Thursday, February 29, 2024

([vent] having mixed feelings about losing ~70lbs (428 ? - 359lbs)

basically i started working a labor intensive job at a warehouse, and that increased my steps to anywhere between 7-13k, and sometimes even up to 24k steps per day while lifting and rushing constantly. i only track the steps because quantifying the lifting would just stress me out even more and make me spiral. afaik my typical calorie needs are somewhere just short of 4000 when accounting for weightlifting. when i first started, i was easily burning over 5,000 calories a day and was absolutely gorging myself because i was so ravenous. so even now it’s still not terribly difficult to stay in somewhat of a deficit. i basically track by the hundreds and try not to go over 3500, making peace with going over some days. i try to max my protein and get enough fiber, and don’t stress to much about anything else including sugar.

my first 2.5 months i lost (based on my “starting weight”) 35lbs. 2.5 months later, i’ve somehow at least doubled that.

i’ve been told i look like i’ve lost weight. my “before” weight of 428 was definitely not even my highest….i would venture to guess i was probably headed toward 450 at my worst. just weighed myself and am at 359……it feels a little unbelievable to me. i can see that my pants are too loose to wear without a belt, and my arms have a little extra loose skin, but i feel like i look almost exactly the same. granted, 70(ish) lbs will not look as dramatic on me as it would another person. but still. i’ve also gained muscle, and i have no idea how to even factor that in.

i don’t know. i’m anxious about where the plateau will come. my goal weight tbh was 350. if i hit that….325? could i ever be under 300? that feels INSANE. i haven’t been under 300 since high school (26 now). i’m terrified of ever getting a new job and gaining it all back. idk.

i feel awkward trying to talk to anyone about it. i feel proud of/happy about my weight loss, and want to continue, but even when receiving praise, i constantly feel like my weight is all anyone ever sees about me. i’m also nervous because i feel that it’s bordering unhealthy - especially after the initial loss, the fact that it’s still this consistent is shocking to me. about 2 weeks ago the scale said 370. idk if i was bloated that day or sm just low on fluid today (walked 13 miles). i’m afraid i wouldn’t be taken seriously by my pcp because of course they want me to lose weight. in a way, it’s isolating

submitted by /u/12041707198997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just had my first (of 3) skin removal surgery- thought some may find my experiences useful

Hello /r/loseit,

I've been a long-time member, mostly lurker, of this supportive community/subreddit. My highest known weight as measured on a doctor's office scale was 338 lbs (153 kg) and I'm a female who is 5'8" tall (172 cm). My method of weight loss was/is CICO via logging calories and using a food scale. It took me a little over 2 years to originally reach a maintenance weight, which for me ranges between 145 lbs to 155 lbs (66 to 70 kg), and I've had a few pregnancies/childbirths/breastfeeding stints since entering maintenance. Each return back to maintenance weight has taken about 1 year after giving birth, as I gained during each pregnancy. Since having my last child, I've nearly returned to a (final!!!!) stable maintenance weight and I thought that others may find it useful if I shared a recent experience with my first of three planned skin removal surgeries.

Truthfully, I was not planning on having the surgeries after initially reaching maintenance weight. The cosmetic concerns with having a lot of loose skin were not enough of a motivator for me to undergo what I had dismissed as potentially risky and expensive procedures. I developed an interest in upping my casual jogging into running regularly, though, and I started encountering challenges with keeping the skin contained in compression gear and free from infection. I decided the surgery was worth learning more about. After some initial consultations and shopping/price comparisons, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that improvements in physical function, which was/is my main goal, was possible. I'm currently 2 weeks post-op and I'm delighted and optimistic at the change so far. I'm happy to answer questions, and here is a quick list of things that I learned and a few things that I wish I had understood better beforehand:

Things I learned:

-Depending upon your age, personal priorities/goals, health status, financial status, and skin situation, it is possible that more than one body area will be recommended to be addressed with a procedure (i.e., more than one procedure may be recommended and these may or may not be able to be done at the same time). Based on my circumstances, three procedures have been recommended. This first procedure was skin removal in my lower abdomen with muscle repair of split abdomen muscles (abdominoplasty with diastasis recti correction).

-Recovery post-op is a serious commitment. I took a lot of work leave, and working from home was not doable for me for the first week post-op, as sitting up straight at a computer was uncomfortable for me for more than a few minutes. The recommended care routines for eating (consuming at or above maintenance calories), hygiene, and compression wear are not optional if you want good results and to heal quickly.

-The price was not as unaffordable as I had feared. If geographically possible for you, consider getting a consultation from a surgeon affiliated with an (academic center) university hospital. There may be discounts that are not readily advertised on their websites for people in certain professions (e.g., military veterans, educators) or those who are willing to have their consults with supervised trainees. My first procedure was $5k, and included all pre- and post-consultations, testing, supplies, and exams. Not cheap, but much less than I expected after googling had warned me to expect a range between $10k and $30k (ouch!) for a United States location.

Things that surprised me:

-How much time the surgery team actually spent with me during consultations and exams. I was truly shocked at this- I expected quick visits and questionnaires, but this team spent more than 2 hours at my initial consultation (of several) and then they took many, many measurements of my whole body, inside and out. They were extremely thorough and I have felt incredibly listened to and safe the whole time. To be blunt, this has been pretty much the opposite of many of my previous healthcare encounter experiences.

-The pain has been less than I expected so far. I was uncomfortable and curled up in a recliner for a few days, but I haven't really had a lot of 'pain'. The team checks on this constantly and also monitored carefully for post-op nausea for a whole week.

-The drains that the surgeons installed to pull off the fluid away from the incision sites are vile to me and have been more uncomfortable than the actual surgery. The drains are necessary and work well, but I'll be honest, make me squeamish. I was hugely relieved to have all but one removed recently but the removal was also a bit...well.. freaky. (Remember that scene in The Matrix when Neo has the bug sucked out of his belly button? Yeah. Too close to that.)

-I can't believe that I actually like the dang compression garment that you are required to wear after surgery. That was a roller coaster of emotions- I hated that thing the first few days as wriggling into a girdle (straightjacket?) on top of the drains was uncomfortable and odd-feeling, and then I started to realize that I had a 'favorite' garment a few days after the surgery, and now 2 weeks post-op I can't hardly stand to be out of the garment for longer than a few minutes without feeling uncomfortable.

-The weight fluctuations. I swelled approximately ~20 pounds in the days following surgery and this was considered well within normal range for my stature. My whole body felt wibbly wobbly and when I made the short shuffles from my recliner to the bathroom on post-op days 1 through 3 I felt that 'slish slosh' sensation of the swelling everywhere. I then began to pee, mightily, around day 3 post-op. At 2 weeks post-op, I'm still about 5 pounds heavier than I was pre-op, but the relief of the swelling going down every day is wonderful. Every day I feel a bit more like me again.

-If you are curious about what they actually cut off, they removed two equilateral triangle-sized swaths of skin with accompanying subcutaneous fat from my lower abdomen, each of which had an approximate 8" side length (math friends- is that about 27 sq inches in area per triangle/flap? please correct my faulty math methods memories). There was no accompanying liposuction. The abdomen before surgery was flat but had heavy skin hanging quite low. The current look is a relatively flat abdomen, pending a bit more swelling that will reduce.

-My belly button had to be cut off in the skin swath removal (it hung pretty low), and then it was re-built with re-located skin from the excised flaps. It is much higher than it was before and it looks natural! I am very excited about this and I had no idea that I was going to be so pumped about having a belly button.

submitted by /u/financiallystumped
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Weight loss progress after two months, from 186 to 165

I began the year weighing in at 186.5 pounds on January 1st, and today I weigh 165 pounds. One of the most significant changes I made was to my diet. I reduced my intake of regular soda and switched to diet soda, even though both are considered unhealthy. I have always preferred carbonated beverages, so this was a necessary adjustment for me. Additionally, I adopted a high-protein, low-carb diet.

In terms of exercise, I increased the time spent on my treadmill desk from one hour to two hours per day, resulting in a calorie burn of 1,000 calories. After work, I incorporated an extra cardio session using the stair master, burning an additional 400 calories. I also engage in weightlifting with high reps until I reach fatigue, typically completing four sets.

My initial goal weight was 150 pounds, and I'm pleasantly surprised to be more than halfway there. I'm seeking feedback on my progress and would like to know if my current routine is effective. For breakfast, I typically consume egg whites and a protein bar, followed by a lunch consisting of one pound of grilled chicken and vegetables. Dinner consists of a protein shake. What are your thoughts on my progress and routine?

I also regret not taking any picture from the beginning of the year

submitted by /u/Muslim_conservative
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cutting sugar helps so much

I've started my weight loss journey. One big triumph I'd like to share is since cutting excess sugar even just a few weeks ago I've noticed a big difference, my craving for sweet things has decreased. I'm not as bloated, My joints are less inflamed. I've lost about 10 lbs, and maybe it's tmi but oddly enough my urge to urinate frequently has decreased significantly and I'm starting to sleep better as well.

One major thing I'd also like to share is lately my body has been craving root vegetables like Radishes, Rutabaga and Parsnips (which when I do get the rare sugar craving I try to replace sugar with since both are sweet.) I suspect these cravings are my body craving starchy foods possibly to replace the sugar cut, not sure just a hypothesis.

But above all everything is great hopefully I will continue to loose weight I'm at 260 lbs now my goal is 240-220 by end of summer I know there will be a plateau but hopefully buy next year or year later get down to 185. I'll keep striving for this goal.

submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Act_6285
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Would it be safe to lose 1.5kgs a week?

So I’ve got exams coming up, and then after them I’ve got about a month till ‘prom.’ I weigh 73 kgs and would like to get down to about 65 for said prom. I’d rather not focus on weight loss leading up to exams because grades are my priority so while I do intend to eat less junk food and take more walks, most of my weight loss needs to happen in that month and a bit. (I’m 21f 166cm). While I do know that rapid weight loss is unsustainable in the long term, my goal is to lose it by prom, expect some weight gain, but then use the summer holidays to manage myself sustainably so sustainability isn’t much of a factor, I’m more so worried about safety. Thanks a bunch!

submitted by /u/Used-Violinist-6244
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

14 Healthy Brussels Sprouts Recipes We Know You’ll Love

Brussels sprouts are an excellent addition to any healthy eating regimen. According to Medical News Today, this cruciferous veggie is rich in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K and beta-carotene. When simply boiled or steamed, Brussels sprouts are known to have a relatively bitter flavor. However, when cooked right, they can be absolutely delicious. That’s why we’ve rounded up 14 of our best easy Brussels sprouts recipes. If you haven’t tried them any way but steamed or boiled, now is the time to try something new! They might just become your new favorite veggie.

Shopping Tips: When buying your Brussels sprouts, Medical News Today recommends finding sprouts that are still on the stalk. Smaller sprouts are more tender and sweeter than larger varieties. The leaves should be tight and firm.

1. Roasted Red Onion Brussels Sprouts

roasted brussels sprouts with red onions

Roasting is one of our favorite ways to cook Brussels sprouts because the resulting caramelization is what brings out their best flavor. We understand that the limp texture that results from boiling or steaming them is far from ideal! But roasting them with a little bit of salt and pepper—and some red onion in the case of this recipe—brings out a delicious flavor.

Get the Roasted Red Onion Brussels Sprouts recipe.

2. Fall Bruschetta

fall bruschetta

If you’re looking for a delicious-but-healthy appetizer to take to your next get-together—or to enjoy with your family—then this recipe has got you covered. It features a delicious spread made from ricotta cheese on toasted baguette slices. We top it off with a blend of seasoned onions, butternut squash, raisins and Brussels sprouts. It’s a balanced snack or meal for your Nutrisystem weight loss plan!

Get the Fall Bruschetta recipe.

3. Brussels Sprout Skewers with Mustard Marinade

grilled brussels sprout skewers with mustard marinade recipes

Here’s another great way to cook your Brussels sprouts that will help you get over your skepticism—on the grill! The chargrilled flavor alone is amazing but when paired with a simple mustard marinade, it’s truly out of this world! If you didn’t think you liked Brussels sprouts recipes before, be prepared to have your mind blown.

Get the Brussels Sprout Skewers recipe.

4. Savory Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Apple

Savory Brussels Sprouts with Apple

You’ll be amazed how well Brussels sprouts pair with apple in this mouthwatering recipe. Blended with some apple cider vinegar, olive oil and thyme, this is a dish that’s full of rich—and just the right amount of “sweet”—flavor. If you’re someone who has been skeptical about Brussels sprouts recipes in this past, this pairing might just win you over.

Get the Roasted Apple and Brussels Sprouts recipe.

5. Garlic Parmesan Veggie Foil Packet

garlic parmesan veggie foil packet. recipes with brussels sprouts

If you’ve tried veggie foil packets in the past, then you know how easy they are to make. Simply whip up some chopped veggies, add to your foil packet and pop it in the oven for a quick-and-easy meal. This recipe combines Brussels sprouts with baby potatoes and carrots—plus just the right seasoning and some grated parmesan—for a flavorful result.

Get the Garlic Parmesan Veggie Foil Packet recipe.

6. Autumn Chicken and Farro Casserole

autumn chicken and farro casserole

Nothing wins everyone over like a wholesome and healthy casserole. This one is packed with so much goodness, it’ll soon become a family favorite. This dish has a lengthy list of ingredients but trust us when we say, it comes together brilliantly. The flavors of foods like dried cherries, pecans, squash and Brussels sprouts may seem like an unusual combination. However, they each bring something special to the table. Plus, this meal has protein-packed chicken and fiber-rich farro, making it a powerhouse of good health.

Get the Autumn Chicken and Farro Casserole recipe.

7. One Pan Salmon, Brussels Sprouts and Squash

salmon recipe

Protein-packed salmon is already a great meal choice. But it’s made even better with the addition of Brussels sprouts and squash in this easy-to-make recipe. After all, nothing beats a one-pan dish. It means simple prep work and perhaps even better, simple clean-up!

Get the One Pan Salmon, Brussels Sprouts and Squash recipe.

8. Maple Roasted Acorn Squash with Brussels Sprouts and Bacon

maple roasted acorn squash with brussels sprouts and bacon recipes

Again, this dish shines thanks to the caramelization that takes place during roasting. Since this recipe also includes drizzled maple syrup and the addition of some acorn squash and bacon, it’s got a lot of different flavors that work remarkably well together. This is a roasted Brussels sprouts recipe that will fool your family or guests into thinking it’s been ordered from a restaurant.

Get the Maple Roasted Acorn Squash and Brussels Sprouts recipe.

9. Farro Roasted Vegetable Salad

farro roasted vegetable salad

Why not trade your typical lettuce-based salad in for this veggie and grain-packed option? In addition to Brussels sprouts, this recipe calls for other superfoods like beets, farro and carrots. It’s hearty and filling while also packing in lots of healthy nutrients and fiber.

Get the Farro Roasted Vegetable Salad recipe.

10. Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Mustard Glaze

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Mustard Glaze

In this recipe, a homemade balsamic mustard glaze really takes the Brussels sprouts to a whole new level of awesomeness. It’s the reason we’ve called this recipe, the best Brussels sprouts you’ve ever had! This is another great low-calorie but delicious meal to start with if you’re someone who has not liked this cruciferous veggie in the past. Cooked in our delicious glaze, it is sure to win you over.

Get the Balsamic Mustard Glazed Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipe.

11. Roasted Balsamic Fig and Brussel Sprouts

roasted balsamic fig and brussels sprouts recipes

If you’re looking for simple Brussels sprouts recipes with less than five ingredients, this one is a must-try! Brussels sprouts with balsamic fig is another fantastic pairing that is sure to electrify your taste buds. It’s a really simple recipe that has a complex taste—like something off of a restaurant menu. The fig adds just the right amount of sweetness to this dish, which is drizzled in balsamic vinegar to top it off.

Get the Roasted Balsamic Fig and Brussel Sprouts recipe.

12. Green Goddess Salad

green goddess salad

Gone are the days when a salad was just lettuce and some dressing. This salad starts with shredded Brussels sprouts and goes on to include kale, edamame, quinoa, almonds and parmesan cheese. All mixed with a Dijon dressing, it’s a truly mouthwatering dish that is sure to be a new favorite.

Get the Green Goddess Salad recipe.

13. 4-Step Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Bake

Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Bake

Here’s another recipe to win-over the Brussels sprouts nonbelievers. It pairs seasoned and baked Brussels sprouts with melted mozzarella for a decadent-tasting side that’s good for your waistline. The crispness of the Brussels sprouts combined with the creaminess of the cheese makes a duo that you’ll absolutely love.

Get the Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Bake recipe.

14. Crispy Baked Brussels Sprout Chips with Garlic Aioli

crispy brussels sprouts chips with garlic aioli recipes

Texture is everything and in this recipe, Brussels sprouts are roasted until crispy—like a chip—and served with an amazing homemade garlic aioli dip. It’s the perfect snack or appetizer to help fill you up in a healthy way! In fact, take them along to your next party for a healthy twist on a “chip and dip platter.” Your family and friends will be as shocked as you are and won’t be able to get enough of these crispy chips.

Get the Crispy Baked Brussels Sprout Chips recipe.

The post 14 Healthy Brussels Sprouts Recipes We Know You’ll Love appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I gained 3 lbs in one day and lost it all the next day. This is just a reminder that the scale does not dictate all of your progress.

Yesterday I experienced my first major weight fluctuation since I started my weight loss journey at the end of January. I was doing really well, getting tons of protein in, eating plenty of vegetables, staying under my calorie allowance for the day. Then BOOM, I gained 3 lbs in one day. It was the first time the scale had gone up instead of down for an entire month. This morning my weight was right back to where it was two days ago. So I lost and gained 3 lbs all in the span of two days.

It’s so easy to let scale numbers affect us emotionally, especially if you’ve struggled in the past with body image issues like I have. This is just a reminder that there are so many reasons your weight can go up overnight, including:

  • Eating something high in sodium
  • Eating something high in carbs
  • Stress
  • Bad sleep
  • Water retention
  • a hard workout

… and so many other reasons!

If you did not eat in a surplus of 3500 calories yesterday, then no, you did not gain a pound of fat overnight. This is why I think it’s so important to weigh yourself everyday so that you can get used to these fluctuations and take some emotion out of seeing these numbers. It also allows you to get a general trend of your body weight week after week, which is way more accurate than differences day after day.

There are also other markers you can use for progress, like measurements or progress pictures. You could also be gaining muscle and losing fat, which would lead to minimal or no changes on the scale, but a huge increase in for your progress!

Anyways, I hope everyone is taking care of their mental health during their weight loss journey. This is just a reminder that the scale is just a piece of plastic. It’s just data.

submitted by /u/WolverineNo2693
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateau - advice to stop snacking? Or any other advice?

F23 | 162cm | SW:94.6KG | CW: 76.5KG | GW >65KG

I’ve lost 18KG over the last 9 months. It’s been good!

But now, the weight loss is now starting to even out. I’m losing weight at about 0.2KG per week - so not quite a plateau but I think I’m waltzing into one.

The thing is, I think I’ve already achieved most of the “easy wins” - no liquid calories, protein at every meal, 5-7 portions of fruits and veggies a day. My dinner and lunch are about 400-500 cal each, my breakfast is 100-300 cal on a good day 500 cal on a bad day.

The only place I think I could be sabotaging myself is snacking too much - I eat low-cal snack (100 calories or less), and 2-3 (or something 4-5) times a day.

I’m not very active, but I’ve always heard that’s not really important for weight loss.

I lift weights 1-2 times a week and go on a 30 minute walk a day. That’s the extent of my exercise.

My only thoughts to promote more weight loss is: • Only eat fruit (100 cal) for breakfast • Reduce snacking or cut it out completely • Go on an extra 30 min walk a day.

Are there any other ways I could boost my weight loss?

Does anyone have any advice on how to reduce my snacking?

submitted by /u/StarAndLuna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I'm 18(F) and 255lbs. I'm looking for a weight loss buddy or group

Hey everyone. I'm looking for a weight loss buddy or even a small group to keep each other accountable. You have to be serious about wanting change in your life tho. A little bit about me tho, I've been heavy almost my whole life. Being tall has helped me from looking "big" but at 255lbs I don't wanna live like this anymore. My heaviest was 263lbs but I've been consistently tracking and have gotten down to 255. My goal weight right now is 200lbs and then I'll assess from there. I struggle with binge eating when I'm stressed so if anyone has any tips for that I would be more than grateful. Hopefully I can find some like minded people who are interested in forming a group. Once we've formed we can set some ground rules to keep us all accountable!

submitted by /u/Trick_Leek9428
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After weight loss especially strangers of the opposite sex started to smile and I'm not sure how to handle it?

I know it sounds like some stupid humble brag but it really isn't.

Strangers NEVER smiled at me before! Especially not the opposite sex (women in my case).

My brain has been trained to think that when those extremely rare moments happen, and a woman does that she's: 1) Joking. 2) Need a favor. 3) Or would look disgusted if I were to reciprocate in any way.

Are you supposed to smile back? Say something? Look neutral? Look away?

How do you get over the fear and confusion after alot of negative experiences?

PS: I should add this happens often in the middle of the day as well. Not necessarily in a Club/bar scene if that matters.

submitted by /u/ja3548264926
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much weight loss is needed to result in skin sagging, even if it’s very slight?

I (28F) thought this was just a sign of aging at first, but now I’m wondering if it could possibly be due to weight loss. I don’t have crepey skin or wrinkles anywhere else on my body or face, but the inside of my elbows get crepey when I hold them at certain angles. It’s been this way for over a year and it’s getting more noticeable to the point that I want to start working out my arms to build muscle in hopes it will help. I know as we age some women will notice this around their neck, but I do not have this yet and I’m also not even 30 and otherwise aging well. I find it so odd that it’s just this single location.

I did lose about 35 pounds in recent years but 1) I’m 5’9 so for my height I don’t think it is drastic and 2) it was over the course of about four years so it wasn’t sudden. Is this enough to cause sagging skin? I am also about 120 lbs so it could just be because I’m thin? I would be very discouraged to find that this is just premature aging.

submitted by /u/FeistyGroundhog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, February 26, 2024

What to do next in a weight loss plateau?

Hi everyone, stuck in a plateau and would love some advice!

I’ve been trying to lose weight since September, literally only a small amount (3 kg or so). I’ve basically managed to get nowhere as my weight has fluctuated between 67-68kg the whole time.

My TDEE (moderately active) is around 2200 according to the calculator but I’ve been eating around 1750 and not losing. Exercise wise, I do 3 strength sessions per week, 2 x cardio and 10,000 steps per day.

I even tried two weeks eating at 1500 and nothing. I’m at the point where I’m tired of it, so much advice out there says “you must not be in a deficit” but I do not want to drop my calories any lower and want to be able to enjoy life still!

I would still like to lose some fat and tone up but I’m thinking of taking a break for a month and trying again. Do you think this is a good idea - and should I be reversing gradually towards my TDEE or doing one big jump?

submitted by /u/SpeakerAvailable6867
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I gave my scale to my mom because I’m obsessing about it

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of Feb. I haven’t been counting calories but I pay attention to nutrition labels and my hunger cues + some 16:8 IF.

I’m 6 pounds down but I literally weigh myself 3 times a day. I can’t help but obsess over the fluctuations. And I’m so so hard on myself! I gave the scale to my mom because I want to start weighing myself every week instead

Does anyone else have an obsession with the scale? I see the changes in the mirror but for some reason my scale hates me and I hate it too

submitted by /u/jenna_beterson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, February 25, 2024

What can I do?

So I have lost almost 100 pounds since October of 22. Since January of 23 weight loss has been my whole life essentially. I still weigh 428 pounds so I have a lot more to lose. The problem is that I am so burnt out from doing this for so long that I am having trouble keeping my calories where they need to be. I'm emotionally eating because even thinking about counting calories and trying to eat healthy is making me so stressed and anxious. I don't know what to do. I tried taking a break for a week but that didn't really help either because when I don't count my calories or eat healthy I feel like a failure. I think a major part of it is that even though I know I have lost weight because I went down a pant size, I still can't see it. I still feel like I am 522 pounds like I was when I first started. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to find a therapist to talk to but it's slow going and I have emailed my dietitian but it's a crapshoot on whether or not she will actually get back to me and my next appointment isn't until April I don't know what to do anymore. I want to lose weight but I am just so tired.

submitted by /u/Human-Blueberry6244
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

shocked at actual weight loss

so i’ve been losing weight for a while now and it just hit me yesterday how much weight i’ve actually lost.

i was grocery shopping last night, and had a massive haul to bring home. i use an ikea bag which can be difficult to carry so it was slung over my shoulder. i kept having to take breaks to hike the bag back up and even just put it down for a second to give my back a break. i was calling my mom during this and complaining how heavy my bag was so she told me to weigh it when i got home for her reference.

when i stood on the scale with it it showed 74kg. i weighed myself after to subtract it from the bag weight and it was around 59kg. (normally i refuse to weigh myself at night cause food, water, and just daily bloat weight can discourage me)

anyways i didn’t think twice about this and just called my mom back to tell her that the bag was just over 15kg. she was surprised and commented on how that’s pretty much the same amount i’ve lost so far.

i was shocked to think of it like that but she was right. the number i saw on the scale while holding the bag was almost how much i weighed half a year ago.

i had just been complaining about how awful it was to carry around and how heavy it is. it’s crazy that i used to do that 24/7. its just so much easier to move and be active now.

i lost a grocery bag worth of weight and i’m so happy about it.

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Fun_7074
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anybody else had a slow weight loss to start?

Basic info: 5’6” SW: 250 CW: 243 GW: 150

Pretty much what the title says. I have 100 pounds to lose and consistently see posts about how quickly people lose weight in the beginning. From the sounds of it, some people seem to have the weight falling off them with the reduction in calories.

I’ve only lost 6-7 pound weight loss in about 8 weeks and I feel like I’m giving it all I’ve got. Monday-Thursday my LoseIt app has me eating just over 1,500 calories, and Friday-Sunday it gives me just over 1,800.

I was a heavy drinker and completely cut out alcohol at the beginning of the year (which is where the bulk of my weight gain came from). I have been eating within the recommended calorie count, and I also started incorporating exercise and do at least one Peloton cardio class a day.

Maybe I’m naive in thinking the weight should be “falling” off me as well, but it seems like it’s not even budging.

Has anybody else experienced this?

submitted by /u/Putrid_Breakfast652
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I need motivation for Weight Loss

Hi! I'm 29 and 5'1. I've always weighed between 115-122 from being a teenager to about 26 years old. I started taking sertraline and being less active. And I now weigh 142lbs. I have had a baby in the last year but started gaining weight around the time I started taking sertraline. For a few weeks I have been eating less and trying to count calories, and attending fitness classes at a rec center. I really struggle with logging everything I'm eating, and I keep fluctuating between 143 and 142 lbs. It's frustrating! So for the last two days I've started intermittent fasting. I stop eating at 7pm and start at 11pm. I'm hoping this will help me lose weight! I guess I'm just asking for support mostly and some advice!

submitted by /u/Cheetos4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, February 23, 2024

Strange NSV, but very proud of it!

I’ve always LOVED riding the stationary bike. It’s my favorite form of cardio. These last few years I put on some weight, and have only recently fallen back in love with fitness/nutrition again. I’ve never stopped working out or “dieting”, but haven’t been focused or driven like I am now.

Well, I bought myself a stationary bike for my home gym, and have been riding 45-60 minutes a day. The other day I rode for 90 minutes, and did a full 26 miles.

I’m losing weight slowly, but the last few days the scale has been stuck so I’ve felt a little defeated.

So, I just finished my 50 minute ride, and noticed something I haven’t noticed before. Although my weight loss has slowed, I’m noticing more loose skin moving during my bike ride than I did a few weeks ago, if that makes sense? Before when I first started, the fat in my belly region was basically just a “lump”, but now there is quite a bit more movement in my belly area which is where I store all of my weight.

I don’t know if that even makes sense, but I think I’m definitely dropping weight even though the scale hasn’t moved much just by the way my skin moves when I ride the bike now.

submitted by /u/Mando_0164
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

8 Chia Seed Pudding Recipes

Chia seeds used to be known only for growing green “hair” on kitschy figurines. But today, they’re a valuable resource for people who want to eat healthy and lose weight. The tiny seeds pack a big punch of nutrition, and they’re also a handy ingredient for making creamy, rich and healthy chia seed pudding recipes.

Two tablespoons of chia seeds have just 140 calories, but they come with a whopping 11 grams of fiber and seven grams of healthy fats. They also give you four grams of protein. It is complete protein, meaning the seeds provide you with all nine of the essential amino acids that your body can’t make.

The oil in chia seeds is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower unhealthy cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and protect your cardiovascular health, according to a report from Harvard University School of Public Health. Chia seeds also are high in soluble fiber, which slows down your digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes after eating.

Chia seeds may play an even more direct role in weight loss. A group of overweight people consumed chia seeds for 12 weeks as part of a study conducted in Spain. The participants had a “significant but discrete reduction in weight and waist circumference,” says a report in the journal Nutricion Hospitalaria.

The fiber in chia seeds includes mucilage, a sticky substance. When mixed into liquid, chia seeds rapidly absorb up to 10 times their weight. The mucilage turns the absorbed liquid into a gelatin. Soaking chia seeds in milk for a few hours or more yields a creamy pudding with a texture like tapioca. Add your choice of flavorings, like fresh fruit or chocolate, to make a healthy breakfast or snack that satisfies your taste buds and your appetite.

Chia seed pudding recipes are so easy to meal prep and to adapt to your personal preferences. To help inspire you to make your own, we’ve gathered our favorite recipes, including a few that are turbo-charged with protein for the times when you really need extra energy. Because these chia seed recipes are so versatile, you can feel free to adjust the pudding ingredients using the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide!

1. Mocha Chia Seed Protein Pudding

Mocha Chia Seed Protein Pudding

The bittersweet combination of chocolate and coffee always seems to taste so decadent. For this pudding, we use Nutrisystem Chocolate Shake Mix, so it’s loaded with protein and real chocolaty flavor. Espresso powder heightens the taste without adding more calories.

Get the Mocha Chia Seed Protein Pudding recipe.

2. Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

Naturally sweet mango gives your pudding a tropical flair and a potent dose of nutrients. For this super easy chia seed pudding recipe, you use coconut milk in the base and layer it on top of coconut-flavored Greek yogurt for even more creaminess. Chunks of mango and shredded coconut complete the dish.

Get the Mango Coconut Chia Pudding recipe.

3. Apple Pie Chia Pudding

apple chia pudding

This balanced snack features fresh apples that are seasoned with cinnamon, then softened and sweetened with heat. They’re the topping in a bowl or mason jar that includes applesauce and chia seed pudding flavored with vanilla and maple syrup. Sprinkle on a few chopped walnuts and you have a crustless pie that you can enjoy anytime.

Get the Apple Pie Chia Pudding recipe.

4. Mint Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Cups

Mint Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Cups

Mint and chocolate bring out the best in each other, so we make this pudding with cool mint extract, along with matcha tea powder for brilliant green color and healthy antioxidants. It’s layered onto a blend of mashed banana, almond milk (feel free to swap in cashew milk) and cocoa powder for a dairy free treat. A garnish of fresh mint leaves is the flavorful finishing touch. We’re a big fan of this treat for St. Patrick’s Day and it’s one of our favorite chia seed recipes.

Get the Mint Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding recipe.

5. Overnight Watermelon Chia Seed Pudding

Overnight Watermelon Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seeds perform their magic of turning liquid into gelatin in a few hours, but you get even better results when you let it sit overnight. For this colorful and sweet snack, you mix watermelon, yogurt, lemon and stevia with the chia seeds. Come back the next morning and the pudding will be firm and ready to top with more Greek yogurt, fresh fruit and granola.

Get the Overnight Watermelon Chia Seed Pudding recipe.

6. Mango Vanilla Chia Pudding

mango Chia seed pudding

Nutrisystem Vanilla Shake Mix  starts off this pudding with lots of protein and a lightly sweet flavor. Blend it with nonfat milk, mango chunks and chia seeds for a sunny and satisfying breakfast that will fuel your day.

Get the Mango Vanilla Chia Pudding recipe.

7. Chocolate Chia Seed Protein Pudding

Chocolate Chia Seed Protein Pudding

Pomegranate seeds are another nutritional powerhouse in a small package. They’re sweet, juicy and loaded with vitamin C. We like to use them as a layer in this pudding made with Nutrisystem Chocolate Shake Mix, a great source of protein. Put it all in a mason jar and you can bring it wherever your day takes you.

Get the Chocolate Chia Seed Protein Pudding recipe.

8. Vanilla Chai Chia Pudding

Vanilla Chai Chia Pudding

Chai is a warm drink made with black tea, milk and fragrant spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and cloves. We use those seasonings to flavor this pudding, made with skim milk, vanilla extract and nonfat Greek yogurt. Just one serving of this pudding provides you with nearly 24 grams of lean protein!

Get the Vanilla Chai Chia Pudding recipe.

The post 8 Chia Seed Pudding Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Thursday, February 22, 2024

I have surprised myself..

31 M, 173cm(5'8") OW: 105kg(231lbs) CW: 95kg(209lbs) GW: 75kg(165lbs) I never looked "fat", I am actually a big guy, broad shoulders and big structure.

January 7th had an appointment to get a flu shot when my doctor had me take a blood pressure test because I have high blood pressure for a year or two. Doc wanted me to start taking blood pressure pills and even told me that because of my weight and BMI I can get weight loss drugs if I wanted to. I refused both of these, did not want to start taking pills that early and did not want to start inserting drugs into my body... Since then I have changed my whole diet, stopped with the huge amount of sugar, fat, takeouts and fried food. Started daily excesrise of 1 hour of cardio on an indoor bike and 30 minutes of weight lifting. And the biggest change for me - I stopped smoking entirely, no cigs, no hookah, no vaping and I've been smoking since I was 17. The amount of energy I have and the way I feel now is amazing! Journey is obviously not over but have been enjoying the change on my body, actually started seeings muscles and losing fat.

That's it! wanted to share my journey so far here! Defentiely surprised myself with the amount of change I made in my life. I have been lurking for a while and seeing everyone's journey here was giving me motivation :)

submitted by /u/MrBrokenNose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

non-scale victory: i threw away my scale lol

first post here! i’ve been lurking for a few weeks, but i really wanted to share this.

some context: I (20F) have been obese basically my entire life. I’ve had one sort-of successful weight loss attempt before quarantine, during which I went from 200 lbsto 171 lbs (I was around 5’4”). I then gained 90 lbs over the next three years due to binge eating brought on by depression; this put me at my highest weight of 260 (at 5’5.5”) as of January 1st of this year. I’ve had many unsuccessful attempts at losing weight during this time. I have a bad habit of weighing myself too often, anywhere from once a day to multiple times a day. I also have a bad habit of quitting a weight loss attempt if my weight stagnates or increases too often for my liking. I’ll then quit for a few months until I attempt to lose weight again and inevitably sabotage myself in the same way a few weeks in.

I’ve switched to a new gym as of Feb 3rd, and I’ve gotten a trainer for the first time. I weighed in at 259 during my consultation. It’s been 3 weeks, and I’m really enjoying myself. My trainer is awesome, and the workouts are challenging, but fun. I’ve also looked up some meal prep recipes to help hit my calorie and macro goals (StealthHealthLife is a GODSEND), and I’ve been sticking to cooking as opposed to eating out. I’ve also been sleeping at least 7 hours per night, drinking more water (currently at half a gallon per day on average and am working up to one gallon), and making sure to take my meds everyday. Go, me! :) I’ve noticed some changes. My skin is much more glowy (haven’t changed my skincare routine much at all since I started), my clothes fit me just a bit better, my energy has increased, and my mood is a lot better.

Fast forward to this morning. I decided to weigh myself while i was getting ready for work. The scale read 258.6. Half a pound down, and less than what I was expecting and what I wanted. I can’t lie, I was pretty disappointed. Now, the me from before would have probably gotten discouraged and consoled herself with some takeout as a “treat” before slowly, but surely fizzling out entirely and having to start from square one. This time was different, though. Something inside of me just wasn’t having it.

I looked at the scale, then at myself in the mirror, and decided this cycle stops repeating now. I did what I should have done almost 4 years ago- I dumped my scale in the garbage bin outside my house before I got in my car to head to work. I felt so much lighter and more free than I ever had during a weight loss journey. I’m so glad I did it. I’m committing to enjoying the journey as much as the destination from here on out. :)

Thanks for reading all this if you got this far. I’ll keep you guys updated! ;)

submitted by /u/PharieGodMother
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight and I don’t like how I look now

For context, I’ve been overweight most of my life but especially in adulthood. I’m 5’4” and haven’t been below 200lbs in about 4 years. My weight has fluctuated between 200-206 for the most part over the last few years, with a few points of hitting 210+.

I found out I was pregnant with my first in November of 2022 and by the time I delivered my baby, I weighed 236lbs. I dropped back down to 206 by my 5 week postpartum checkup, then shot back up to 220 by mid November 2023. I’ve been working my butt off to get back down to where I started, and then to get to an even lower weight. My current goal is 180lbs but long term, I would love to get down to 160 or lower.

I’m now down to 192.2 as of today which I’m very proud of and I’m still working to hit my goal of 180. But the drastic changes in weight have left me almost feeling worse than before about how I look. My skin is sagging on my belly, my boobs are completely deflated, my jawline is in a weird space of “not quite fat but definitely not defined.” I don’t recognize myself anymore in both a really good way and a really bad way. I love how I look in clothes, but naked or in a swimsuit is definitely not good in my opinion.

It’s so discouraging to have made so much progress on the scale and even losing a few pant sizes, but to still not like what I see in the mirror. I’m worried that the more weight I lose, the more I’ll hate what I see. I know the weight loss is so good for my physical health, and I know that this is necessary if I want to be around to watch my son grow up, to continue to grow my family, and to be able to grow old with my husband.

I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else hated what they saw in the middle of their weight loss journey but ended up at least mostly liking what they saw in the mirror once they hit their goal.

It feels silly to complain about this since it’s all cosmetic, but I’m hoping at least one person understands what I’m going through and can offer some insight or encouragement. I’ll gladly take poor body image over the health problems that my weight has caused over the years. It would just be nice to potentially like what I look like naked down the line.

submitted by /u/pickingdaisies97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So i managed to drop 50 pounds in just 6 months

Hi i (20f) wanted to just share my progress and how much ive improved recently with my weight loss journey,excuse my horrendous english cuz im not a native speaker

So i started off at 5'9" 180-ish lbs (175 cm 82 kg),yeah thats only slightly overweight but the excess weight felt like a burden on my body and made me lack energy,plus it gave me a very unaesthetic protruding gut lol. Before the 'fat is beautiful and perfect' types pour in,there were exactly ZERO benefits for me from being overweight,I just felt lethargic and sluggish (and looked like a slob) all the time.

I gained all this weight during quarantine i believe (all the snacking and lounging around for several years lol) and it sort of just stayed on

So I decided I wanted to lose all the excess weight. Admittedly it was kinda affected by wanting to physically look better to a degree,i know most people denounce losing weight for aesthetic purposes,but like I said:having a gut wasnt a good look lol. However i genuinely did want to improve my health and energy and thought dropping significant weight would help with my situation. So i decided to start trying to find ways to speed up my weight loss effectively.

Ive been on a calorie deficit for the past half a year,it was a little hard in the beginning but i knew it was worth it long term,so I kept going and tried hard to maintain. Simple:calories in < calories out,although to be fair there were barely any getting 'in' in the first place lol. In general,I focused on counting calories cautiously (wow accidental alliteration lol...and again) and occasionally did some mild cardio exercise,i.e. things like running or cycling just for good measure in case diet isnt enough to speed up the weight loss.

All in all ive been patient these past few months and am happy to say ive managed to drop down to an unrecognizable 130 lbs (around 59 kg in metric),when I look at my entire body literally everything is just so much smaller its incredible. It fixed my self esteem and now the only thing left to do is try and maintain this weight for as long as possible so i dont end up stuck in a rut like i was for the past 4 years.

Hope this isnt considered braggadocious,it really wasnt my intention if so,i just felt like sharing my improvement with people who i assume relate and have had similar issues. Im awkward at ending posts so uh...any additional advice i guess? Would appreciate,thx.

submitted by /u/Fair_Bonus6757
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

How to stay motivated on the weight loss journey? Has anyone seen an improvement in fertility after weight loss?

I’m 38F 191 pounds and 5’2. I’ve been trying to lose weight from a long time but always end up losing momentum. What are some things you do to be on track? Any tips on how to stay motivated?

I was recently diagnosed with pre diabetes, have high cholesterol and I’ve faced multiple miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy. My goal is to lose weight and improve IVF outcomes.

My plan is to count calories, increase protein intake, reduce carbs and increase fiber. I’ve also joined a fitness centre where I’ll take HIIT classes 3 days a week and swim for 1 hour each for 2 days a week. Anything else that you can suggest I do which might be helpful? I’m really desperate to lose weight.

I’d be grateful to hear about any experiences or tips for me. Thank you for reading my post.

submitted by /u/HolidayLettuce9984
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from loseit - Lose the Fat