopefully benefit from having had a good old cry for no good reason.

Extra workout tomorrow though.

submitted by /u/Trusting_Nautilus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat