so, recently, i went out of state to visit family i only see twice, maybe three times a year. for years, i've been self conscious of how i look next to my family members, or what they think of how i look, but it was never quite enough for me to change any habits. on this trip, though, someone close to me heard an immediate family member make a comment about my weight, and how i'm turning out to be a "big girl." needless to say, my feelings were pretty hurt.
but, i thrive on nothing if not spite. i downloaded MFP on the drive home and started that day. i searched subs to join, foods to eat, small things to change. it's been about three weeks, and here's what i've changed:
- i eat 3 meals a day. i dont skip breakfast and then eat all the way until dinner.
- i count my calories and stay in a deficit every day. (this one sucked for the first 3 days. i felt like i was going to be starving forever. your body gets used to not being stuffed full all the time, and then you're fine)
- i figured, while i was at it, i should quit vaping. (this one still sucks, but my lungs feel great)
- i drink a lot of water. this helps with the nicotine cravings. plus, going to the bathroom 4+ times a day in my office keeps my steps up.
- i take the stairs. every time. this one sucks less since i stopped vaping, and i have to take them every time i need the bathroom. it was a small change from taking the elevator, but it makes me feel better.
- i started wearing my smart watch again, so it prompts me to get up and be active.
i know, don't make huge life changes all at once. but these, shockingly don't feel huge. well, maybe the nicotine does, but that was a bucket list task anyway. full transparency, i did try some other things. so, here's the things i tried that didn't stick:
- going to the gym. i just don't want to. i go fencing a few times a week for exercise, and making myself be uncomfortable and awkward in the gym just... isn't something i'm up to yet. maybe later, but it didn't make the season 1 cut.
- not eating fast food. i love a green chile double cheeseburger too much, so i just budget for them and then don't feel bad about it. the not feeling bad about it is a work in progress.
- weighing myself daily. don't... do that. specifically if you're first starting. it'll just make you mad/frustrated/sad. avoid it. i weigh myself once a week and i'm much happier.
- weight loss podcasts. i'm not sure exactly what i was on with this one. i like podcasts, but every weight loss podcast i listened to felt severely out of touch with people having BMIs north of 30.
- vitamins. i'm still working on this one, i'd like to take a multi. the one i tried made me nauseas (OLLY), so if anyone has recommendations, i'll take em.
ANYWAY. i'm feeling pretty good. i hit 211 this morning when i weighed myself, which means i'm close to the first 10 pound mark. i just wanted to share what i'm doing. hopefully by christmas, i'll have family talking about my promotions at work instead of how my body looks.
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