I am using this post to help keep me accountable for my current weight loss regime. I have a wedding to attend, my own in fact. I am already embarrassed to what the wedding photos will look like with me in it. So with that said, my goal weight is 220 with a current weight at 285. There are more reasons to wanting/needing to lose this weight. Such as, battling with gout for almost 3 years, ankle issues that sometimes make me immobile, people making stupid comments.
I guess what is hard for me, is when meeting new friends or people in general they see this fat kid. I was not always this big as i am. Im not going to lie, after college i totally went south when it came to my health. It was almost like as soon as I started my career, i made up for all the eating that i "missed" during college.
I am a former wrestler/mma fighter. I wrestled for 8 years of my life. So I was used to the cutting weight aspect in life as I wrestled at 170~ up until my junior year of college. i know i have it in me to do it and way more than enough resources to do so. I am just being very lazy at the moment.
Some people consider them selves "stress eaters" where as i consider myself a "happy eater". When im stressed about work or life in general, i dont even think about having an appetite. However, when i have good day boy o boy what is there to eat?! im talking pizza, wings, ice cream and wash it down with some root beer. if not pizza, then some Nashville Hot Chicken. Im not even "depressed" or anything. Its this idea of "i didnt get to have this in college, now that i can afford it its time to eat"
Holy fuck, as I am writing this down im ashamed that this is my daily routine. I changed my mindset since the beginning of the year. So from here on out, i will use this post as an accountability for when i have those "cravings" of a bad lifestyle. the future me will appreciate this. I am a firm believer of "if its not in writing.." so since its writing, i have to do this shit.
Thanks for coming to my rant, if you read this.
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