Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Getting back on the weight loss train

Huge warning for brief mentions of eating disorders ahead, but this is a positive post I swear.

I've been fat all my life and I've gone to a fair few drastic measures to change that. If I'm honest, each time I've tried to lose weight in the past it's lead to my eating disorder coming back due to obsessive calorie counting.

But this time it's different. I'm different. I'm in a better place mentally than I ever have been before, I work out every so often (I'm hoping to do more, but hey) and my partner is amazingly supportive and we share everything with each other. I was talking to him about this recently and he said he'd be willing to check in on me every so often to make sure I'm not going overboard again.

I'm finally willing to take the plunge and actively attempt dieting again. Safely. Wish me luck, reddit!

submitted by /u/Princett
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2IQ8glQ

Why do our loved ones sabotage our weight loss?

Do they do it intentionally? It seems like every time I’ve told someone close to me about a step I’m making or a plan I’m excited to try, their behavior changes towards me and my eating habits. People will bring me a treat, encourage me to “live a little” or consistently make bad choices around me.

I know that only I am responsible for my actions. It just feels strange that people who love me and care about my health seem to react negatively when I actually start losing. An ex-boyfriend who was encouraging me to lose had the opposite reaction after a little while. A friend tried to convince me to go to McDonald’s four times after I said I wanted to cut down on fast food. Etc.

I know that these people love me but their actions and messages, whether intentional or not, are confusing. Has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/TurtleTrys
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TAWCzi

I Have a Very Strange Problem

My family has never been skinny. In the past, we've had atrocious eating habits. They're improving now as we're all trying to get better and drop some weight. My parents go to the gym, and I'm counting calories.

My mom has always said that my dad tries to sabotage her when she loses weight. He'd bring her ice cream or sweets, make extremely calorie-heavy meals, and things like that (he does most of the cooking). She says he has a control issues. Without going into detail, my dad has had some issues in the past. Growing up, things were rough because of him, but things have smoothed out now.

I always thought it was my mom being paranoid, because she can be very distrusting of others, but... now that I'm making progress myself, I'm afraid that I'm actually starting to see it.

I've been talking to both of my parents about my weight loss lately. Since late October, I've lost almost 50lbs. You can see it in my face, my clothes sizes, etc. Last night, my dad came home from with store with fries, chicken nuggets, frozen White Castle burgers, gluten-free muffin mix, gluten-free pancake mix, and those chocolate turtle things. He made a heavy breakfast that morning: eggs, sausage, lot of cheese. My parents are at my sister's place for the weekly family meal, and he's making breakfast for dinner with eggs+cheese, pancakes, bacon, and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. Most of the time, meals consist of lean meat, vegetables, whole grain breads and pasta.

I want to believe that it's a one-off cheat meal type thing, but this has happened repeatedly over the years. I've seen it again and again.

I honestly don't know how to deal with this. I haven't always had the greatest will power, and I know it ultimately comes down to that. Unfortunately, it's not that easy.

What are some ways you guys would deal/have dealt with this? Something you repeat to yourself to prevent yourself from giving in, trying to hide the food, whatever it is. Anything at all.

I've done well lately, and I don't want to fall into the same pattern of weight yo-yoing that my mom has over the years.

I don't even know if this is the right place to post this, but I figured someone may have experienced this before. Or will at least have some advice. I can feel the tension between my parents, and it sucks.

submitted by /u/KleinVogeltje
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VDJXsO

I'm not sure what calories I should be taking

I'm 19 F about 5'4 and 18 stone

I know I'm heavy and I'm currently working out twice a week, I'd like to start calorie counting but don't know how If I work out do those calories cab el out and I can actually eat more? How do you get around being hungry? I eat a lot of carbs and am only able to stomach whole grain because of IBS issues but they're filling yknow? I feel like I have to eat ten times the amount of fruit to feel as full as I do by eating a sandwich Is it good to get a chicken and cheese sandwich as normal but add lettuce to spice it up or is that still cheating? How do I decide how many calories to eat? I've seen 1200 I've seen 1600 but I don't know what will guarantee the weight loss and not make me feel like I'm starving myself

submitted by /u/yeahchickenshed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2NLAi0H

The attitude, it's a changin'

TLDR; Bought some new clothes, was shocked by the difference. I guess I pull a REALLY weird face when trying to sneak selfies from the bathroom at work

Also renewed my license today, so bonus face progress.

I went clothes shopping yesterday. This is normally a pretty crappy event for me. I've been in denial most of my adult life about my body. Not that I wasn't fat, but that it wasn't all fat. I'm big, but not THAT big. But you can't be in denial when you're shopping for clothes, and I never wanted to go to the fat guy stores. That would be just flat out admitting it, and somehow that was worse? Anyway, clothes shopping always sucked because it was a constant exercise in futility. Go to a regular store that may only have 5-6 items large enough for me, and hope I like them.

This weekend changed my clothes shopping world forever. I'm still fat, don't get me wrong. 230 lbs is not small, and I still think I have about 50 lbs to go. But it's small enough to wear 2X shirts and 36" pants. I walked into the store, skeptical as I've ever been. Went to the men's section, not the "big & tall" section, and started browsing. I saw a few shirt styles I liked, and grabbed the 2X. Looked at them, looked at the changing room, and took a deep breath.

The shirts FELT small. Looking at the them in the room, the width of the shirt and shoulders, I'm just thinking "No way". They're way too narrow. Even if I get it over my shoulders and arms and chest, that tractor tire of a gut is just going to push the sides out. And then the usual will happen. That pit of disappointment in my stomach will start. The self loathing will follow. This was such a stupid idea. I go to put the shirt on, ready to push out with my arms to widen it like I'm used to doing, and I realize it's not narrow. It's going up and over my head & shoulders and down my arms without any extra pulling or stretching. I raise my eyes to the mirror and just stare. I like how this looks on me. What the heck? I gave myself a high five in the dressing room and almost let out a hell yeah.

I feel like this is going to happen. I honestly can't remember the last time I looked at myself in the mirror and could say I was even moderately OK with the reflection looking back. And that's almost as huge as the 130 lbs I've lost so far. It doesn't feel like work, and each week I'm starting to find the person I've always thought was hiding in there. It feels like I'm living the life of a 180 lb active person, and it's just going to take my body a few more months to get there. I'm starting to lose the anxiety of a camera being pointed at me, or even when people would focus their attention on me. I've been pretty private with my weight loss, but the last month has been filled with little realizations and attitude changes like this, and I feel I need to share so I don't just annoy everyone around me with talks of progress and optimism. I don't know if I'll ever feel good looking or handsome, but I'm starting to feel OK with myself. Not content, and not finished by any means; but I can see the finish line, and I'm starting to like the person looking back at me these days.

submitted by /u/thecruznation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TibuDx

Weight Loss Going Backwards! >:[

Hi LoseIt.

Firstly, thanks so much to all you lovely people who post in here offering advice and sharing your stories, it's amazing to know that I'm not alone while I struggle with some of this stuff.

Some background about me- 27 F, 163cm. I've lost 53 KG (116 pounds) over the last 18 months by exercising and eating well however my weight loss has now turned to weight gain and I am perplexed.

I think I might not be eating enough calories and my body has now started hoarding them, but I'm honestly completely lost and would love some help or guidance (or even just a kind word at the moment). I feel completely frustrated and down.

I eat approximately 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, I do personal training (weights) twice a week, as well as four other days of cardio/strength training. My day job however is very sedentary.

Happy to provide any other information that can help

Thank you

submitted by /u/ServiceDeskSheDevil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Hf1aF7

Counselor recommended Wellbutrin. I’m conflicted.

Long story short: morbidly obese, have some mental health issues related to food. I quit smoking 5 years ago with help of Wellbutrin, but have gained weight since then, with fortnight-long bouts of mixed success re: weight loss (only to have it come right back and then some). Started seeing a counselor about what I can only call a food addiction (I’ve been to OA and all meetings are during business hours). I saw this counselor years before and she is aware of my health history and quitting smoking.

This counselor recommended I talk to my doctor about being subscribed Wellbutrin for some support in what is the beginning stage of a very serious effort of weight loss and healthier food choices.

Has anyone had Wellbutrin prescribed to them related to or for weight loss? I’m skeptical but I am not sure why. Seems like some sort of admission of failure....

EDIT: minor typo that drove me nuts.

submitted by /u/thecondorsleeps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UkKVdf