Friday, November 22, 2024

my slow (0.5lbs a week) weight loss is the most comfortable thing for me

I know it's possible to lose weight faster, because I did it already! I ate around 1300 calories a day as a 5'8 20F and dropped from 242lbs to my goal of 140lbs. I am a completely different person now.

And that person wants to eat

Any weight I lose from now on is just for vanity, and while it would be nice, I simply lack the motivation to restrict so heavy when it's not an emergency anymore. I am not morbidly obese. I am at the low end of a healthy weight, but I don't want to stop losing weight. I am okay if the rest of my journey takes me a year or more. It's important to me that I'm not gaining, and that I am focusing on my relationship with food and hunger that does not involve calories as much.

I could have stopped at 140lbs and maintained, but I haven't worked on my relationship with food enough to maintain. I have an undefined relationship with food and fear that without the weight loss to motivate me, I would gain it all back. So for the last few months, I have been losing around 0.5lbs a week to reach 134.4lbs.

I love being able to eat. I love not being hungry all the time (except right now... but I have dinner reservations soon and don't want to spoil my dinner). I love eating whole foods, and I love not craving ultra processed foods. I wish I could find more ways to focus on my nutrition in a way that didn't involve weight loss, but I like having the safety net of a slight deficit that is almost at maintainance until I can develop a more stable relationship with food and weight.

Any tips from maintainers or anyone else who has transformed their relationship with food, please chime in!!

submitted by /u/sweetsugarbutterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Binged. I haven’t in months.

Hi everyone, I have recently been doing extremely well in my calorie deficit/low carb journey but today I kind of messed up. I have no idea how many calories I binged in one setting, and compared to the binges I used to have this was nothing… I would estimate maybe around 700 calories or so. I feel so bloated, but mainly let down by myself.

I had been doing so well. I had not binged In months and MONTHS, in fact I did not even get the urge to do so. Now I feel like I have lost track of myself all over again. Every time I see weight loss videos I compare people’s journeys to mine and I feel like shit.

I apologize for the rant, I am just disappointed in myself.

submitted by /u/r0cocc0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Pursuing a Healthy Diet as a College Student

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently a freshman in college, and I've been wanting to lose weight. I've been on a weight loss journey before and I know that you cannot outrun a bad diet. The problem is the meal plan that freshman are forced to have makes it impossible to not overeat. My school doesn't have traditional dining halls, we have a handful of restaurants/fast food to use our blocks at. The problem is that the blocks cover so much food, and the options aren't exactly healthy. I can't think of anything other than limiting my portions (which would create food waste) and only eating at the 2 relatively healthy places on campus. If you have any advice please let me know!

submitted by /u/candiedapplezz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m so tired with weight loss

F29 5’5 245.8lbs —> 196.4lbs that’s a 49lb loss (17st 7.8lbs —> 14st 0.4lbs) and yet I still have about 70lbs more to lose to get to my goal. I’m so tired to keep going, I’m not starving yet I just feel worn out by it.. but I can’t stop, I have to keep going, I really want to be at the mid 13st by Christmas. I have a Christmas dress I want to look great in and early 13st is when I start to look good. But I’m so tired!! I’m tired of the daily fluctuations and yet I’m too fixated and obsessed with looking daily, I’m tired of not getting to eat lots of what I’d like to, I’m tired of tracking my calories and obsessing over numbers..

70lbs!! 70lbs more to get to my goal, it feels like that 49lbs is worthless..

submitted by /u/Ditzy_Panda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Conflicting messages can be genuinely confusing online

So I have been steadily losing weight and am very happy about my progress, feeling better, motivated to keep going. I have not been losing too quickly, about a pound a week.

I am confused on what to think sometimes because I occasionally see posts that are vehemently anti-diet/anti weight loss and these posts seem to assume that all diets are eating disorders, no form of a caloric deficit is sustainable, and people should never try to change their bodies or lose weight under almost any circumstance. As someone who has recovered from an ED and has tried “intuitive eating” before I did not find it sustainable or helpful and it did not educate me or help my relationship with food. People are starting to notice my weight loss which is great, but I am also starting to get comments like “don’t take it too far” and “just eat the cupcake” etc.

Not trying to incite anger from anyone, just genuinely curious…why do people seem to think it has to be one extreme or the other? Why do people assume a person has to be starving themself unhealthily in order to lose? I genuinely feel like when I was “intuitively eating” whatever I wanted and packing on a ton of weight in a short period of time, I was no healthier than when I was overly restricting. My cholesterol went up, libido went down, skin worsened, body hurt, self confidence tanked.

What do you all think?

submitted by /u/genericpleasantself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateau for over two weeks now. How to break it?

So I aim for about 1600-1700 calories a day currently and try to get at least 150 g of protein a day. Doing this I have gone from 207 to 188.9 in a little over two months. But now I have been stuck at 188.9 for a little over two weeks. Ideally, I would like to keep my weight between 160-170 lbs. I workout 5-6 days a week pretty intensely with a weight lifting session in the mornings and 45-60 mins of cardio a little afterwards. I’m trying to lose weight and lose fat as well.

I’ve heard mixed opinions about eating more calories to break a plateau for one day and then getting back on track. But I would like some advice.

I don’t want to reduce my calories so drastically because protein/nutrients are important for how much I lift and recovery but maybe I need to cut down more on calories?

submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Pea4536
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Protein shakes vs meals

So I saw a video online saying cutting out protein shakes/bars and replacing them with meals such as chicken/beans/high protein foods helped them become more toned.

I wanna know if this is true or just another fitness myth. Like we all know weight loss boils down to calories in calories out, but is that the same for muscle growth with protein? Such as, it doesn’t matter where the protein comes from, as long as you get enough (100g) you should be good.

Only asking cause I have a hard time with meal prep and rely on protein shakes/bars to get in the amt of protein I need in a day.

submitted by /u/Low-Librarian-2733
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from loseit - Lose the Fat