Thursday, June 2, 2022

I am doing it!

Hi everyone, long-time lurker here, first time poster (26F, H: 154cm, SW: 73.1 kg, CW: 71.5 kg, GW: 55.0 kg).

After feeling not so great about my body recently, I decided to take this health journey seriously. While I have never been diagnosed with an ED in the past, I have always had a very unhealthy approach to my body and food. I grew up on the chubbier side and was bullied for it, until I drastically cut my calories and eventually lost a lot of weight. This was of course not sustainable and over the course of a few years, I gained all the weight back and some more.

Flash forward to now, I am 26 years old and trying to lose weight healthily. I used this sub-Reddit as my motivation everyday. I decided to stick to it this time, because it is not mainly about weight loss: it is about a lifestyle change and the weight loss will follow.

I have been doing CICO (between 1100 and 1200 kcals per day) for 24 days now, with #growwithJo home workouts 6 days a week. I average a total of 7000 - 10 000 steps everyday and have cut back to one junk meal per week. Over these 24 days, I have lost 1.6 kgs which feels very slow to me but I keep reminding myself of my mindset change to keep going.

(Side note: I assume I am underestimating my kcals intake but my food scale is being delivered next week so hopefully fixing that soon!)

I just wanted to say thank you for all your posts, they are very motivating. As a bonus, if any of you have any tips to incorporate more exercise or accelerate weight loss - please let me know!

submitted by /u/Taaannnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for advice for someone who doesn't do well calorie counting

I'm looking for advice for someone who hasnt done well calorie counting. Traditionally, when I've calorie counted I've obsessed for 2 weeks or so, become extremely restricted, and binged. This binge turns into a longer binge and I gain. Calorie counting has been unmotivating. What can I do to help? I'm eating better, walking every other day, and I'm running every 2-3 days (body adjusting). The first few lbs of water weight have come off, but weight loss has stopped in it's tracks.

submitted by /u/Orangeslices57
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

23F, 5'1, obese (again) and ready to change

Having lost 25kg approx. 3 years ago, I've slowly gained the weight back and it looks and feels awful. My arms are huge, my stomach extends far beyond my jeans, and my clothes don't fit as they're supposed to.

I've had weight loss on my mind the entire time but have never committed. After talking to my family, I realised that everyone had noticed my weight gain. This, and a few other things, has given me the small push I need to start making consistent changes for good.

I've signed myself up to a gym, have bought some scales so I can see how heavy I am as well as track my progress, and will download some meal plans to follow.

My BMR is about 1400 calories so I don't have a lot to play with.

I'm really nervous about consistency but I've done it once and I can do it again. I just need to stay present, focussed, and try not to overwhelm myself too soon.

I have so much I need to work on physically. It's very upsetting to see what I've become.

submitted by /u/solotraveladventures
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best Friend Posted a Meme "I Don't Want to Hear About Your Diet" Now I just feel crappy :/

For some context, me and my best friend are both 300 + lb young women. Getting McDonalds or fast food has been a common part of our hangouts . I have definitely talked about my diet with her because it comes up when I'm no longer getting my usual Baja Blast or something. I have also been honest that I would be happier at a lower weight, due to a myriad of health issues and also because my body carries weight in a way that is unattractive (I have no ass but a giant gut). My friend has told me she accepts her body and has no desire to lose weight, and also she thinks weight loss would be too hard because she likes food too much. I'm not really here to judge that, altho I'd say I love food too LOL.

I have also posted on social media, mostly sharing salads and foods, and looking for friends on MyFitnessPal. I've also posted a few funny moments, like when MFP congratulated me for eating Gummy Bears for breakfast (this food is high in protein) XD. Another best friend of mine has started CICO and added me there too, so that's been cool!

Enter mutual friend. She posts this meme of an obese woman (I'd say 47ish BMI, like morbidly obese) that says "I don't care about your diet" and then her caption was "Never talk about Diets with me, thx." The friend that posted this does not have a weight issue like I do. She is not nearly 180lbs overweight like I am. She can walk up a flight of stairs, or down, and not worry about her knees sliding out of place. She can fit in an airline seat. She can leave a room and not be referred to as the "fat lady." And my best friend had liked the photo. :/

I've just felt like crap ever since I saw it. I know it's dumb, and small, but it's super frustrating to deal with. Anyone else have to deal with something similar?

submitted by /u/MacDhubstep
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to even start?

Sorry if this is silly but I don't know where to learn a good diet plan or good regular exercise. Googling it gives mixed and even contradictory results. Right now I'm simply working on bad habits like eating when I'm not hungry and cutting out soda and a few smaller things until I've figured out what to do for proper weight loss.

I've read someone say in here that it's all about calories and such and that calorie counting was enough but I've also seen someone say that they cut carbs and sugars too. What's the best place to start, if there isn't any universal weight loss method then how do I find out the one that will work for me?

Also sorry again for a bit of a dumb post

submitted by /u/AdAffectionate7339
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A slightly different way to look at weight loss

Hi all,

just wanted to share something with you. Hopefully it helps some as it did help me.

A little background. Last year I lost something around 35kgs (77pounds), overall I'm down 49kgs (~110pounds). Overall this year, weight loss seems to have been super slow and stagnate. Hit a plateau for four weeks and for the last four month I've lost around 5kg (11pounds) every two month.

I know that I'm on the right path and I'm not going to quite (started for my health anyway and the weight loss is a much appreciated bonus to put it simply), but I do get the frustration if every week seems like the same number and everything is just a blur. I've read the tips about weighing yourself daily and build the average, slow and steady wins the race, jadajada. I know all that but cannot help with the annoyance somehow. We all know that weight loss slows down as we get slimmer, but after losing 1kg/2pounds each week on average last year, I'm probably just spoiled...

One suggestion stuck with me though. Check how much % you are losing compared to your current body weight. Well I just did that and am happy to share the graph to maybe give you, who are interested, an idea on what I mean. Seems like my weight loss has in fact not decreased or at least not to the extend I feel it did. Overall I'm pretty happy with that kind of visualization and keep updating it for myself. Hope it might help some of you too to overcome the frustration / annoyance, too.

submitted by /u/PrestigiousScreen115
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

new to counting calories

I just getting started on my weight loss journey. 28f 5' 4" start weight 195lb, current weight 188lb, goal weight 135lbs. I started changing what I eat and what I drink about 2 weeks ago. Started by just trying to cut the junk food out.

About a week ago I started getting serious about counting calories. I downloaded an app. I have struggled with disordered eating in the past, so healthy weight loss is new to me.

I started at 1,200 calories on days when I don't do much. I try to eat 1,500 calories when I exercise more, sometimes more when I go on hikes. I'm trying to listen to how my body feels more than what the app is saying when I'm hiking.

I am having a hard time reaching my calorie goals. As in I'm not eating enough. Any helpful tips?

Also when does water weight loss stop and fat loss begins? The 7lbs I have lost I'm pretty sure are water weight but I don't know how to tell.

Also how much protien should I be eating? For some reason this one is hard for me right now.

I really want to do this the healthy way this time.

submitted by /u/sami1147
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from loseit - Lose the Fat