Thursday, November 3, 2022

need advice: can't seem to lose weight, despite daily 6 mile jogs.

Hey guys I want to take this weight loss journey seriously with helpful advice and insight. I never researched the best way to go about this other than go do a 6 mile jog. I seem to not lose weight at all and stay at a constant 180lbs (trying to join the 160 club).

What calorie intake and deficit should I keep a day? I eat like crazy (possibly 1500-2000 calories a day) thinking that my daily 6 mile run justifies it. Also for runners, does running in heavy clothing like sweat pants And workout hoodie burn more calories vs if I keep running in my usual gym shorts and tank top? I'm also starting to hit the gym to do some weight lifting to define my chest since I got a pudgy look to my upper and lower torso (skinny fat look). Hopefully some of y'all can help me get a better direction and info to refine my situation!

Any advice, thoughts, concerns, motivations, and complaints are welcomed!

submitted by /u/SOF_cosplayer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Keep losing while traveling abroad for a long period

Hello everyone!

I need your help! I am on a weight loss journey since July to get back in shape after one year of antidepressants, I have about 15kg to lose. I am currently CICO tracking, paying more attention to my protein intake and try to move at least 30 min everyday.

I am from Europe and will spend most of November in China for work. I already spent the entire month of September there and it was awesome but really really tricky.

I love the food there but I have no idea how much calories I am consuming, plus living in a hotel makes very difficult to prepare food myself.

There is also a very big language barrier as I don't speak Chinese and Google translate is not always helpful.

While I find Chinese food delicious, during the long stay I also craved more western food that I can find there in places like Starbucks.

Last time I tried to walk more than usual (easy when I visit new places) but I still gained weight.

Did you have a similar experience? How did you handle it?

Any advice is very welcome.

I want to stay positive and enjoy this wonderful experience, but sometimes is very hard especially because almost everyone is so thin there!

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/liu_liu_lia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How does your weight loss journey hold you back from life?

I’ve been trying to lose weight for 17 years. Something clicked the other day for me- I am so hesitant to add more things (bf, more friendships, any added potential stressor) into my life in fear of:

A) it taking away my “focus” (17 years…how focused am I really lol).

B) it not going right, then gaining even more weight.

Would love to see if anyone has some healthy mindsets for this or if anyone is in the same boat

submitted by /u/amsterdamandmars
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Weight loss stagnation

I'm a 5'4 woman that started losing weight at around 200 pounds. I've since gotten down to around 180 over the course of the last 2 years. Sadly, most of this happened over the first 6 months, and since then, I've struggled to make any progress. It's so depressing and disheartening, and I feel lost. I feel fat, like I'll never lose weight, and I don't know what to do. I started working out for an hour, 2-3 times a week, I've been trying to eat healthy. I feel like a failure.

It's so hard to have a consistent meal schedule in grad school because my classes are different times everyday. I'm not struggling to maintain my weight, but it feels impossible to lose anything.

submitted by /u/Worried-Implement-85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting this process again with a focus on happiness and quality over life rather than perfection

Finding my way back to this sub as I think once again about losing weight. I’m a 25F at 5’9” with SW of 250 and a CW of 247.

I have gained and lost weight many times over the past 5 years (started gaining after going to college, was a high school athlete), but am back now at one of my highest weights ever. If I’m honest with myself, my most “successful” runs at weight loss have been through self punishment, self hate, and disordered eating which was never sustainable. Then, I went through some very difficult family trauma last year, along with leaving college and being in a demanding sedentary job, which has got me up to this high weight that I have maintained for about 12 months

In the 12 months I’ve maintained (which is a positive, at least I didnt keep gaining), I started therapy, got on an anxiety med, moved into an apartment I love, and have been generally working on myself. My health is thankfully good though my doc wants me smaller.

Now that I am through a busy season at work, I have a craving to just work on living a better life, and part of that is weight loss. But this time, I don’t want to weigh myself every single day, obsess over every single calorie, or starve myself. I want to be happy and focus on things that make me feel good and focus on living a good life in the hopes that weight loss comes with it over time.

Eating home cooked meals with a focus on vegetables and whole foods, with some calorie counted treats and yummy additions makes me feel good. Eating 1100 a day and crying over a tbsp of butter makes me feel bad. Going on a walk around my neighborhood feels good. Forcing myself to run when I hate it is bad. Spending a Saturday out and about at a museum or the farmers market or with a friend feels good. Staying in because I hate how my body looks in that shirt and I need to isolate to have the time to count every calorie to perfection feels bad.

So, I am going to focus on joy. Sometimes that may not be the quickest route to getting skinny as fast as possible. Maybe that means my realistic goal weight is 170-180 rather than my high school weight of 150. Maybe some days I skip the exercise to focus on a new book I’m stoked about or maybe I eat at maintenance today because my friend wants to check out a new ice cream spot. But I also practice self love by healing my tendency to binge, rewarding myself with things other than food, and weighing myself every couple weeks to stay on track. I think this is a way for me to work towards living a life where I am happy, healthy, and yes smaller, but at a level where I am at peace. I want to built habits I can sustain for a life I am excited to live

Feel free to share your story or any tips, encouragement or ideas!!

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


i was 94 kilos this time last year

i lost 10 kilos this year and have gained it all back, some due to inactivity from injury, some for diabetes issues causing constant hunger.

am so depressed.

I feel helpless and hate the way i look

i guess the only way forward for me is to just do walking every now and then and try and lose weight that way.

Since that seems to be the only exercise i can do without causing injuries that set me back.

I hate this so much i am so depressed about it.

Can anyone tell me also because i need to track weight loss to see see if my diet is working

Do you count the morning weight loss or the weight during the day?

I have gone up two sizes in clothing and that is generally how i tend to evaluate my weight loss.


submitted by /u/CassiopeiaDwarf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

wanting to lose weight and appear more toned

okay this might be more complicated than the title implies but i'm not really sure where else to ask these questions. Here's the thing I'm a competitive grappling athlete and i've decided to cut a little weight for some competitions i have coming up I've been on a bit of a weight loss journey for about 1.5 months now and i'm close to the weight i need to be at for competition i'm not worried about that. so far I've lost about 6 lbs by simply increasing cardio and ensuring i'm eating enough protein. CW is 133.2 ( im also 5'2") here's the thing though I am happy to cut a little bit to make a competition weight and give myself an advantage, but personally i would rlly love to see myself w a lower body fat percentage and just generally at a lower weight ( in my head that's around 122-125) i suppose im just nervous that if i achieve that weight i won't be able to maintain it and some of the muscle i've built over the past 2 years. (side note it is typically hard for me to lose weight and bf but no problem for me to gain muscle so i just look kinda big for my size most of the time which is rlly why i want to go down in weight and size) i realize i'm kind of rampblng but i suppose what i really want to know is has anyone who has a similar body type ig done this and been able to maintain their goal weight once achieved ?

submitted by /u/Hungry_Landscape8408
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from loseit - Lose the Fat