Sunday, December 30, 2018

Don't forget to get enough sleep!!

Everyone who's ever had a health class already knows all of this, but I feel like it's important to reiterate it as we enter that time of year when everyone's about to head back to work and school:


I'm on break from college and it's reminded me just how important sleep is for weight loss! I feel WORLDS different when I'm getting enough sleep vs. when I'm not. So much more energy, concentration is better, fewer cravings, better workouts, more productive, better moods...the list goes on and on. Sleep is necessary for repairing muscles, processing memories and emotions, and releasing hormones. All super important!

I suck at prioritizing sleep. I have a hard time letting go of the day (definitely a night owl). It's a challenge, but I have my phone set to disable apps starting at 10 pm and I try to be asleep by 11 so I can consistently get 7-8 hours.

If you're like me and you're bad at sleep, challenge yourself to make it into a habit! Your body will thank you :)

submitted by /u/anxiousrose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose the baby weight and my husband wants to lose the sympathetic baby weight!

Yesterday, my husband and I saw this post on here and it really helped us want to renew our own weight loss efforts!

This year we became parents to our beautiful baby boy, but also parents to our not so beautiful food babies. While I was pregnant, I used my cravings as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. My husband happily indulged me on whatever I was craving (Bean burrito from Taco Bell and chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A for lunch today? Sure!) and ate sympathetically along with me. After I gave birth, we used sleep deprivation and stress from having a newborn as an excuse to continue the unhealthy habits we had become accustomed to pre-baby. Not that we necessarily had healthy habits and weights before I got pregnant, but having a baby definitely encouraged us to give in to eating large portions of foods that aren’t necessarily known for their nutritive qualities.

We have decided that we need to be healthy for our baby boy so that we can see him grow and experience life! We want to be able to keep up with him when he learns how to be on the move (can’t even think about that because he’s already growing too fast). More than that, we want to set healthy habits for ourselves so that we can be good examples for our son.

We plan on using CICO to lose the weight and then to maintain our ideal weights once we reach them. While CICO does allow us to eat what we want, we will be making an effort to gradually choose more vegetables and lean protein sources over foods that are less nutrient dense.

I’ve participated in this sub’s challenges and discussions before and know how supportive this community is. We are really excited to begin this journey together with you all! Here are our starting stats:

Me: F/28/5’1”/173/BMI 32.7 - GW 120

Husband: M/28/5’6”/178/BMI 28.7 - GW 150

submitted by /u/aewfranks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Using Apple Watch on Postpartum Weight Loss Journey?

Hi all, my daughter was born about a month ago, and I gained 35 pounds while pregnant with her. I was already overweight (grad school stress and horrible eating habits), but now I’m realizing how much I’ve gained.

My neck, back, hips and knees hurt in ways they didn’t before, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of the weight.

Not to mention, I just realized that I’m graduating in May 2019, and I really want to look back at my graduation pictures and think happy thoughts, not self-loathing ones.

I got an Apple Watch for Christmas, and I’m really excited to begin using it to help with my weight loss journey. Fitness (Fitbit, Apple Watch, whichever) wristband owners, how have you used its functionalities to lose weight?

submitted by /u/YungAnxiousOne
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Things I have learned about my body and eating healthy.

I have been on this weight loss journey for about 3 years. I have a another 15 to 20 to go...but I'm currently pretty happy with my slow and steady progress. I have maintained my current weight and to me that's huge.

I wanted to give a list of what I have learned through the years and I want to hear what others have learned.

  1. You are not going to die if you miss a meal.

  2. Dont snack. It's a waste. Save it for an actual meal.

  3. Water. Water. Water. I flavor my water alot but I carry my plastic bottle around with me all the time. I'm usually more thirsty than hungry.

  4. Allow cheat days...allow your self to celabrate life.

  5. Understanding when I'm full. Full use to mean to me that I had to feel like I couldnt breathe after I was done eating...I had to feel gross and stuffed. Now, I know the exact amount to eat to keep my hunger at bay and now I dont want to feel stuffed....I want to feel satiated.

  6. Intuitive eating. Listening to my body. Understanding what a craving is and what hunger is.

7.Cooking at home will not only save you money but really is good for your waist line.

  1. Processed anything is not your friend. Whole foods are always the way to go.

  2. 80/20 rule applies to almost every aspect of life.

  3. You're not that hungry if you look in your fridge and you still dont want to eat those baby carrots :)

Please add to my list!

submitted by /u/frannieprice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] SIGN UP for the European Accountability Challenge: January 2019 edition

Hi and welcome to the January edition of the European Accountability Challenge! The perfect way to stay on track for your 2019 goals. This is a month long challenge, with a daily post that goes up in the morning hours of European time zones. The aim is to set goals and keep track of your progress on them. Be accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Here’s what to do if you'd like to participate: choose some goals, introduce yourself and let us know what you'll be working on! Most people set goals for the month but you can also set daily or weekly goals if that works better for you.

Some tips for success:

  • Think about how you will achieve your goal. You may find it helpful to set more specific goals (for example, ‘eat at a 500 calorie deficit each day’ vs. ‘lose weight’). I do, but YMMV.

  • Post on here regularly, we will cheer you on! And please do the same for everyone else, this challenge depends on you to make it fun :).

  • Ask for help if you’re struggling or need some motivation, people on here have quite possibly gone through the same thing and usually have good ideas and encouraging words.

So what are your goals for the coming month? Maybe you’ve made some New Years resolutions you’d like to get started on? Besides straight up weight loss or maintenance goals, we see all sorts of things on this challenge. Goals related to fitness, logging, nutrition, sleep, mental health, learning, happiness, productivity, dogs...anything you can come up with! It’s completely up to you and no goal is too small. If you’re in, tell us some more about your goals in a comment here :).

Wishing you all a great month! Let’s start off the new year fighting, we got this!!

submitted by /u/HadeanEarthWorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You’ve got this 👊

F 5’3, SW 218.6, GW 175

I made the decision, when I woke up yesterday, that it was day 1 of weight loss.

To give a bit of background, In school I was very active and I didn’t weight very much. Despite this, I struggled with my self worth and was unhealthily obsessed with weighing myself.

University hit and I stopped exercising and gained more and more weight. I didn’t own scales because of my history but finally brought some in 2013. I remember crying the whole night when I read that I weighed 201 pounds. I started to lose weight through calorie control and exercise and dropped down to 171 by the next year.

Since then I have gradually gained the weight back (and more!) partly due to a new desk based job. I’ve had little attempts at dieting but nothing has stuck.

So yesterday, aged 28, I stood on the scales, read the number and I didn’t cry. I didn’t fall into a ball of shame. Instead, it was just a starting point and I realised the number doesn’t define me. To think how far I’ve come in terms of my self worth in 10 years is incredible.

Here is to all of your badasses starting your own journey’s. I can’t wait to read all about them.

submitted by /u/Cliff-2018
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Comments in the bedroom after weight loss and insecurity

Who else has found it difficult to adapt to the way their body changed and see it in a completely positive way? It hasn't even been a drastic change for me as it has for many people. I've lost 25 lbs - from 130 lbs to 105 lbs at 5'1". This took about 8 months.

In many ways I love how I look and feel now; I feel fitter and healthier. My body has gone from very curvy hourglass to more of a small hourglass. I think I look better in clothes... but without them I oddly feel less confident. I used to have incredibly large breasts, and I've lost A LOT of volume. I can pull quite a lot of loose skin when I pinch them. They're also fairly saggy and I'm only 22. They just look kind of sad now and it's distressing when they used to probably be my best feature. A guy I was seeing made an insensitive comment about my breasts in bed recently without thinking. He apologised, but the damage is done. He never really compliments my body either, but that's a whole other issue.

I've also had friends say they think I should put a bit of weight back on so that I get some boob back. My mom thinks I'm too skinny and says she's worried (even though I'm a healthy weight for my height) and also said she thought I looked better with more weight. I guess I could gain some weight back without it being a health risk, but there's no guarantee it'd go to the places I'd like.

Has anyone else weirdly found it hard to feel sexy after losing weight, and struggled with body shape changing? How have you dealt with adapting and feeling confident, especially when a lot of people seem to agree with your insecurities?

submitted by /u/bodythrowaway1991
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from loseit - Lose the Fat