Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Help to plan for a very busy and stressful few weeks? Long hours and life transitions -->difficulties with willpower.

Tonight was rough. I almost ordered Dominos three times and after FINALLY breaking a month long plateau and I don't want the scale to go back up. But I'm fixated on takeout. For the next few weeks I expect 70+ hour work weeks and stressful conversations as I try to leave my job. I am also in the midst of clearing out my apartment for a move, buying furniture, etc. I'm bickering with family. It's just a lot and I'm having difficulty coping. Do you all have suggestions on healthy eating when there is zero time and everything is feeling overwhelming? I am speaking with my therapist tomorrow which helps, but she isn't a weight loss pro!

submitted by /u/adviceneededs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help from weight loss clinic

I have been on the waitlist for weight loss clinic, and now my first appointment is tomorrow. Sometimes I am ashamed of not having self-control, but I am grateful for receiving physician's help. It is not for bariatric surgery. I am class 1 obese(BMI 32), and I will receive consultation regarding weight loss twice a month.

I know that many people can lose weight on their own but some people like me need someone to check what's going on.

I am not rich. The treatment is covered by provincial insurance. If you live in Canada or Europe, you may be able to find weight loss treatment covered by national/ provincial health insurance.

submitted by /u/Lifespace45
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cutting off friends

Hi everyone

I'm 18, Female, 5'5 and 160 pounds, my starting weight was probably higher but the last time I weighed in it was 166 pounds so I just say it was a 6 pounds loss. I've been doing really well for a month walking my dog for an hour every day and practicing CICO, even went to my cousins wedding and ignored the dessert bar the entire time.

Anyways about 2 months in and I'm hanging out with a close friend. However she makes it really hard when every time we hang out she always wants to get fast food and constantly offering high calorie snacks and alcohol and weed so basically I cracked and binged which lasted for a couple of days. However it's not just binging she also uses coke for weight loss and has tried to pressure me into it before. I love her a lot and we're really close but I don't think being around her is good for my health anymore we literally never hang out sober. I just don't know how to bring it up to her and I don't want her to think I'm ignoring her. Any advice would be wonderful.

submitted by /u/StrawberryMilkCowMOO
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So far so good!

Not so long ago I was a bit depressed but I followed some greats advices from Reddit and so far it's so good! Was 280 lbs and in more than a week I'm now 274. Most likely a water retention thing for most of the weight but still it feel good to look a lower number on the machine lol.

What I do so far is drinking almost only water, eating better food and doing intermittent fasting. I usually eat a peanut butter sandwich with banana when I get up so I feel full and fine, then I eat a good dinner and after I don't eat anything, unless maybe an apple. I still drink a two cream two sugar coffee per day, hard to give up those habits lol but I guess it's not too bad.

I'm around 1300 cal a day and I don't really feel hungry, unless maybe a little bit at night. The first 1-2 day were tough but after it get better.

Still, I'm only at the beginning of the road and don't want to waste my efforts and don't want to do mistakes, so I was wondering if you had some tips to stay motivated and don't get the yoyo problem (getting the weight back)

My Tdee is around 3100 and my BMI is 35.2. Is it safer to eat more calories even if I don't feel that hungry at the moment?

I only do like 10 push up a day for now, focusing on diet. Before I was doing jogging but I was way more hungry so it was tough to not binge eating. Do you think I still should do more cardio, more strengh exercice?

I read something in this forum about the ''no more zero day'', a bit old but very useful advices, like to focus on the positive, not ''Man I could have done better'' but more like ''Hey I did fine, 15 mins exercice is still way more better than zero exercice''.

One thing I noticed too, since I was eating like 1600-1700 calories each night before sleeping, I stopped that and expected weight loss (which happened) but I also breathe wayyyy better, it feel weird. I didn't noticed I was breathing that badly before that moment. Feel good.

Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone here, it's a very nice forum.

submitted by /u/DracoQC
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Excercise 5-6 days a week with a 1.6k -1.8k calorie diet.. no weight loss in 3 weeks..

So, about 3 years ago i was a huge "Gymrat", i was lean, nicely built, muscles and everything, i slacked off the last 2-3 years and gained about 40lbs (went from 160 to 200) most of it fat though. That being said, i know what I'm doing in the gym, i know how to track my macros and weight loss is usually easy for me (I'm only 26).. however i finally got back into the gym 3-4 weeks ago, drink about 2liters of water, started a daily diet and sleep my 7-8hrs. I've yet to see weight loss, hell, i GAINED like 3lbs.. wth am i doing wrong? coming into this i was 1000% confident and told myself, "this'll be a cakewalk" i thought i was doing everything right but now i feel completely new and like i have no idea what im doing. Any advice or ideas as to what might be the culprit?

submitted by /u/LordFarquaad-9119
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone tried therapy to help address weight loss *without* success? Those that have been successful, care to share any insights?

TW: eating disorders, mental health issues

I’ve been working with a therapist for 2+ years who specializes in eating disorders, including binge eating disorder and food addiction. We’ve unpacked some stuff from my childhood that likely fed into it (no pun intended lol) but I still don’t think I’ve developed any strategies to address it now moving forward or an understanding of where I go from here. I can’t really manage my food any better now than when I started working with her.

I firmly believe that addressing mental health is critical for someone like me, who has been overweight their entire lives and really struggles around food - it’s not as simple as a meal plan, because I can’t stick to them. (That’s why I hate shows like 600 Pound Life because they’re given an incredibly strict, impossibly low-calorie diet and told to lose 30 pounds in a month. There are clearly some real mental health issues going on that need to be addressed).

I wonder if this therapist just isn’t particularly effective for me? Has anyone else tried therapy, and if so, care to share more about your experience? Thanks!

submitted by /u/asitsn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No energy, feel weak - need to adjust diet?

Hi all! I’m 29, F, 6’0” with SW 290, CW 243, GW 180. I am trying to get in better shape overall, but my biggest motivation is getting to a healthy weight before trying to conceive. I would love to be down in the 190s by March of next year for this reason.

I’ve been eating veggies, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs for 80% of my meals, with a splurge for a burger and fries or tacos from a local joint on the weekend. Calories are between 1300 and 1800 most days of the week - yes, that is a big range, and I would say most days are closer to the 1500 mark. Consistently smashing my protein goals, usually in the 120-150g range. Good fiber intake. Good micronutrient intake. Very limited sugar. Taking prenatals. I also walk/jog 5 days a week and am very active the other two with weedeating, house painting, and similar activities - usually 6+ hours of that type of work on weekends. I lift some, but it’s been less lately due to life being busy.

Last week I dropped 3 pounds, which seemed like a lot this deep into weight loss, but no sweat. This week I’ve lost 5.5 pounds and I feel terrible. I have no energy, I feel weak, I black out when I stand up from a crouch. I’m definitely not sick, but I feel worn down. I’m also PMSing, which inevitably makes me feel really terrible, but this is a bit much. I obviously want to lose weight quickly but I also want it to be sustainable and not make me miserable.

All this to say - would it be valuable to consult an RDN to review my diet and make suggestions? Is this even something an RDN would do? My past experiences with RDNs have all involved a thrice photocopied meal plan for 2,000 calories a day with milk and orange juice at every meal, so I am extremely skeptical, but I feel like I could really benefit from a professional evaluation.

Thank you so much for any help!

submitted by /u/CyborgCrusher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat