Wednesday, September 1, 2021

No energy, feel weak - need to adjust diet?

Hi all! I’m 29, F, 6’0” with SW 290, CW 243, GW 180. I am trying to get in better shape overall, but my biggest motivation is getting to a healthy weight before trying to conceive. I would love to be down in the 190s by March of next year for this reason.

I’ve been eating veggies, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs for 80% of my meals, with a splurge for a burger and fries or tacos from a local joint on the weekend. Calories are between 1300 and 1800 most days of the week - yes, that is a big range, and I would say most days are closer to the 1500 mark. Consistently smashing my protein goals, usually in the 120-150g range. Good fiber intake. Good micronutrient intake. Very limited sugar. Taking prenatals. I also walk/jog 5 days a week and am very active the other two with weedeating, house painting, and similar activities - usually 6+ hours of that type of work on weekends. I lift some, but it’s been less lately due to life being busy.

Last week I dropped 3 pounds, which seemed like a lot this deep into weight loss, but no sweat. This week I’ve lost 5.5 pounds and I feel terrible. I have no energy, I feel weak, I black out when I stand up from a crouch. I’m definitely not sick, but I feel worn down. I’m also PMSing, which inevitably makes me feel really terrible, but this is a bit much. I obviously want to lose weight quickly but I also want it to be sustainable and not make me miserable.

All this to say - would it be valuable to consult an RDN to review my diet and make suggestions? Is this even something an RDN would do? My past experiences with RDNs have all involved a thrice photocopied meal plan for 2,000 calories a day with milk and orange juice at every meal, so I am extremely skeptical, but I feel like I could really benefit from a professional evaluation.

Thank you so much for any help!

submitted by /u/CyborgCrusher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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