Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The unpredictability of weigh ins

Anyone who’s been at this game a while knows that the scale rarely shows us what we expect to see. Personally, I’m a daily weigh-in type - so of course I’ve experienced plenty of days (PLENTY) where the scale hasn’t budged or has even gone up despite me sticking to my plan.

But today I had a surprise the other way. Yesterday I met lots of people for food, and I ate more than usual (3 big meals, all heavily carb based. I usually eat 1 big meal and 1 small or even just a snack). I didn’t track. I expected to be up at least 1kg with the water weight and extra food floating around in my belly.

So I step on the scale…. And I’m down 600g (about 1lb). Weight loss can truly never be predicted!

Tell me about your biggest surprises at weigh in!

submitted by /u/Amzuja
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/NKOhtJq

how do I convince my family that my weight loss is not an ED

To make a long story short I was my heaviest when I was nine months pregnant I was 173 pounds. 6 weeks after she was born I was 150 pounds and for 2 years I hovered around 140 mark. I'm only five feet tall so my bmi said I was borderline obese. My doctor suggested I loose some weight as well because I had pre-diabetes when I was pregnant. I know 150 doesn't sound like an unhealthy weight to most but I have a really small frame so the extra weight was a lot.

I worked my ass off and now I weight 114 pounds. My family however is really concerned. They have asked me again and again if I have an eating disorder and they are constantly trying to force me to eat junk food and over eat. My mom is trying to convince my husband I have an eating disorder because I only eat one item of candy or junk food in a week. I also get really sick if I eat a lot.

I also am self conscious of the loose skin I have around my mid section. I can't afford surgery nor would my husband and family support it. They say it's a badge of honor and some have even told me if I gain some weight back it won't look so bad. It hangs down like and I have to high wasted pants to it doesn't spill out of my pants. My family also sees my insecurity as a sign that I have a disorder.

I hate that no one has really celebrated my weight loss with me and that everyone sees it as a bad thing just because I only lost enough weight to go from overweight/obese on the bmi to normal.

submitted by /u/wifeofafirefighter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0HpAt2a

Losing weight helped me cut WAY back on my alcohol consumption

Hey LoseIt family,

Just wanted to stop in to recognize that counting calories, working out, and working toward my weight loss goal has helped me reduce my alcohol consumption drastically. I have been going back-and-forth for years about how much I drink - whether it’s right or wrong or a problem or not. (If I even have to ask, I know the answer, trust me)

Anyway, I feel better than I ever have drinking way less than I have since Covid started! I never really used to drink that much but once Covid hit and there became fewer and fewer things to do in life I started using alcohol as a crutch.

Feeling very proud of myself - I’ve lost 10 pounds in the last month as well as totally kicked my reliance on alcohol. I know it’s a long road ahead but I don’t even think about alcohol. I don’t crave it, want it, or try to justify it. I’m so fixated on treating my body well, giving it what it needs, and letting it recover, there is just no room for alcohol anymore. 💪🏽

submitted by /u/actuallybaggins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/1pCZPOf

Monday, August 1, 2022

Weight loss games

Does anyone have any recommendations for ways to make hitting milestones or getting steps in “fun”? I feel like if hitting milestones/calorie goals/steps were more “fun” or I could keep track of my progress/stats kind of like a game then it would help keep me motivated day to day. Are there any apps that have helped you lose weight or any ways you have made your weight loss journey more fun and enjoyable? I am open to all suggestions! Thank you in advance! Also before i get any comments saying it i understand its a lifestyle change and it takes discipline and determination. I am just looking to make it more fun and make it into something i actually love doing.

submitted by /u/Gxblin_Bxbe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V7BgjHR

Any advice on weight loss and calories?

Right so im a wheelchair user who's in it 99% of the day as a 23 year old male so im already having to have less calories. And i cant find any calorie calculators anywhere for wheelchair users so im just starting off by guessing what id need to eat to be in a defecit and im eating 1500 calories a day with 150g of protein as i want to maintain muscle and lose body fat. Im currently 11stone 12 pounds. First of all is 150g of protein too much? im struggling to even eat that much with this amount of calories 😂 i've been eating tuna on its own for the protein and low calories but my god does it suck.. but seems to be the only way i can get in my protein goal also do you think about 1.5k calories would be a defecit for someone like me in a wheelchair? I also work out 4-5 times a week weight lifting. Im kinda clueless as you can tell so just want some advice :P Thanks all!

submitted by /u/abbdee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/psxPm6G

I'll never be skinny, toned and beautiful

I'm 27, F, I'm 168 cm tall (5' 6"), I think my weight is 100-108 kg (220 - 238 pounds), I don't know exactly, I didn't weigh myself in quite some time, since my scales are all old and broken. According to my BMI, I should lose approximately 40 kg or more (88 pounds), which is quite a lot.

Most of my weight is located in my belly, upper arms and thighs. I have a B belly, I look 6-7 months pregnant. I want to start losing weight, seriously this time. But what throws me off is the fact I'm aware that I'll never have the body I want, 'cause it's too late. I've gained too much weight and been like this for so many years. There's no way my skin is going to be the same after weight loss, especially in my belly and arms, not to mention my breasts. I'll look like an empty sack. I feel so stupid for not succeeding before, for not trying hard enough when I still had the chance. And if I'll ever get surgery, I'm so scared of it.


submitted by /u/Mundane_Raspberry_84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Dt0xMfY

I feel like a starved animal after losing weight. Why is my body fighting so hard to get fat again?

Hello Loseit. I lost 90 pounds in 6 months and then I lost another 41 in the following 6 months.

I am male, 6'0" and 138 pounds. When I was fat, I ate junk every day. Now it is the opposite: healthy, low carb only. I am hungry a lot and my whole day is spent basically thinking about food and my weight. It is rather exhausting. I take modafinil which helps but when it wears off at night I get so hungry. Sometimes I take benzodiazepines to offset it but I don't want a drug habit so I'm careful with it.

As you can see by the fast duration of my weight loss, I starved myself to lose weight. I ate about 500 calories a day during the first 6 months which was pretty dumb and probably related to the problems I'm having now.

I feel like I'm obsessed with food. I spend a long time looking at food that I can't eat, and preparing recipes with the few things that I can eat. I make my meals last a long time and chew every bit of food until it is mush. I get defensive when someone touches my food, even my partner. I don't let her cook for me because I like to know exactly what is in the food. She thinks something is wrong with me, and perhaps she is right.

The issue is that I can't just eat what I want, I will gain weight so fast. If I let go of the meticulous control that I have over every calorie I consume I will gain all the weight back and the new life I made for myself will be over. My fullness cues do not seem to exist. The one time I tried to relax I ate so much and gained 14lbs in a week. I then went to the doctor for help with binge eating and was put on a temporary course of appetite suppressants and I upped my dose of modafinil. I also had to work out a lot just to reverse ONE week of damage. I'm never doing that again.

I don't consider this an eating disorder because eating disorders are irrational and my behaviour is rational. I can't just eat and eat until I get fat, that isn't healthy either. I know some foods are unhealthy and I choose not to eat them, so it is not a disorder. I am also a healthy weight for my height.

I exercise a lot which allows me to eat a bit more food, but I make sure it always equals out at maintenance. I try to keep my muscle percentage high and body fat low.

The main thing that makes me sound insane is that I have resorted sometimes to pulling out my hair on my arms and legs and even cutting myself with a razor to distract from the intense hunger/rage that builds up in me. I know this is fucked, but it's not typical self harm. I can't explain exactly why I do it. The stimulants perhaps don't help here, I get jittery.

Has anyone else suffered with this? I'm so tired of this.

Edited to add: been maintaining 138-144 for last 3 months. I am 25

submitted by /u/szsssn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/EI3xX5h